End or Beginning?

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I look at the mirror, knowing there's people back there. Mason sits behind me at a table. They took Ricky and Slivko away from us. I was not happy at all, but I held it in.

"You just gonna sit there?" I jab, not knowing who it was. "-in the dark. You're enjoying this, right? ...is this fun for you? ...I promise I won't tell the Russians." I chuckle.

"I promise I will tell the Russians." Threatens Mason.

"She's gonna tell the Russians." I declare, returning to my seat.

I wait, the anger growing. I pick up a pencil and throw it at the glass. The peace of wood breaks.

"Why are you keeping us here?" I ask, not daring to mention Ricky incase they'll torture her.

"I want to go home." Snaps Mason.

"We get it, there was no island. We were never on an island" I sigh.

Suddenly the door opens.

"Island. What island?" Asks Brooks.

"Brooks, what the hell is going on? Where's Ricky?" I growl, angrier knowing he's keeping us here.

"Welcome to Monarch" he gestures, causing me to chuckle.

"I'm fine." Answers Ricky, stepping out from behind San.

Slivko also enters the room. I run up and hug her. She meets me half way. We all go back and sit down.

"This island, is just the beginning." Brooks states, taking pictures out of a folder.

"There's more out there." San continues.

"What do you mean 'more'?" I ask, a little worried.

"This world never belonged to us. It belonged to them." Brooks nods at Ricky. "The question is, how long before they take it back?" A projection flicks on. "Kong... is not the only king." He finishes, making me sit forward to read his expression.

Then I look over at the projection to our right.

"MONARCH: section 8 additional threats." It reads, displaying photos of ancient species. Not just the ones that were on Skull Island.

Suddenly, there's a security video. It's of a small camp. The camera blacks out, but there is a Earth shattering roar. It draws on and ends in a siren sounding swirl of vocal cords. The lights slowly come back on, as the projection disappears.

"We have had... other expeditions. Ones that haven't... succeeded." Brooks informs, choosing his words carefully.

"Succeeded? You call what happened on Skull Island, a success?" Shouts Mason.

"Well, no... but it's been more of a success than our other missions." Recovers Brooks.

"And why do you need us?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

James keeps my hand in his. I don't know why they didn't keep us together. Although, that would have been 'inappropriate' when they cleaned us. They stripped our clothes, and washed us from head to toe. Ridding us of any 'toxins'. I begged to keep the old flight suit, and they said they had no intentions of keeping it.

"Well, we want you to lead a rescue operation. One of our bests is stranded on an island very close to Skull Island." Brooks explains.

"So, are you in?" Asks San, seeming to work with Brooks very well.

"Nope. No. Never again, man." Slivko shakes his head no.

"Never in one million years." Snarls Mason.

"Not a chance." Replies James.

Everyone looks at me, because of my uncharacteristic silence. I blush brightly, and wonder what I should do. I miss Skull Island, even though it almost swallowed me and my friends whole. I still missed it. Plus, if it weren't for the team coming to the island, I would never have gotten away. This person who was stranded, who ever they were, does not deserve to stay there forever. I made up my mind, and I know James will kill me when I get back. That is if I get back. I draw in a huge breath, prolonging the inevitable.

"When do I go?" I ask, not looking at anyone except Brooks.

He breaks into a bright smile.

"You have two months to prepare yourself. This island is different. They call it 'the Sister Island'." Brooks responds, standing up.

San hugs me across the table, and leaves with Brooks. James stands, and grabs me by the shoulders. Mason jumps from her seat, looking at me with worry. Slivko just stands behind Mason, wide eyed.

"What are you thinking?! Don't you remember-" James starts.

"Remember what? Skull island?! Yeah, I do. Incase you hadn't realized, I was born there. It's the only home I've ever had! And now that I'm gone, it's chasing me where ever I go! If someone is stranded like I was. Like Marlow was, I want to help them! How can you just so casually sit by, and let them die?!" I interupt, making them all blush in embarrassment.

"Because I can be replaced. I'm not important. Plus, Monarch dragged everyone to Skull Island, blind! They caused so many to die! I don't want to be a part of that." James responds, making me think of Cole.

"Well, I'm going. You can kill me for scaring you, when I get ba-"

"There is no way in hell that I'm letting you go alone." James interupts.

"Yeah. We can't let you go by yourself. There's just no way." Mason pipes up.

"No. You're not coming with. This time i'm stopping you." James tells her.

"You're not going to stop her?" Teases Mason.

"He couldn't if he wanted to." "I'm not skilled enough to." James and I say over top of one another.

Slivko and Mason hide their laughter.

"It's settled then, we're getting the gang back together. Should I call the boys?" Slivko asks.

"What?" Asks Mason.

"Reles and Mills. They'll kill me if we get killed before the wedding. And... they'll burn me alive if I don't, at least, tell them where i'm going to, in order to get myself killed." Slivko jokes, but instead of laughing we all grow quiet.

"Are you proposing?" I ask, hoping he was.

He looks at Mason, and gets down on one knee. His hands pull out a small silver finger band. He lifts it up to Mason.

"Mason Elizabeth Weaver, will you do me the gre-" he is stopped by Mason hugging him tightly.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She shrieks, being lifted and twirled by Slivko.

She slips the band onto her finger. James and I awkwardly watch from the background. Slivko looks at James, and sets Mason down.

"With your permission, ofcourse." He states, speaking to James.

"Slivko, you survived against all odds back on that island. On top of that, you even protected Mason. There is no one I approve of more. Of course you have my permission." James chuckles.

I hug James close to me. His arms go around me. I allow myself one moment of peace. Then I remember Gunpei's family. I pull away from James.

"I have to stop somewhere before we go. There's someone I have to talk to."

Kong: Skull IslandWhere stories live. Discover now