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Is it splitsville for Chris Brown and wife Breyona J?

R&B singer Chris Brown announces divorce from wife of three years

Well ladies, seems like you finally have a chance with Chris Brown. It looks as if he's back on the market👀

I buried my head in the palm of my hands after reading the headlines on multiple blogs and tea pages about Chris and I's divorce. I had Mia, my publicist, my sister, my mama, everybody sending me posts about myself. All I saw were pictures of us with splits and broken hearts. I don't know what emotion i'm feeling right now.

"Tameka, what is going on?" I asked, on the phone with my publicist. I'm regretting turning my phone off and asking them not to contact me while I was away.

"Chris Brown had an interview with Hot 97 on Friday.When asked about his wife, he stumbled over his words. Of course, being that it was an interview, they started to pry. They began badgering him about why he reacted the way he did at the mention of her name, asking if there was trouble in paradise. They proceed to ask if the two were splitting up, or even getting a divorce, to which Brown replied with yes." She read straight from one of the tabloids.

"Why would he do that?" I asked, my voice coated with disgust. She sighed.

"I don't know. Do you want me to clear it up somehow?" I let out a deep breath.

"No. People were going to find out sooner or later, I know that. My problem is, he knew he was going to an interview, where there was a possibility I would be brought up. He should've asked if he had permission to speak on that. You don't give out that type of information without your partner being on board."

"I agree. I'm sorry it came out this way." I sighed.

"Don't apologize, it's my jackass ex husband that'll never learn. If you could, please contact his publicist and tell her to make sure he doesn't say anything else."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything else."

"Thank you, have a good day."

"You too." I folded my arms on top of the island and rested my head on them. I had such a peaceful getaway, only to come home to more bullshit. Why does he insist on complicating things..


"I don't know, she just told me to tell you that you're not allowed to say anything else publicly about the divorce." I sucked my teeth.

"The fuck else she think imma say? The cat already out the bag." She didn't respond. I shrugged because I don't have time for Breyona and her dramatics.

"Aight, I guess i'll do what she says, since she's the only one that has a say in this."

"I get where she's coming from thou-" I hung up. I didn't ask her if she got it or not. It didn't matter, everyone would be on her side in the end because she's the woman and the man is always the bad guy, especially if the man is me.

"Christopher?" My mama asked, entering the kitchen as I scanned the refrigerator.

"Yes ma?" I answered, slightly annoyed. She probably came down here to scold me too.

"Breyona wants to come get the rest of her things." I shrugged.

"What you telling me for?" I asked, closing the refrigerator.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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