- The Camping Trip -

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An AU where Cheryl and Toni meet during a school camping trip. In this AU Riverdale is more of an average sized town with more schools and such, just putting that in there 😂

Cheryl's POV

"Do we really have to go on this trip, Jason?" I asked my dear brother as I packed my bag.

"Of course! It's a tradition for the freshman to go out on this trip! It's meant to be an icebreaker as we start the year!" He explained excitedly.

It was Labor Day weekend and we started our first year of high school this week. Riverdale High starts school and then the first weekend they take all the freshman out on a camping trip to get to know everyone. Riverdale High's student body was made up of students from a few different middle schools; Riverdale Middle, Southside Middle, Sweetwater Middle, and a couple more. I wasn't too excited about the kids from Southside Middle since they're usually bad kids and most of them usually go to Southside high but many of them came here. Jason says it's usually the good ones who are looking for a better education that's isn't available at Southside High. I hope that's true.

"Isn't that what the first day of schools for?"

"Yeah but all week we've been learning where our classes are and haven't talked to many people. It'll be fun Cheryl! You'll see." He said. "Plus you'll probably get to share your tent with a pretty girl!" He added and with that he went downstairs with his bag.

I sighed and continued to pack. I really didn't want to go but Jason wanted to go so my mother was making me go as well. She wants me to meet some new people and make some new friends which I understand is good, but it doesn't sound fun when I'd rather stay home and relax. I did do that every weekend though, so I guess there's no real harm. I'm not looking forward to the food or bug bites I'm gonna receive though. Plus I know I'm not going to make any friends while I'm there. People don't really like me as it is because they think I'm a bitch, which is understandable. I was a bitch in middle school but I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and start fresh. Let's see how that's going to go.

"Cheryl, honey!" I heard my mom call.

"Coming!" I called back as I grabbed my bag and hurried down the stairs.

"You two ready to go?" Our mom asked us when I made it downstairs.

"Yup!" Jason replied excitedly.

"Sure." I muttered.

Jason ran out to the sidewalk and hopped into the car, while I walked out with Mom.

"Try and have fun, Cheryl. Don't just stay in one place on your phone and actually participate in the activities. You'll never know what'll happen if you don't try and put yourself out there." She smiled supportively.

"Okay." I whispered. "I'll try."

We got into the car and then we drove off to get to the campsite. The campsite was on the outskirts of the town and it was about a 30 minute drive from our house. So I just put my earbuds in and played my music while Jason and Mom chatted.

• • •

I looked up from my Instagram feed to see that we had arrived at the campsite. I sighed and put my phone in my backpack then swung it over one of my shoulders. We hopped out of the car and Mom checked Jason and I in with the supervisor.

"Okay you're both set! You'll get your tent assignments at lunch when we meet in the mess hall!" The lady chirped happily.

"Okay, thank you!" Jason said and we turned to wave to Mom before she left. Jason and I decided to walk around a bit and looked at the activities board that was posted.

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