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The death of me must be your mission.


Last night was another restless night. It feels like i'm not going to get any rest until this is all over. Chris didn't come home last night, and I don't even know why it affected me. I should be used to it. He says he wants to fight for our marriage, yet he can't even come home. I'm so tired of being disappointed, I feel like I have no other options. I picked up the phone and stared at this one contact name for a good minute.

       Mama J❤️

I finally clicked the little green button beside her name. It rang a few times before she picked up, her sweet voice filling the room.


"Hey mama.."

"Hey angel, how are you?"

"Umm, not so good. Did Chris tell you?" I asked nervously. She sighed.

"Yes, he told me."

"How do you feel about it?"

"Well, I mean.. i'm sad about it. You're my girl, I love you like my own. I understand completely though, you do what's best for you, no matter how anyone else feels about it." I let out a huge sigh of relief that I didn't even realize I was holding inside of me.

"So this won't affect our relationship, right?"

"Of course not. You've been around this family for six years. I can't forget about you just because you and my son didn't work out. But just know if you ever need to talk about it, call me. I know my son isn't the easiest to get through to. Divorce isn't easy. I mean the process may go by smoothly, but it'll still send you on an emotional rollercoaster. There's going to be a phase where you start to rethink it. If it's meant to be, you won't go through with it. If it's best for you, it'll happen."

"Thanks mama, I really needed that. I'll try not to be too annoying throughout this whole divorce thing."

"Oh no, you call me whenever you need to Breyona." I smiled.

"You don't know what you just signed up for. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay, love you hun."

"Love you too." We hung up the phone. I felt so relieved, I didn't know what to expect.

"Oh my god." I said aloud with a gasp, realizing I haven't talked to my sister since all this has been going on. We normally talk everyday, so I felt bad that I haven't called her in three days. I FaceTimed her, immediately perking up once she answered .

"Hey boo!" I spoke happily. She pretended to cry.

"Don't hey boo me. You haven't called or texted me in three days!"

"The phone works both ways, you know that right?"

"Shut up." She said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Nah but for real though, I gotta talk to you about something serious." I said, wanting to go ahead and rip the bandage off.

"Are you pregnant?" I laughed.

"No girl. Chris and I are getting a divorce." I said, not beating around the bush. Her mouth dropped wide open.

"Bre stop playing bro."

"I'm serious, unfortunately."

"Nooo, y'all can't get a divorce." She whined.

"I'm sorry babygirl.." After a few seconds, I saw her eyes start to water and it tore me apart.

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