-You're sensational too-

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AU where Toni is figuring out her sexuality and comes out to Cheryl

Toni's POV

It was the first day back from summer vacation at Riverdale High. It was a really rough summer for me if I'm being honest. My uncle kicked me out of the trailer because I came out to him. At the end of sophomore year I was realizing that I had feelings for a girl. I always thought I was only into guys but I figured out that I liked girls too. After the first month of summer, once I had thought about my sexuality, I decided to come out to my uncle. We were never extremely close but he usually supported me and what my interests were, so I thought it was safe. When I told him he was so mad at me and he kicked me out of the trailer. I didn't want anyone to know I was kicked out, so I just spent the night with friends all summer. Which is something I usually did.

I hadn't seen very many people over the summer except for the serpents and my best friend, Cheryl Blossom. I've known Cheryl since 6th grade and she's always been there for me. We have most of our classes together each year and we always make the cheerleading team together. She's also there for me when I need someone to talk to. Whenever I'm upset she goes well out of her way to cheer me up. What I didn't realize until the end of last school year was that I loved Cheryl. I always thought I loved her as a best friend or a sister, but I love her much more than that. She's so special to me and I'd hate to loose her. I thought my crush would pass but it didn't, and hanging out with her everyday all summer didn't help. Cheryl is openly bisexual. So I know that she likes girls but she's probably not into me like that. I want to tell her how I feel and I want to come out to her and my friends, but I'm scared. I don't want her or my friends to disown me like my uncle did.

I was down the hall way and stopped when I got the my locker. I gasped and flinched when my vision was quickly blocked by a pair of hands.

"Guess who..." I heard Cheryl say behind me.

I took in the smell of her sweet cherry scent and replied. "Hmm, Cheryl?" I laughed.

"Wow Tee-Tee, you're great at this game!" She joked as she removed her hands from my face and brought me into a hug. I didn't really understand the hug because we literally saw each other yesterday. She was probably just being friendly. She pulled away and smiled nervously.

"Sorry, I know your not much of a hugger." She said shyly. She was right, but with her it was different. Like once I was in arms I never wanted to leave.

"It's fine, Cher." I smiled sadly at her before I looked down. It was so hard to be around her. I wanted this crush to end but every time she's near me I can't help but want her more.

"Hey, Toni? I've been meaning to ask you about something, and I wanted to talk to you about it." She said nervously. My head shot up and my eyes widened a little.

"W-What do you want to talk about?" I stuttered nervously.

"Just some things that I want to discuss with you, I'm worried about you Toni." She admitted sadly.

"Worried?" I asked confusedly.

"You haven't really been yourself for a little while now, I want to help you with what ever is going on." She said.

"Oh. Um, okay." I replied quietly.

"Can we meet at pops after school?" She asked gently.

"Yeah, I'll meet you there." I said as I closed my locker and started walking to class.

The whole day at school I was avoiding everyone I could. Cheryl, Sweet Pea, Jughead, Fangs, everyone. I wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone. I was just lost in my thoughts, obsessing over what could happen. What exactly did Cheryl want to talk about? Sometimes I hate how Cheryl can just tell somethings wrong. Well if I'm being honest I don't actually hate that, I don't hate anything about her. It's nice that she can tell somethings wrong and then tries to help me. I just don't want to open up to her because I don't want to loose her. I can't loose her.

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