- Beautiful -

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It's been a few months since Toni and Cheryl got together and Cheryl's been getting insults from her mother about her body, so Cheryl's been starving herself to lose weight. She eats at lunch and when people are around so people assume she's fine, then excuses herself to go throw it up so she doesn't gain the weight. Toni has no idea until she gets suspicious and investigates.

Cheryl's POV

"Are you really going to eat that?!" My mother sneered at me, pointing at my apple.

"Yes I am, Mother." I replied bitterly as I bit into the the red fruit.

Does it really matter what I eat? It's not going to stay in my body anyways.

"I've told you time and time again, Cheryl. If you keep eating then you're not going to lose weight. You're so fat and you need to do something."

"I don't give a shit. Leave me alone." I lied to her, trying to hide how much her words hurt me as I tried to go to my room.

"You really think that there's nothing wrong, because I do, and I'm sure that your little sapphic bitch feels the same way. You really think she admires your body and that's why she's with you? Well I have news for you, she doesn't. She doesn't love you at all and she's only with you for her own image. Nobody will EVER love you!" She spat at me.

I ran up to my room and finished my apple. Eating helps me when I'm stressed and I'm starving. It hurts so much to hear my mother say those things to me, and maybe she's right.

I threw my apple core away and then waited a few minutes. In those minutes I changed into my pajamas, removed my makeup from today, and tied my hair back in a ponytail. Once that was done I sat down on my knees in front of my toilet and began to gag and cough up the food I just ate. I kept throwing up to the point I was certain everything I've eaten in the past hour had to be out of my body. Once I was done I got up and I flushed the toilet. I curled up in my bed and cried softly into my pillow from both the emotional and physical pain. I wasn't beautiful, but I was trying my best, if not for myself then for Toni. Toni deserves a beautiful person to be with so if I'm going to be with her I have to do what ever I have to for her.

• • •

"So we should all go on a triple date!" Veronica said excitedly as she held hands with Reggie at the lunch table.

"I don't know, Ronnie. I'm not out to anyone but you guys." Moose frowned.

"Hey that's fine. It's not like we have to go out to a restaurant." Reggie smiled understandably.

"Yeah! I was thinking we could have a picnic somewhere by the river or we could host dinner at one of our houses!" Veronica added.

"Ooh we could do it at Thistlehouse! My mother won't be home tonight and Nana is going out to bingo so we'll have the place to ourselves! We also redecorated the sun room so it's perfect to host a dinner." I explained happily.

"That's sounds perfect!" Veronica smiled excitedly.

"So are we making dinner?" Toni asked.

"Yeah but we should split things up. One couple does an appetizer, one does a desert, and one does the main course!" Veronica answered.

This all sounds so fun, but I really don't want to eat all of that. It's going to hurt a lot when I have to throw it back up.

"We can make dinner right babe?" Reggie asked Veronica nodded with a bright smile.

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