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"The way they tell it, for thousands of years... the people of this island lived out of fear It's hell of a long time to be scared. And then one day, the damnest thing happened. Some of the things they were afraid of... started protecting against the things that were eating them. But nothing lasts forever, I guess. And this is where they honor the last of their saviors." Marlow announces, his voice echoing off the walls.

His story matches the pictures drawn. I find myself looking at the one done of the creature that took down our helicopters.

"Yeah... That's Kong... He is king down here... He is God to these people... Kong is a pretty good king... keeps to himself mostly... This is his home. We are just guests here. But you don't go into someone's house and start dropping bombs... unless you're picking a fight." Marlow snaps.

I look over at Ricky, who is glaring at all of us. Her eyes catch mine, and her anger softens. Then it grows, as if I angered her just by looking at her.

"Wasn't Kong the one who killed your friend?" Asks Mason, coming up and standing next to me.

"No. One of them did." Marlow replies, his eyes watering. He never tells me about my past. I want to know. "Kong is God on the island... but the devils live below us." Marlow states, referring to the mural of the giant lizard things.

"And what are they called?" James asks, the same question that had been in my head as well.

"The Iwis won't speak their name. But I call them skull crawlers." Marlow whispers.

"Why?" Asks James.

"Cause it's sounds neat." Marlow snaps, clearly not planning this far.

Weaver and James look at one another with judgmental silence.

"Okay." James says, his voice expressionless.

"Look, I just made that name up. I am trying to scare you." Marlow says, trying to back track.

Weaver and James stammer a bit, giving the name false praise.

"I never said the name out loud, Before It sounds stupid now that I say just.. You Call them whatever you want. Big lizard things. Nasty. They come from the vents. Deep down. That's why Kong got so mad. Cause those bombs woke up a bunch of them. I tell you what, you're lucky he's out there too or you wouldn't have made it this far. They're crafty basterds. Neat as hell. He can handle them as long as he gets to them when they're still small... You don't want to wake up the big one." Marlow warns.

"How big is it?" Asks San.

I space out, thinking back to when I was a child. When my parents disappeared and then uncle Gunpei. Uncle Marlow never told me how they died, but now he was saying uncle Gunpei died from these monsters.

"Kong is the last of its kind but he's still growing. And you better hope he does. Because the Iwis say once Kong goes... Then the big one comes out. And it's good night Irene." Laughs Marlow, trying to stay sane.

"Listen, There is a refueling team... coming to the north end of the island in three days." James announces, looking into my eyes.

"You should come with us." Weaver finishes, looking between me and James.

"At the north end of the island?" Marlow asks, his voice much too happy.

"We're gonna get out of here." Laughs along James.

"In three days?" Asks Marlow, laughing harder.

"Yes." James answers, smiling and nearly laughing.

James begins to laugh, awkwardly. Marlow puts his hand up and smacks James face. After about four or five, James stops smiling. Marlow's laughter also stops, and he is hitting him in controlled anger.

"We can't get to the north end in three days. It is impossible. That's it. No way." Marlow shoots down. Then he gets a wild idea. "At least not on foot" he smiles.

"The Grey fox?" I question, smiling now too.

He nods, and I take off towards the boat. They soon follow. Marlow is explaining it, and I am already jumping on.

"There she is." I hear Marlow whisper.

"Well that's lovely." James says sarcastically.

"Damn right." Marlow snaps.

"Does this thing even float?" Asks Slivko.

"Me and Gunpei spent six years of our lives buliding this thing. It's called the Great Fox. And yeah, she floats. I pulled the engine parts from my P-51 and his old Zero... found a B-29 on on the beach one day. That was something. That's when Ricky's parents got here." Marlow laughs.

Ricky's eyes widen in shock, but she doesn't say anything. Her silence intrigues me. Why does she stay so quiet?

"You gotta be kidding me. This machine is made out of pure tetanus." Nieves comments.

"I know she isn't pretty to look at... but it's nothing a couple of extra hands can't fix. Unless you got a better idea, I suggest we get craking." Marlow states, walking to the front of the boat.

Ricky looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Alright." I agree, climbing into the boat.

Ricky hugs me, and I am shocked. I turn bright red as everyone watches. Soon I hug her back. She pulls away, and then punches my shoulder.

"Thank you." She laughs, walking off to start working.

Marlow comes over and puts his arm around my shoulders. He laughs and shakes me a bit, but when Ricky isn't looking he grows serious.

"You touch her, and I'll stab you. You break her heart? And you'll wish that your great great granddaddy hadn't been born." Marlow threatens, causing me to grow pale.

He starts laughing hysterically. I awkwardly laugh off his comment. He let's go, and I go to start working.

Kong: Skull IslandWhere stories live. Discover now