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You're bad for me, I clearly get it.


What is love? Well the internet defines it in many ways, one being; the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration.

Never was love defined as arguments, coming home late, ignoring each other, purposefully doing things to get a reaction, cheating and just being spiteful. All marriages go through things. They've all considered splitting up or getting a divorce. They've all considered cheating. They've all considered getting revenge for something their spouse did, but my marriage is different. No person should have to go through the things i've gone through. No man should want to put their wife through things my husband has put me through. This relationship is toxic. It's like...poison.

* *

"Breyona?" Chris' voice boomed from downstairs, making me roll my eyes.

"What!?" I responded.

"Come on!"

"Come up here and stop hollering!" He acts like it's going to kill him to be in the same room as me with his punk ass.

"What you doing?" He asked as his body appeared in the doorframe.

"Uh, my makeup obviously."

"Stop getting smart with me cause time I do that shit it's WWIII."

"I wasn't getting smart, Christopher, you just asked me a dumb question."

"Just hurry up. We should've been gone ten minutes ago Breyona. Damn, you do this every time. Imma stop-"

"I want a divorce." I interrupted his rant.

"...What?" He asked with a frown. I put my makeup brush down and faced him.

"I want a divorce, Chris." He looked at me for a while before responding. He must've thought I was bluffing.

"We ain't getting no divorce, fuck is you talking about?" I sighed. I knew this wasn't going to be easy.

"Chris, we-"

"We ain't getting a damn divorce Breyona!" He yelled, which didn't phase me. He looked at me, shaking his head before leaving our bathroom and going back downstairs. I just went back to doing my makeup. He can think it's over, but he'll see when I slap those divorce papers in his face.

Once I finished my makeup, I got dressed but still took my time to go downstairs, just to piss Chris off. This is what I mean when I say we like to antagonize each other. As I walked downstairs, I saw him standing there with his hand on his hip, looking at the time on his phone. He shook his head once he saw the time. I inwardly laughed.

"Bout time.." He mumbled under his breath.

"What was that darling?" He gave me this look, as if he was in no mood to be played with. This time I laughed out loud. It's so easy to piss him off. The only reason I didn't take longer was because we were having dinner with our moms. I didn't want to disrespect them by purposefully being late.

As we were on our way to the restaurant, one of my singles from my last album began playing on the radio and my asshole of a husband had the audacity to change the station. He was so unnecessarily childish.

"Why did you change my song jackass?" I looked at him in disgust before changing it back.

"Because I don't like it."

"Damn right we take turns being wrong. I get real accountable when i'm alone!" I sang aloud, rolling my eyes at him. Before, he loved this song, now all of a sudden he doesn't like it. I saw his jaw clench, as if I just made him so mad. Nigga please, you skipped my song. I just shook my head and looked out the window. Little shit like that hurts my feelings sometimes.

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