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"All the sadness inside me melted away, like I was free"
Mercedes P.O.V

We drove down the dark road at a high speed making sure to get away from that horrid institute as fast as humanly possible.

Once we were a safe distance away, and no where near the asylum we began driving at a normal speed realizing that we had to survive on the little amount of gas we had.

My head rested on my seat as I looked out of the window at the dark space and blurry lights. It had been so long since I had seen the outside and it was absolutely stunning. I will never take freedom for granted again.

Ana pulled into the parking lot of a small diner alongside the deserted road.

"We have no money. We won't be able to afford anything in here." I expressed.

She shrugged her shoulders and exited the car before making her way towards the extrance, having me follow close behind.

"Please help us" Ana started as she stared back at the woman working the front desk.

"We're closing." The woman said dismissively.

"Please, my friend- she's very sick. We were kidnapped and we managed to escape but she hasn't eating in weeks. Please I'm begging you."

The woman's face turned soft as she analyzed us.

"Should I call the police?" She questioned.

"No, he'll find us if you do. All we ask for is food and we'll be on our way." I intervened.

If she calls the police we'll be right back where we started.

"Okay take a seat." She expressed.

Ana turned around to find a seat, and that's when I noticed the drops of blood on different areas of her gown. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before quickly dismissing it and shooting the woman a warm smile.

I sat down facing Ana, in the booth beside the window before speaking.

"After this we need to go to my school, I have clothes that we can change into." She nodded in agreement as the woman approached us with two meals in her hands.

"I'm sorry if it's cold, our chef left before you guys came so this is all that was left." She said as she placed the chicken tenders and fries down in front of us.

She then handed us 2 strawberry milkshakes before sending us a smile

"Thank you" I spoke being genuinely grateful for her kindness to us.

She sent us one last smile before leaving us to eat in peace.

My mouth started to water as I stared back at the meal in front of me, before immediately beginning to indulge.

I scraped the food from my plate and shoved each bit down my throat like I haven't eaten in years.

The hunger that festered inside me slowly began to fade away with each bite I took. It was almost like I was coming alive again.

Next thing I know, air fills my straw as I reach the bottom of my milkshake. I sit back in satisfaction as I look down at my clean plate.

I look up at Ana, seeing that she still had much of her meal to finish and was no where near being done. Ana looked at me with a shocked expression causing a laugh to escape my lips; but my eyes never left the trickles of blood that stained her gown.

Silence fell between us as I sat myself upward and rested my elbows against the table.

"Thank you." I spoke, causing Ana to look up at me with a confused expression.

"For what?" She questioned

"For coming to find me, and getting me out. Thank you for bringing me here and getting me food and just for being there for me. Anyone else would've left me back there but you didn't- so thank you. You're the realest friend I think I've ever had." I explained causing a warm smile to cross her lips.

                "Well you're the only friend I've ever had and I wouldn't leave you there. You're the one who brought me back to being optimistic and showed me what hope and dedication looks like. So if anything, I should be thanking you." She expressed taking me by surprise.

Now that I think about it, Ana might be my only friend too. Nobody in my life has ever been this loyal and kinder, so if this is what friendship looks like then this is my first time ever having it.

                  "Can I ask you something?" I questioned as my eyes flickered back down to the blood staining her shirt.

     She nodded her head as she took a bite of her chicken tender.

                  "Why is there blood on your gown?"

      Her body became tense and she stopped chewing for a second, before quickly recovering and shrugging her shoulders.

                   "I'm not sure-" she started before having me cut her off.

                    "Did you kill him?- the doctor? Is that what you meant when you told me not to worry about him anymore?" I questioned.

       Her face became soft as she slowly nodded her head, confirming the thoughts that circulated in mine.

        She looked at my expression for a sign of discomfort or judgement, but I showed her none. Who would I be to judge her when she just saved me? We all have our skeletons and I'll be sure to lock hers away deep with mine. Besides- he deserved to die anyways.

                 "Are you ready to go?" I asked assuring her that her secret was safe with me.

   She took one last sip of her drink before looking down at her now empty plate and nodding her head.

     We walked out of the diner after thanking the barista one last time.

                    "Do you want me to drive?" I questioned since I knew the route to my school.

      She nodded her head before getting in the car.

      I sat in the drivers seat and pressed the wires together turning the car into ignition. I took a deep breath as I placed my hands on the wheel. My foot pressed onto the gas as we pulled out of the parking lot and back onto the dark isolated road.

          One last stop and I'll be finally taking care of my newly found vendetta.

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