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"What are you writing there, Chap?" Asks Mills, looking over Chapman's shoulder.

"Letter to my boy." Chapman responds.

"Dear Billy... I know I said I would at
be home by your birthday, but I lied straight to your face. I'm a terrible dad. I hope this letter makes it up to you." Mocks Mills.

"It's too short." Chapman laughs.

We all hang around, dancing to our music. The photographer girl comes over to us. My heart beats faster when she looks into my eyes. Her smile makes my stomach flutter. She snaps pictures of all of us, and I try to impress her. It only makes her laugh though.

"All personnel, report to your stations for departure." Annonces a speaker.

I head off to my chopper. Once i'm strapped in, I begin going through the check list in my head. Captain Conrad climbs into the helicopter quickly.

I had just settled in, all ready for flight. Weaver comes over to where I was sitting. I sent her a dark look, and she smiled. She held up her hand and shooed me on. I threw my pack over, and climbed into a different seat. When she climbed in, Slivko kept a very close watch on her. I wanted to laugh, but also tell him to keep away from my sister.

"I'm going out, uncle Marlow." I whisper, picking up my knife.

"Yeah. Watch yourself, kid." He responds, returning his focus to the Grey Fox.

I head out, wanting to go to the clearing I was very fond of. As I was walking, I heard a rumbling sound. It grew closer and closer. It was like a bee's buzzing, just amplified a thousand times over. Suddenly the ground shook, and smoke billowed up. A huge shining creature flew over head. Small objects fell from it. When they made contact with the ground, large explosions erupted.

When there seemed to be a break, I heard a ripping of tree roots. Suddenly, one of the shining creatures had a tree sticking out of it. The creature came down, exploding as it crashed on to the ground.

As quick as I could, I ran through the forest. I ran in the direction of the village, hoping Kong would defeat these new threats.

"PULL OUT! PULL OUT!" I shout.

"I don't take orders from you!" Yells back Slivko.

"Get us the hell out of here!" Orders Randa over the intercoms.

So much is happening at once. I look over at Mason, and see the pure terror in her eyes. The moment I look up I see dirt flying into the air. Wait.

"Whatch out!" I shout, seeing the man flying towards us.

He hits the front of the helicopter, causing cracks to form. Suddenly he's sucked up into the blades, a sickening sound emitted. We begin to lose control.

"Oh god!" I mutter, being jerked around in the spinning machine.

"Prepare to crash!" Warns Slivko.

"Brace-" begins the other pilot, but his words are cut off as we smash into the Earth.

I hear a ringing in my ears. My lungs feel constricted, and my neck is sore. Slowly, I climb out of the wreckage. While everyone's regrouping, I look around. There's no helicopters left.

"Calling all units! Is anybody airborne? I repeat, is anybody airborne?" Slivko calls, his communicator buzzing.

"They're all down. Everyone. We are on the south side of the island. There is a river a couple of klicks from here. If we sticks to its bank, we make it to the EXFIL site on the north shore." I instruct, stepping forward as leader.

"And then what? All our choppers are down."  Shouts Nieves, who saw us crash and came to regroup.

He also brought San and Brooks, but the other Landsat people either died or got caught up by Packard's men.

"We'll find a way to signal the ship. They'll send a search party. We just have to make it by the exit window." I say, trying to keep up hope.

"I should be sitting at a desk." Mutters Nieves.

"So, wait! Are we just not gonna talk about this?" Slivko shouts, in pure shock.

"My best guess is we're scattered over 4 to 5 miles radius.We must head north and join anyone we find." I declare, ignoring Slivko. "Are you alright?" I ask, turning my attentions to Mason.

"I don't know how to answer that question right now." She replies, her eyes set in a wide stare from shock.

"I don't know what that was either." I comfort, knowing what she actually meant by her words.

"All that money that they paid you? I hope you're worth it." She snaps, regaining some of her attitude.

"You really not gonna talk about it? You know, this is not normal, right? Stuff like that doesn't just happen!" Slivko shouts in shock.

We begin hiking, the humid climate causing the sweaty feeling to grow. My neck begins to ache again, and I bring my hand up to rub away the pain. Mason watches me with a smirk on her face.

"What?" I ask, a little annoyed.

"You forgot to put your head between your knees. Now you're paying the price, because your head got whipped around." She scolds, her attitude returned completely.

"Yeah. Well, incase you hadn't noticed, everything was happening really fast. Besides, I cannot fold myself in half." I snap, my patients all gone.

"Jeez. I'm sorry, i'm just trying to mess with you." She grumbles.

I stand, and drag her away from the group.

"Don't you understand? My God, Mason! This isn't a game. People are dying. People are dead! Do you not understand how serious this is? You are such a child sometimes!" I shout, going too far.

I know I offended her. Her eyes are glassy and red. She makes to return to the group, but I stop her.

"Mason, i'm sorry. It's just... look, I shouldn't have lost patients with you. I'm sorry. I promise not to do it again, if you promise to act mature and serious." I whisper, my annoyance gone.

"I promise. Now we have to get moving." She says, walking back to the group.

We continue our treck through the jungle.

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