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I walk in, after getting myself out of the hole I fell into. Mason laughs at my dusty shoes. Across the room, there's a balcony. Ricky is looking up at the sky, fiddling with Mason's camera. I walk over there, drawn to her.

"Go get em', tiger." Mason whispers, making me blush.

I lean against the doorway, watching her.

"Isn't it odd, that the most dangerous places, are always the most beautiful?" I ask, pulling her attention.

She looks up at the sky, and figits with the tourch in her hand.

"I'm trying to take a long exposure photograph for your sister, but this metal tourch broke." She sighs, showing me the cylinder.

"Try this." I offer, holding out my lighter.

I take the tourch and examine it. Opening up the back, I see that the batteries have been removed. I sigh and look over at Mason. She holds a thumbs up to me. I glare at her.

"Thank you." Ricky whispers, moving a few switches on the camera.

She looks down at the lighter for a second.

"Royal Air Force?" She reads.

"She can read, too." I comment, earning an eyebrow raise. "My father's. He threw it to me from the train as he rolled off to fight the Nazis... The bad guys. He was like John Wayne to me... some kind of mythic hero." I answer, trying to explain everything.

"Did he come back?" She asks, her voice becoming like a child's.

"His plane went down near Hamburg. They searched for him for months but... I suppose no man comes home from war. Not really. Anyways, my mum remarried an American. Mason's dad. That's how I met Mason, and how she became my sister." I reply.

"It must have been nice." She sighs.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Knowing about your parents. My dad died, then my mum, and then uncle Gunpei. Marlow never told me how my parents died. I still am wondering." She responds, sitting down and looking at the sky.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper, sitting next to her.

"Why? It's not your fault." She laughs, looking at me with curiosity.

I felt a swell in my chest. My eyes met with hers and my heart skipped a beat. Her eyes burned with bright amber flames. They enchanted me, drew me in and kept me guessing. She teases me by being so close. Her breath falling warmly onto my lips.

"What are you doing out here?" Asks Marlow, causing Ricky to jump away.

His lips are so close to mine. If I just leaned into them, what would happen? Marlow has told me about kissing. I never understood why people would want to do it. I still don't, but I just want to. I want to feel his lips on mine.

"What are you doing out here?" Interupts Marlow.

I jump away from James. Marlow is glaring at him, James glaring back. I stand, looking between them.

"Nothing." I answer, packing up the camera and tripod.

"Nothing." James echoes, his voice a little shakey.

I walk back in, my cheeks burning. Weaver stands, her smile fading into a confused frown.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Here." I snap, pushing the equipment into her hands.

I race out of the bungalow, just as the tears slip down my face. I run out past the houses. My hands rip off my flight suit, allowing the cold air to cool my body. I jump into the river, and swim under the water. My lungs scream for air, but I deny them that. I stay under for much longer than I thought I could.

Ricky races away, going God knows where. I make to follow her, but Marlow stops me.

"Did you touch her?" He growls.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Did you touch her?!" Marlow screams.

"No." I snarl, wanting to go after her.

"What were you doing out here?" He asks, his voice shaking.

"We were talking. Look, I promise you that I never touched her. I wouldn't do that to her. All she wants is to know what happened to her parents." I reason, speaking nothing but the truth.

"Conrad, her parents died." Mason whispers, coming to see what was wrong.

"She wants to know why and how." I restate, willing them to tell her.

"Her dad went out one day to the B-29. They were trying to get it up and running. The engine blew up. He died. That explosion woke up a skull crawler. The same one that got Gunpei. It killed her mom. " Marlow whispers.

"Why don't you tell her that?" I question, not understanding.

"Because they were planning on leaving without her and us. They wanted to escape the island without us. I don't want her to think that her parents were bad people." Marlow sighs.

"Uh... guys! I hate to break you all up, but Ricky is gone." Slivko yells.

I hear a sudden roar from far away. Not wasting a second, I run out of the bungalow. From the light of the night sky, I see something swimming in the river. I run to it, hoping it was Ricky. It was. When I reach the edge of the water, I put my hands on my knees and breath deeply.

"You... gave me... a... heart attack." I gasp.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

I look at her face, just bearly making out the slight blush.

"Want to join me?" She asks, a little mischievously.

"Not really. We need to sleep, so we can get up early to escape." I chuckle.

"C'mon. Take off your clothes." She laughs.

"What?" I ask, a little shocked.

"That's right. It isn't polite, I'm sorry." She says, sincerely.

She begins climbing out, and I notice she's not wearing anything. I look away before I see anything.

"I'm dressed now." She whispers, after a while.

I look at her, admiring her sparkling grin in the light.

"Bed time then." She sighs, taking my hand.

She pulls me off towards the bungalow.

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