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"Hello and welcome. I am Lansat field supervisor, Victor Nieves this is my collegue, Steve Woodward. Our data wrangler. Our expedition takes us to a place... Every nautical trade route known to man has avoided for centuries. As our satellite shows... the island is surrounded by a perpetual storm system. Allowing it to remain hidden from the outside world. But with Colonel Packard's
helicopter transport. We will be the first to break through to the other side. We, are also pleased to be joined for the first time by the resource exploration team... led by Mr. Randa... and accompanied by biologist, Ms. San... and geologist, Mr. Brooks. Our focus will be on the Island surface; There's, what lies beneath. Mr Brooks." The Landsat official hands the presentation over to Brooks.

"Simple really. We are using explosives to shake the earth, and create vibrations... Helping us to map the sub surface of the island. We will fly over the south shore and then strategically drop seismic chargers that will help us understand the density of the earth." Brooks states, gaining my interest.

"You are dropping bombs?" I ask, hoping he'd see how crazy this plan was.

"Scientific instruments." Brooks lies.

"Do you hear that, boys? We are scientists, now." Pipes up a boy, who's name I later find to be Slivko.

"You guys are not scientists." Snaps an actual scientist.

"We'll then land, and make base camp... for ground excursions led by Mr. Conrad. Me to Jack Chapman." Chapman steps forward, directing our attentions to a map.

"All right. Once on the island... the storm interfarence will block all radio contact with the ship. That means, we will be by ourselves. Three days later, refuel team will meet us here on north of the Island... That might be our only safe departure...for unknown period. So a tip for everybody... Don't miss it, please." He finishes.

When everyone is going to their stations, I head off to the cargo hold. As I had predicted, the seismic bombs were there. I studied a box near me.

"What are you doing down here?" Asks Mason, making me start.

"I could ask you the same thing." I respond, really wondering why she was coming on this mission.

"Why does a geological mapping mission
need explosives." She asks.

"You weren't listening in class, again. Seismic charges for the geological survey." I remind.

"And you believe that?" She laughs.

"I didn't say that." I answer.

"Have you met Colonel Packard yet?" She asks.


"The guy's wound pretty tight"

"He's decorated war hero. It's the package they come in. And what about you? Isn't shooting a mapping mission step down for a photojournalist?"

"New you'd say that. In my defense, the right photo can help shape opinions."

"And win you a Pulitzer." I cough, and she clearly heard.

"Well, Captain Conrad. What about you? How did British Special forces get dragged into this?" She snaps.

"Just Conrad. I'm decommissioned. You should've known, I sent you a letter. Anyways. They offered me money."

"You didn't plan on being a mercenary when we were kids." She jabs.

"You didn't plan on being a war photographer." I retort.

"Anti war photographer." She corrects, making me smile a little.

Kong: Skull IslandWhere stories live. Discover now