Chapter 2: smiles

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Yoongi's POV:

I was waiting for when it would be my individual photoshoot, when i noticed an unfamiliar tiny person sneakingly take photos from a distance. Is she an intruder. Maybe a paparazzi or something. I went towards her and i guess i was too quiet because she did not notice me. She was so immersed in taking photos of Namjoon while boping her head to the song she was listening to. I tapped her shoulder twice and she turned quickly grabbing my hand tight with a shocked look on her face. Her eyes were big showing off her beautiful brown eyes and natural lashes. She gasped loudly and after a few seconds she noticed that my hand was still held tightly by hers so she let it go.

"I am sorry" she began continuously apologizing for grabbing my hand.

"Ahh it's ok, but you have a really tight grip." She giggled scratching the back of her head as i rub my wrist chuckling.

"Sorry" she finally managed to say inbetween her giggles.

"Are you new here? I never saw you here before." I asked

"Ahh yes!" She smiled, "i am Y/N and today is my first day!"

"Well welcome" i returned the smile.

"Thank you" she smiled even brighter. I don't know if this is communication or a smiling contest anymore.

"Don't you think you would be more effective to take photos from the front?" I asked her curiously with high hopes for a good answer.

"It would be..." she looked at the croud of staffs up front like a lost bunny, "but!" She turned back at me smiling "1. I am more comfortable here and 2. I get a really good and creative shot from different angles or shadows, and photography is as known about creativity."

"Oh i see..." i looked at her angle and smiled again. "Well good luck!"

"Thank you" she ended with a blinding smile and continued taking photos.

I went and stood next to jungkook who was beside the table full of food contemplating whether he should eat chocolate even after washing his teeth.


I waited for a long time before my turn came because jungkook kept making silly faces. When will he grow up. I laughed to myself

Now that it is my turn i could see all the staff with their cameras to their eyes like guns ready to fire out taking photos but one person i caught my eye. She was shooting me from a far corner and acted like a professional so i figure she is one.

After my individual photoshoot i started checking the photos and i turned left and right looking for Y/N when i found her on a bench transporting the photos from her camera to her laptop.

"Hey" she began.

"Hello" i greeted her.

"What brings you to my cozy corner?" She chuckles.

"Umm... i was wondering if i can see the photos?" I asked scratching the back of my neck.

"Sure!" She removed some of her stuff and setted them aside to make place for me to sit. Then she motioned me to sit as she typed something on her laptop and opened some files.

"Here you go" She placed her laptop from her lap to mine.

"Wow" i was quickly scanning them though alot of photos caught my eyes, "those are very creative." I pointed at a bunch of photos that stood out for me as she leaned next to me to see what i was pointing at.

"Oh yeah!" She smiled "i was trying to see things from a different angle"

A different angle... It reminded me of all those talks about not taking a side or always look at the other side before judging. It was a very creative thing to do and say. Which got me thinking... how smart is Y/N?

I handed her back her laptop thanking her for showing me the photos as i waited for the rest to finish to see the final photos and have some food in the cafeteria.

PD-nim was picking some pictures for the album's first concept but the weird thing is that non of the pictures were hers. So my gaze naturally shifted towards Y/N that was cheering for all the photographers who got their photos chosen.

Which got me wondering, did she submit any? Or did PD-nim just ignore them because it didn't fit the concept? I was confused and at loss but i decided not to intervene nor think about it.

I sat in the cafeteria silently enjoying a meal i ordered that was quite delicious and infront of me sat Y/N barely eating and so focused on her laptop. Then i saw jimin's eyes getting caught om her screen. She looked up when she saw jimin's hand pointing at something on her screen in awe. Jimin then slid next to her and started talking and laughing with her and it was a really beautiful moment seeing people smile even if there is alot of stess and tension in the room.


Don't expect long chapters cause as everyone knows and if you don't you now do. I am extremely lazy.
I hope you enjoy.

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