Catching Up

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"Okay. So we've got 48 hours to make it to the North Shore... Slivko, do you what you're doing back there?" James asks, irritated.

His sudden reminder of time broke a conversation about wars. I'm trying to work on checking the metal around the cables to make sure they're not corrupted, but the conversation was interesting.

"Yeah, pop's a mechanic. If I can't fix this, he'll disown me. If he ever sees me again." Slivko retorts.

"Hold the phone here, Churchill. Russia was our ally. Now You say we're at war with them?" Marlow asks, utterly confused.

I'm more so, because I don't even know what it was about. The only thing I do understand is the Churchill nickname and Russia was a friend, but I don't know who the enemy was. Especially when uncle Gunpei tried to explain it to me. My uncles didn't agree on who the bad guy was or who the good guys were, so they never really talked about it. Especially since it wasn't important in here.

"It's more of a cold war." James corrects, making me think of people fighting and freezing.

" 'Cold War' like... they take the summers off?" Asks Marlow.

James goes to say something, but stops himself. I just shake my head in the background.

"What about the Cubs? The cubs owned a world series yet?" Marlow asks, perking up.

Uncle Marlow used to tell me about the fun times he had watching baseball. Once he got to play in 'little leagues' when he was a kid. I laughed as he used to swing at imaginary balls.

"The Cubs? No, not even close. Were they ever good?" Scoffs Slivko.

"That just so happens to be my team. Where are you from?" Snaps Marlow, making me stifle my giggles.

James looks at me with a funny expression.

"Detroit." Responds Slivko, proudly.

"Oh! Okay.The tigers there.They win at all this year?" Marlow mocks.

"I don't know." Mumbles Slivko.

"I doubt it. Yeah." Interjects Marlow.

Then he starts mumbling things about Cubs and tigers. I look up for a moment, and see James' arms tightening a bolt. They are strong and tanned slightly. A strange feeling swells in my chest, and flutters in my stomach.

"Hey, what do you think will win a fight? A tiger or a Cub?" Asks Slivko, jumping out of the underdeck engine chamber.

"A tiger will win." Marlow answers, earning a vigorous nod from Slivko.

He acts as if he's won, but Marlow is just confused.

"Yeah, because a cub is a baby bear. A full grown tiger can eat a baby bear. Yeah, you gotta think it through." Marlow taps his temple with a rench.

"We also put a man on the moon." Pipes in Nieves, who is sitting watching the smoke output, incase we hit the ignition.

Everyone looks up to the sky, even though the moon isn't out yet. Out of my perifreals, I see James glance over at me. My cheeks burn bright red.

"No kidding What did they do? Just leave him up there? What's he eating?" Marlow questions, not really all too surprised.

"Tang. Spam." Nieves replies, looking back down at the output chamber.

I glance up at James one more time. Our eyes met, and we both look away. I can tell he is blushing just as bad as I am.

"Come on, we're loosing daylight." He orders.

We finish up, and I'm drenched in sweat. Marlow takes us all back to our shared bungalow. James elects to stay behind for a bit. I just want to get out of my clothes.

As I'm walking back in shock, I see Conrad sitting in the boat. He's looking up at the sunset. I walk over and clear my throat. He jolts a little, but calms when he sees me.

"What's up?" I ask, knowing he's got something on his mind.

"It's nothing really." He lies.

"C'mon. I'm your little sister. I know when you've got something on your mind, so spill." I demand.

"It's Ricky." He whispers.

"Ooooo. Does someone take a fancy to her?" I mock his British accent.

"What? N-no." He stutters, his cheeks flushing red.

"Mmmhhhm." I hum, knowing he's lying.

"Please. Don't even. I know about you and Slivko." He retorts, making me blush.

"It's nothing." I whisper.

"Fine. I'll drop it if you do." He promises, I nod.

"Lead the way to our bungalow." I order, earning a small smile.

We walk off, but I see which one we are staying in. I race off to it, getting there before he does.

"What kind of music is that? What happened to swing? Benny Goodman?" Marlow asks, as the music fills the bungalow.

Slivko is playing with my spear. He looks so stupid doing it, but it's funny.

"You're like a time traveler man. Telling you, this is the new sound." Slivko replies.

"I do not know if I'm gonna like whoever is under this beard." Says Marlow, cutting his beard with a knife I gave him for his birthday.

Nieves comes over, and is really jumpy. I almost laugh at him.

"I really hope that thing you call a boat can get us upriver in 36 hours. Because if we miss that window... We are literally up a creek."

"I can't tell when I am talking... Or when I am not talking." Whispers Marlow, causing me to roll my eyes.

"You are talking." Hisses Nieves.



"I'm talking?"


"Your mouth is moving"


"I'm gonna stab you before the end of the night." Marlow threatens, holding up the knife.

"Really?" Asks Nieves in fear.

"Just kidding." Marlow laughs, making a dark face at him that says otherwise.

"If the boat does not work, we just take the train." Weaver jokes, pulling me away by my arm.

"Hey, can you take a picture of the sky for me?" Weaver asks.

I nod, a smile on my face. She shows me how to change the settings, and take the picture. I pull the tripod and camera away.

"Oh. Wait! Take this." She says, handing me a metal tourch.

"Wow!" I yell, making her laugh.

I set up the tripod outside, and set the camera on top.

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