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You're just like poison.


"I think that's everything." I whispered to myself, zipping up my suitcase and placing it on the floor. I was cutting my trip short, I missed home.. I really missed my husband.

"Have a blessed day." The concierge smiled as I checked out of the hotel.

"You too." I waved politely. I walked outside, tying the drawstrings on my hoodie. I spotted my Uber and climbed in.

"Hey, how are you? He nonchalantly spoke.

"I'm fine. You?"

"Can't complain." I seen him glancing in the rear view mirror. 

"Hey, you're famous!" Shit, my covers blown.

"My girlfriend is like your biggest fan. Aye call your husband, my girl is gonna freak!" A little unprofessional aren't we? He pulled out his phone as I pulled out mine. His girlfriend answered immediately. My phone still rang, if he didn't answer I would be embarrassed.

"Babe, you're not gonna believe who's in the car right now."

"Who?" He turned the phone towards me and his girlfriend screamed. I laughed and looked down as Chris answered the phone.

"Yeah baby?" I could tell he was in the studio by the dark setting and loud music.

"So my Uber driver blew my cover." I said jokingly, looking at the driver.

"His girlfriend is on the phone, she wants to speak to you." He nodded. I turned the phone around towards my driver. His girlfriend screamed once again. Chris and I laughed at her excitement.

"Hi Chris! Hi Breyona!"

"Hey sweetheart." Chris spoke first.

"Hi." I said, immediately after.

"Ahhhh, I can't believe i'm talking to you right now!" I can't believe your boyfriend is delaying my ride for you to talk to me right now.

"Baby, she has to get to the airport." He told her, before she could waste anymore time.

"Okay okay.. I love you guys so much!" She cried. She was reacting like one of our younger fans would. It was cute.

"We love you more babe." I waved at her before they got off the phone.

"That was cute." Chris said as I plugged my airpods in my ears.

"Yeah, it was."

"Can you sign something for me?" My driver asked, still not putting the car in drive.

"When you drop me off at the airport, I sure will." I said, giving him a hint that he should get a move on.

"Oh right, sorry." He turned around in his seat and started the car. I turned my attention back to my soon to be ex husband.

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