The End of the Press Tour

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Today is the last day in New York and is the end of the press release tour as I have to go back to Georgia to start filming Infinity War. I woke up in Harrison's arms again and it was a nice feeling, the warmth of his embrace giving me the impulse to kiss his chest and wake him up. 

"Why are you waking me up? We don't have to be up for another three hours!"

"I know but I really wanted to go and get some breakfast just the two of us."

"Okay go and take a shower and I will work on getting up."

With his cue I get up and walk into the bathroom taking off what remains of the clothes from last night and turning on the water to be room temperature. While I wait I look at myself in the mirror and think about how happy Harrison makes me, but also how cute that Matthew boy was yesterday. I snapped out of the thought and and checked the temperature of the water again.

Once I felt that it was hot enough, I climbed into the shower and started to wet my hair in practically slow motion as I listen to was is happening outside of the bathroom. When I hear that there is some muffled talking on the other side of the wall I started to get worried. What was Harrison doing? Who is he talking to on the phone?

I start to pick up the pace in the shower as to get out of it faster to find out what is going on with Harrison. As I am just about done with my hair I hear the door open and close with no word from Harrison as to what he is doing. I quickly finish in the bathroom and hop out of the shower wrap my towel around my lower body and open the door to the outside to see if Harrison is still in the room and if so, what he is doing.

When I realize that he is not in the room I start to worry but duck back into the bathroom put some product in my hair and dry it out make it look good for Harrison and my little date when the door open and closes again. I put on the underwear that I had brought in with me and walk out to find Harrison and see what he was doing. 

"I got you some tea before our little date, my love!" Harrison says as I turn the corner.

My expression starts to lighten and I see that my boyfriend was just being really nice and told me to wait outside while he take his shower so that we could head out to breakfast.

I sit down in bed with nothing but underwear on and drink the tea that he so graciously got me. I turn on the tv to the news where there is a picture of me with the headline saying "Another gay actor? What does it mean for the Spider-man role?" So I switched the channel to a movie that I recognized.It wasn't until I read the title, 'The Impossible', that I realized that it was one of my movies. I decided to sit and watch it for a little bit. It was a nice breath to see something that I had done when I was younger and when there weren't so many issues that kept me from performing to my best abilities. 

I sat and watched and lot track of time, Harrison came out fully dressed and asked me why I was not ready to go yet. I quickly hopped out of the bed and threw on the clothes that I layed out for this. I was hoping to sport a look that Harrison would like and he did the same with something that I liked. We saw that we were ready to go and we grabbed out wallets and phones and took off out of the room.

On the way down the elevator we ran into some fans that were staying in the hotel at the same time. They were nice and did not try to kill us. We talked for a little bit and came to find out that one of them was in New York with their ballet studio to see the New York Ballet Company in their rendition of Romeo and Juliet. And this led to one of them saying that they had also been part of a huge release but they could not talk about because it was still in the works with Sony.

"Oh well maybe we will get to meet again?" I said to them.

"Yeah that is a possibility, we will be around working with them so."

Tom Holland x Harrison Osterfield // Torrison // Not Finished // FluffWhere stories live. Discover now