Chapter 24: Breakfast

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Misoo's POV:

I was asleep when I was suddenly awaken by screams. I ran to the direction of the sound to end up in front of Y/N's room. It was open so I entered and found her screaming with her eyes closed. I grabbed her shoulders and shaked them harshly.

"Y/N wake up... Y/N WAKE UP." she woke up with my screams.

She was shivering and breathing heavily. I could even feel her heartbeat accelerate as I hugged her closer to me. She was sweating and really pale. I placed my hand on her forehead and my other hand on mine and I noticed she had a fever. Maybe that's what triggered the nightmare. I held her in my embrace as her form wouldn't stop shivering.

A while after comforting her she stopped shivering and her heartbeat went back to normal.

"I need to take my meds." she stood up but immediately fell on her knees. I helped her back on the bed.

"I'll get them for you. Where are they?"

"no it's OK I'll get them don't worry"

"you can barely stand. Tell me where are they?"

"on the shelf in the kitchen." she finally said after staying calm for a minute or 2.

I went and got her the meds along with a cup of water. I gave her the medicine and she took them and drank the cup of water. Then I went and brought a cold towel placing it on her head.

I was about to leave when she suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"please stay with me." she looked scared

"OK do you have a beanbag or something."

"I have but they aren't so comfortable to sleep on. Just sleep beside me the bed is big enough."


I laid on the bed beside her. We both couldn't sleep so she began talking after some silence.

"I saw you once with jungkook's jacket. What was that about?"

"hmm" the question shocked me because I remembered exactly what happened. "it's just that just like today I had my period and he noticed so he gave me his jacket that's all."

"ohhh la la." she laughed

"stop it." I could feel myself blush.

"OK ok." she kept on laughing "let's sleep we have work tomorrow. "

"umm we? No just me."

"no I have to go too."

"honey you are sick there is no way you are leaving here."

"please I'll take my meds and wear warm clothes and I'll also take heat packets with me. Please."

"if you are better tomorrow morning you can go."

"thank you."

With that we both fell asleep.

I woke up not finding Y/N in bed. Her phone and slippers were missing so I figured out that she woke up. No shit Sherlock.

I stood up and existed the room. As soon as I closed the door behind me I was greeted by the sweet sent of waffles and pancakes.

I entered the kitchen and found a plate with a mountain of pancakes and another with waffles. There were sliced fruits in a bowl and 2 cups one with a smoothie the other with tea. And in the middle stood a mug of Nutella and maple syrup and a can of whipped cream. There was a note on the table.

I didn't know what you preferred so I did all. Don't leave without me I'll be down in a bit.

"good morning." I heard Y/N's voice behind me.

"morning" I turned and was greated with the biggest and brightest smile as if yesterday never happened.

"I really didn't know what you liked so I made anything that came to my mind."

"I am really conflicted with myself right now."

"WHAT?! WAE?!"

"I don't know what to eat I love everything" she laughed.

"eat half now and I will pack the rest for work later. OK?"

"good idea." I sat down and drank the coffee while she made hot chocolate. "you are such a kid"

"What?! I like it because it is tasty. But it makes me drowzy."

"try putting 1 teaspoon of cappuccino in it. It will remain tasty and it will keep you up."


"yup. I used to do that.

"thanks for the advice."

"no problem"

she did as I told her and her reaction was priceless. She was so Jungshook. That I couldn't help but laugh.

After we finished we wore our clothes and packed our food in our bags and went to work.

We arrived at the company and went to the photo shoot site while she gave me advice for each member and the best angles. While we were walking and talking jungkook came towards us.

"hello Y/N-issi and misoo noona."

"hello kookie."

"yah oppa I am younger than you in 2 months."

"I am still not sure." he looked at me suspiciously while I shot death glares.

"well I gotta go. We'll catch up." she ran away leaving us back.

"how do you know her?" jungkook asked when Y/N was out of site.

"when I made her trip I went to her house and apologized to her. She is really nice and keeps on helping me, giving me gifts and advice."

"yeah she is a sweetheart."

"but she is a bit weird."


"yeah like last night I was sleeping over at her place and she began screaming in the middle of the night. She was having a nightmare. I wonder what she's dreaming about?"

"me too."

"oh well I'll catch up to you sometimes oppa. I have to go now. Bye."

"bye noona." I shot him one last death glare and he laughed.

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