Chapter 9

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I pushed Keaton back and asked a question I've been wondering, "do you still love her..?" he didn't answer for a little, but when I looked up at him he looked at me with sorrow, "yes.." he replied quietly. I stood up pushing past him, he tried grabbing ahold of me but I pushed his hand off and walked into the kitchen grabbing another beer, wanting to forget this, and just have fun. I sighed in relief when I found Xander.

"Hey.." I said sheepishly, saying sorry for interrupting their conversation.

"It's all good Brooke, guys this is Brooke."

"Hey, I'm Dylan." a bright blue eyes boy asked with black hair. he was quiet attractive, but nothing compared to Kaiden. I smiled softly giving him a quick hug that he pulled me into

"I'm Jake!" a green eyes brown hair boy said smiling proudly. I giggled and gave him a hug as well.

"And last but not least?" I said turning to a blond haired boy with brown eyes.

"I'm Drew." I gave him a hug as well,

"Nice to meet you guys!" I said taking a drink.

"You were right Xander, she is a babe" Dylan said winking at me. I blushed and looked at the floor.

Why am I not bawling right now? cuz I cant. I need to be strong at least for this party, and I'm planning on doing that. I'm not letting Kaiden ruin my time tonight.

I decided right then and there to push him outta my mind tonight.

"Sorry Xander, but I'm taking Dylan away and we are going to dance." his eyes went wide, while Dylan gave a whoop! I laughed and pulled him out into our living room that was changed into a dance floor. I looked over and saw Mariah and Keaton talking again like nothing happened between us just seconds ago, and tears begged to spill again. he caught my glance and smiled softly at me with apologetic eyes. I turned my gaze to Dylan and started to grind on him right in front of Keaton.

He looked at me with a hurt expression, but I didn't care. I was hurt, and was going to numb the pain any way I could.

'5 hours later'

"Bye guys! thanks for coming!" I yelled closing the door as the last of the people left. I ignored the mess, and stormed up to my room. I'll deal with it tomorrow. I sighed and slumped to the floor with my back against the door. I started to cry softly, he loves her still.. I can see it in his eyes too. he doesn't wanna be with me, he wants her.. my cries grew louder and the next thing I know I have four guys banging on my door telling me to open up.

"No! let me cry for tonight.. I wanna be alone." I said and they sighed leaving.

I crawled up in my bed. the rest of that night while I talked with Dylan, danced with him, I even kissed him. Keaton watched me the whole time, while talking to Mariah. she was getting annoyed with him paying attention to what I was doing and finally just got up and left, which Keaton followed. I think he apologized, and made plans with her to talk later.

I know I hurt him for doing that, but like I said, I wanted to numb the pain... just then my phone went off.

Caiden- you ok? Keaton's been in his room all night sulking about something, but we don't know what. do you?

Me- uhh, sorta... can I tell you tomorrow?

Caiden- no, tell me now. please.

I sighed and typed back,

Me- I found Keaton talking with Mariah, and when I tried talking to him he ignored me. I got pissed and hurt, he calmed me down, but then said she loves him still so I asked if he loves her still and he said he does. I was hurt and I wanted to numb the pain, so I used Dylan, Xander's friend. Keaton was watching me the whole time, and Mariah got mad and left. I don't know if he went and apologized and made plans with her to talk later, but he followed her and came back in just as quick. that's what happened tonight. that's why I'm crying.

Caiden- oh.. sorry sweetheart, he doesn't know what he's loosing if he doesn't choose you. I'm here always, wanna grab breakfast tomorrow?

Me- sure, night Caiden.

Caiden- night

"Uhh brooke?" I grumbled and pulled the covers over my head.

"Brooke, get up, we need to talk." I recognized that voice and sat up rubbing my eyes.

"What Keaton?"

He sat next to me.

"I'm not leaving you for her.."

"You love her, not me.. why put your self through that?"

"Cuz I want to be with you, I wanna move on." I shake my head,

"I saw the way you looked at her. you want her more than me. go get her Keaton..." he looked at me like he was about to cry, which I didn't want, so I got up and left the room. I sighed and sat on the steps with my head in my hands. Why is my life so fucked up??

I compose myself and walk down the stairs to be met with eight curious eyes. I sigh and sit on the counter making me some coffee. I drink it quietly as the boys still look at me.

"What do you want me to say?!" I yell, "I'm not gonna say I'm ok when I'm not ok? leave me be about last night..." they all nodded looking at the table.

I grab Caiden's hand and pull him out of the house and towards my car, "I'm driving."

He nodded and buckled himself in.

We got up to IHOP and I jumped out excitedly. this is my favorite place to eat for breafast. I completely forgot about Keaton for the time being.

We ordered and I took a drink of my coffee and smiled up at Caiden.

"How are you?" I asked giggling a little. he chuckled

"Good I guess, what about you?"

"I'm ok..." I said looking at my hands.

"Hey, like I said he doesn't know what he is missing out on if he chooses Mariah." I sighed,

"But I know he's gonna pick her.. he loves her. do you see the way he looked at her last night?" he shook his head no.

"No, but I know he likes you a lot. he won't shut up about you, he may choose you Brooke, you never know."

"But I do know! he doesn't love me, he loves her! he doesn't want me, he wants her! I just give up." I said as tears filled my eyes once more. our food came and I ate silently trying not to cry my heart out.

"Brooke, it'll be ok. all of us guys are here for you with whatever decision he makes. and I know for a fact, I'll always be here even if I'm a thousand miles away." I smiled softly and reached over and gave his hand a squeeze. "thanks Caiden. you're the best."

He smiled and finished his food quietly as well.

When we got home the house was spotless, and i was shocked. I didn't know the boys could actually clean! I smiled at all the boys, but my smile faded as my eyes landed on Keaton who looked so upset, and confused.

"Thanks boys, I would've done this when I got home." I said quietly.

"It's ok! it was Keaton's idea anways." my head shot up to Keaton as a smile appeared on his lips.

"Well, thanks." I said before climbing the stairs to go take a shower.

"Hey! brooke! wait up!" I turned to see Keaton coming up the stairs. I sighed and opened my door letting him follow me in.

"What now Keaton?"

"I wanted to tell you I chose you. forget Mariah, she's been gone for almost four years now, and I don't wanna go back to the past. I want you, the girl right in front of me. I need you, I can't live with knowing that I made a huge mistake choosing Mariah, when you're the one my heart wants. my mind tells me to go fix the past, but my heart tells me to choose you. I listen to my heart better. So please, no more crying, I don't wanna see that sad face. I wanna see that beautiful smiling Brooke."

I smiled and pulled his face towards mine giving him a kiss.

That's the answer I was hoping for.

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