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I don't see how something good could come from loving you.


I stayed up all night, trying to figure out how this was going to happen if Chris wasn't willing to participate. It takes two, i'm not divorcing myself. I didn't go to sleep until three o'clock this morning, and unfortunately had to wake right back up at eight. Chris had already left to take care of some business, so I took that as an opportunity to call a friend of mine. Just my luck, sis was a successful divorce lawyer. I never would've thought that i'd be using her though..

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey Mia, how are you?"

"Goood.. You okay?" She asked skeptically. I guess I didn't sound like my normal self.

"The time has come Mia." I sighed, being dramatic.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm ready for a divorce."

"Are you serious?" She asked, sounding surprised and a little disappointed.

"Yes ma'am."

"Are you okay?"

"I mean.. I will be."

"Well do you want to meet up today and talk about it, get some paperwork together?"

"Yeah that's fine. I won't be available until four though, is that okay?"

"Yeah that's great, i'll see you then."

"Alright then, talk to you later." After we got off the phone, I sat there in my car for a while, thinking about if I really wanted to go through with this. We've been through so much together and i'd hate to throw it all away, but i'm just so tired. I need this for my own sanity at this point. Happiness over history..


"I think she serious ma. I never seen her like this, like I think she really wants to divorce me."

"And how are you feeling about this? Are you going to fight for your marriage?"

"She doesn't want me to. She said she wants me to be on the same page as her."

"Well baby, if Breyona is serious about this, you have to respect that. I know you don't want a divorce, but if there's nothing else you can do then you're just going to have to sign those papers."

"Ma I can't-"

"Christopher, you've obviously put this girl through enough pain, that's why she's filing for divorce now. You're really going to put her through even more trouble by making this difficult?"

"So basically you telling me i'm wrong for wanting to save my marriage?"

"No. I'm not saying you're wrong at all, but if she doesn't want to be saved then there's nothing you can do but sign the papers." I didn't respond. I knew she was somewhat right but I just didn't want to accept it.

"Hello?" She spoke, noticing I got quiet.

"Yeah...aight, i'll talk to you later."

"Okay baby. I love you."

"I love you too." I hung up the phone and threw it to the side. I buried my face in my hands, on the verge of tears. This would be the first time I cried in a while. I couldn't fully believe this was happening. I mean I knew our relationship needed a little...a lot of work, but I wasn't expecting this. I can't even see myself without Breyona after six years of having her around. I definitely don't want to see her with somebody else. There has to be another solution, i'm not going down without a fight.

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