Chapter 18: YOU?!

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Your POV:

You were furious with what yoongi said. You went storming out and didn't look back even when tae called you. As soon as you slammed the door shut you felt the cold breeze hit your face. You started pacing back and forth until you calmed down. However the moment all the anger disappeared you felt your headache grow and with every step you took forward you swayed dangerously. You sight went blurry again. You tried your hardest to consentrate but no use. The last thing that you heard was the door open. The last thing you felt was the cold, hard and icy side walk.


You woke up vision still a bit blurry and your body as in agony. Your vision stayed blurry for a while before you could finally see properly. You sat up and saw that your hand was wrapped up. It was still daytime when you woke up. Then you looked at your phone. 1:28 AM. You screamed in your head. You layed back down and turned to face the door when you noticed yoongi sleeping on a chair beside you. You stood up and went to him. You poked his shoulder but he didn't budge. Wow he is a heavy sleeper. You didn't know what to do. You sat down on the bed with your head facing yoongi. His position does not seem comfortable. You went to him and placed his hand around your neck. You held him to stand up then quickly took his other hand and placed it on your shoulder. You bent a bit and carried him to your bed. It was more like dragging but softly so that he doesn't wake up. You noticed that he wasn't that heavy. You placed him on the bed gently and covered him with the blanket.

You went outside to the living room expecting to see the rest but no one was there. So you went back inside.

You sat on the chair yoongi was on and looked at the ground. You found your notebook and a... pen? Why is there a pen beside my notebook?  You picked them up and got the key to your notebook from the necklace you always wore. You tilted the notebook but you didn't see the lock. You opened it and checked every page. Then you saw a page with medicine tracker. "thank you" you whispered looking at yoongi sleeping. You turned the page and found a letter from yoongi. He was apologizing. Then you remembered what he said but you kept reading. Was he practicing what to say? You chuckled as you continued to read it while walking around the room. Suddenly you stepped on something that made you jump. You whisper screamed while you looked down on the ground. You found the shattered mirror and some blood.

You made your way to the kitchen by hopping on one leg. You took the glass shard out then you sterilized the wound and covered it. You wore your slippers and got a broom.

You cleaned the floor as quietly as possible then you went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. As you took out the mug with your wrapped hand it slipped and fell to the ground crashing into bits. You were hoping yoongi did not wake up, but that was impossible. You heard shuffling from your room before yoongi came pale faced to the kitchen.

"what happened?" yoongi looked from you to the shattered glass then back at you. "you should be resting"

"I just wanted a cup of tea" you answered pouting.

"go back to bed I will make you the cup."

"no it's fine I can make it." you looked at the glass on the floor. "besides I have to clean this now."

"I'll clean it go to bed."

"I made this mess. Therefore I am responsible for cleaning it."

"don't worry I'll do it"

"it's ok-"

"don't argue!"

"but rea-"

"I said don't argue"

"but I-" you were interrupted by yoongi swiftly grabbing you over his shoulder. "put me down"

"you know you really are light"

"so are you"

"wait" he layed you down on the bed

"you are the one who placed me on your bed!"

"yes" I said standing up.

"don't move. Lay back down" he pushed by the shoulder back down.


"I said lay down." he gave you a death glare.

"fine" you removed your slippers and layed down.

"What happened?"


"your leg" he pointed at your wrapped leg.

"I stepped on a glass shard"

"oh I was going to clean that."

"don't worry"

"OK ok" he said standing up and he turned.

"I forgive you... again" he looked at you confused and you raised the notebook.

"I'm really sorry. I just don't know what happens to me when I am angry."

"it's OK I get it. I am like that."

"YOU?!" he looked  at you shocked.

"yes me."

"How?! You are so sweet."

"yeah and you don't wanna meet my bad side."

"yeah we will probably meet it in a few days"


"your period is in a few days"


"sorry I was just curious" he looked at you smirking.

"you'll pay" you gave him a death glare and he gulped.

"let me get that tea." he was heading to the door but you stopped him.

"one question"

"yeah sure" he looked at you.

"why did you stay?"

"because I owe you."

"you owe me what?"

"well you took care of me when I was drunk and..." you stopped listening hearing the word drunk. Shit they are gonna get drunk tonight.

"umm..." you interpret him. You thought quickly. "if you owe me can you possibly take me with you to jin's birthday party?"

What's up with Y/N? Why is she so mysterious?

You'll know in the next chapter. Stay tuned. 😂😂

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