Meeting the Fans Pt. 2

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Harrison and I pile out of our room together and start to make our way to the elevators with Jacob and Zendaya trailing close behind us whispering. They stop and Zendaya giggles a little bit. We press the down button and wait for the doors to open. It take a little bit but the doors finally open with no one inside to greet us. We pile in and press the button to go down to the lobby. We wait out the, expecting the worse for when we walk out. We walk out to fine the lobby barren and empty of fans. We walk out of the building and hale a cab. We take it to the nearest subway stop and take it up to Times Square. Once in Times Square we talk out of the station and onto the streets. Harrison and I are wearing hoods so that we were not seen in the subway. We take them off and I grab his left and and intertwine our fingers. I pull him closer to me and kiss the back of his hand putting my left hand on his bicep and we continue to walk through the street heading to our first destination, Starbucks!
"Hello what can I g-g-get" the barista says looking up at us. "Tom Holland and Harrison? Oh my god!" She freaks out
The barista is this girl, around her 20's and she has purple hair pulled over to the right. She is wearing makeup, blue eyeshadow and eyeliner wings. She has a nose piercing and some studs in her ears. He hazel brown eyes twinkle in the light and lit up when she saw us standing in front of her.
"Yeah that's us!" I enthusiastically reply to her.
"Oh my god I am bi and I have felt alone for ever while working here because all the girl think I am crushing on them. Hearing you come out gave me the confidence to ask to my crush!" The girl says pointing to a girl making coffee. She has short brown hair parted to the fight and she too has a nose piercing and some really pretty earrings. She is wearing a nice red lipstick  and she turns and smiles at the girl talking to us.
"She said yes when I asked her out. Olive come hear honey!" She yells as Olive walks over.
"What is it dearest?" She says looking at the barista serving us. She looks at us and her jaw drops. "Oh my god!"
"Sorry I still haven't said my name, I am Crystal." She says looking at us again.
"Hi! I am glad that us coming out was able to make this relationship happen! You guys are really cute together!" Olive is still staring at us like we had done something wrong. "I am also glad that there are people that are okay with us having come out."
"Hun what's wrong?" Crystal says looking at Olive as a tear rolls down her cheek.
"Tom is my role model. I never thought I would meet him let alone serve him! I just need a minute. A minute to process what is going on right now." She says.
"Okay. Sorry if this is disrupting anything." I say.
"No you are fine I just never thought I would meet the only reason I am alive today!" She says pulling up her sleeve to show white marks up and down her wrists.
"Oh!" I say with a surprised face. "Thank you for saying that! Here you go!" I say as I write my phone number on a napkin and give it to her.
Her face goes bright red as she puts it in her pocket and mouthed thank you to me. She walks back to her spot after pecking Crystal on the cheek.
"So what can I get ya'll?"
"I would like a grande Earl Grey with soy milk." I say
"Same here!" Hazza says.
"Okay those will be right out! Have a nice day!"
"Thanks you too!"
Haz and I walk to the end of the line where there is a kid waiting for his coffee. I look at him, he looks to be about 19. He is good looking too. He has brown hair with highlights in, he is wearing a pair of really cute nerdy glasses. He is wearing a pair of really skinny black jeans a white shirt what says color guard on it and a black jean jacket. He is looking at his phone wen he feels my eyes on him. He looks up at me. I see his blue green eyes with a touch of yellow around his pupils. His skin is really clear. His jawline is magnificent and his lips are a light pink and full. Overall he looke really feminine. He has that gay twinkle in his eyes and I instantly knew that he is gay. He looks at me and looks me in the eye. He suddenly get al chipper and walks up to me and puts his hand out. I let go of Harrison and hug him instead. I am able to tell that he has abs from hugging him and he has strong shoulders. He wraps his arms down forwards my waist. He holds me there for a second then lets go.
"Hey Tom! I'm Matthew Richardson!" He says to me through a smile that is adorable.
"Hey Matthew!" I say and I lean in a little closer so Harrison can't hear what I am about to say. "God damn boy you are cute!" I pull back and see him blushing.
His eyes dart to the ground as he lifts his hand up and behind his neck and he bites his lip. His shirt had pulled up a little to reveal his American Eagle underwear waistband.
"Thanks!" He says in a super feminine tone. "But you have a boyfriend!" He says to me look at me and smiling.
"Yeah I know. We agreed we could still look at other guys just as long as nothing happened." I said looking him in the eye.
"Well okay then!" He says pulling out a buisness card from his jacket pocket and grabbing a pen and writing some things down.
He hands it to me and I take a look.
Matthew Richardson
Cell - (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Email -
Instagram: @mattrichardson2017
I look up at him blushing as he grabs his coffee off of the counter.
"I better see your name following me tonight on Instagram!" He says looking at me in a feisty way. "And don't be afraid to use the number either." He says winking at me and turning away to walk out the door.
I just now saw the cute black timberland boots that we was wearing and the black scarf and lightly draped around his neck. I look down to see what I really wanted to see and I can say that I am satisfied. I turn around bright red biting my lower lip as I look at Harrison holding our drinks. He is just standing there staring at the door as Matthew walked out. I snicker as I grab my drink shaking him out of his trance and grabbing his hand.
"Damn you were right to be starring baby." He said to me.
"I know right?" I said laughing.
"Where to next?" Haz says as we walk out of the door to find Zen and Jacob who were conveniently talking to Matthew as well.
We walk up to them and Matthew is just saying good bye to them.
"Jeez it has been forever since I have talked to him!" Zen says and Matthew turns and winks at Haz and I.
"You know him?"
"Yeah, I did a modeling shoot with him a year or so ago!"
"Really? Nice." I reply.
"Where do you guys want to go?"
"I want to go and get something to eat soon." Haz says.
"Yeah that is agreed." I say.
We continue to walk around the streets for a little bit and we keep getting waves and hugs and high fives from couples of girls and couples of boys. One of them was talking to us and told us why he was happy that we came out.
"My little brother has a huge crush on you and he came out to my parents. When they realized that they had no choice but to accept the both of us they texted me telling me about the story. They are okay with me being trans now. I and a happy trans man with parents that love me and my beautiful boyfriend."
We got a picture with him and I followed him on instagram. We continued walking until we got to another subway station. We threw out our now empty cups and cramed on the subway going south to get dinner from a really fancy seafood place right on the coast. We are sat down and we start to look at the menu. Then Matthew walks in with another boy. Sorry to the other boy but he is just not as attractive. They are about the same age. Matthew has his hand intertwined with his. They go and sit down a few tables away. He pulls out the chair for the other boy to sit in and sits down in his own facing me. He is talking to the other boy when he sees me and waves at me with a smile on his face. The other boy turn around and looks at me and waves too. I grab Harrisons hand and pull him up pulling him over to their table.
"Hey Matthew!"
"Hey Tom this is Hannes, my boyfriend."
"Oh nice!"
"An Harrison, looking good, nice to meet you!" Matthew says to Hazza.
"Hey Matthew it is nice to meet you too!"
"Anyway if you don't mind I want to spend the night with my boyfriend, he is going to be going to Germany for a while to see his family and he leave tomorrow."
"Okay, well we will leave you two lovebirds too it." I say.
"Thank you."
"Bye!" Harrison says.
We walk away form the two fo them and go and sit back in out seat. I lean back on Harrisons chest. We wait for the waiter to come. He finally come and we order our food. We all share some sushi rolls and we get some nice drinks. Once we are all finished up we pay and get up to leave. As we are leaving I wave bye to Matthew as he is still there with his boyfriend. We get in a cab and take it up the road a few blocks to the hotel and climb up into our rooms. I crawl into bed after taking my shirt and pants off. Harrison following suit. We climb in be and I get the card out and follow Matthew on instagram and text him. Not expecting a reply I put down my phone and lay down with Harrison watching a movie. The movie is interrupted by my love for Harrison. I roll over and lay on top of him making out with him...
A/N: This is going to be on a separate story so that I can keep this story innocent.
Feeling better I pass out in his arms after putting back on our underwear. I pass out in his arms happy from the day.

Tom Holland x Harrison Osterfield // Torrison // Not Finished // FluffWhere stories live. Discover now