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You're just like poison, and I just don't get it, how can something so deadly feel so right?


"Are you packing?" Taliyah asked me over facetime.


"Wow, so you're actually leaving my bestie." She shook her head, stuffing a spoon full of ice cream in her mouth.

"Your bestie's an asshole." I mumbled.

"I heard that." She said, narrowing her eyes at me, as if she was going to beat my ass for talking shit about her "bestie."

"I'm going to come see you and daddy soon." I said, changing the subject.

"For real?" She asked, perking up. Due to my mama working on some movie, they wanted to wait to fly my sister out here, so I guess i'll just go see her in Detroit.

"Yeah.." I trailed off, looking out my open room door.

"What? Girl don't scare me, somebody in your house?" Her scaredy cat ass asked. I chuckled and shook my head no before grabbing another suitcase to pack my clothes in.

"Then what were you looking at?"

"I heard Chris come in the house T, calm down."

"Oh. Tell my bestie I said hey!" I rolled my eyes as I folded my shirts. He was the last person I wanted to talk to, so she was going to have to tell him her damn self.

"Hey.." He spoke, walking in the room with a bouquet of roses. I scoffed, the nerve of this man.

"Hey Chris!" Liyah spoke loudly, waving in the camera.

"You scared the shit out of me girl." He said as they exchanged a laugh. I leaned over and grabbed the phone.

"I'll talk to you later Liyah."

"Wai-" I hung up before she could argue with me.

"Damn, I can't talk to her?"

"On your own time, on your own phone."

"Wow.." I ignored him and continued packing as many clothes and shoes as I could, which was a good bit since I had four different suitcases that I could find.

"I bought you some flowers." He said, handing me the rank, corny ass roses he had in his hand.

"Wow, these must've been hard to find." I said sarcastically. He frowned, as if he was disgusted with my attitude, the attitude I had a right to have.

"Breyona why the fuck is you acting so bitter?" He asked, following me downstairs.

"Why am I acting so bitter? Why am I acting so bitter." I let out a satirical laugh the second time I said it, throwing my hand up and letting it hit my thigh.

"That is what I asked you.."

"Fuck you Chris." I said from my gut, pointing my finger at him. I seen the dagger enter his chest when I said that.

"And these flowers? Fuck these flowers too." I said, walking to our backyard and tossing the roses in the pool.

"That's how you feel?" He asked, following me back in the house.

"Yeah, that's exactly how I feel. You're a fucking sicko. You think you can cook me a bullshit ass dinner, buy me a couple pairs of shoes, fuck me, and then i'll just drop the whole idea of divorce. You simple minded, arrogant prick! Then you had the nerve to come interrupt my studio session with that bullshit!"

Poison Where stories live. Discover now