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Mercedes P.O.V

"The head mistress, really? Derek your insane?" I spoke trying to act as if I didn't care when really I was freaking out.

"I thought you said you didn't care what I did, this does not look like not caring you jealous cunt." I spat.

He remained silent as we exited the building and started towards the Head office.

"Derek I'm telling you right now if you take me in there I won't hesitate to tell her about all our little encounters." I rushed as we got closer to the building.

He came to a halt as he looked at me with his eyes narrowed.

"She wouldn't believe you" he spoke as he began walking again.

"Oh really, I still have a bruise from where you wrapped your hand around my throat, that's points for abuse. And I can promise you that I will scream and cry to the world that you fucking molested me if you take me in there. Then you won't just be leaving that office without a job, but you'll also be leaving in hand cuffs" he stopped walking as he let out a huff of air, before speaking.

"You wouldn't"

A low laugh escaped my lips as I looked up at him.

"Try me." I dared.

He roughly let go of my arm, causing me to stumble back.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? So not only are you following me, but you're snitching now too?" I asked out of pure irritation.

He looked down at me, not saying a word.

"Oh, now your back to not speaking to me? Great." I huffed as I started walking ahead of him.

"Mercedes where are you going?" His voice spoke.

"So now you want to talk?" I paused as I stopped walking and stood in front of him.

"Derek, I don't know what this game is that your playing. But I'm not with this whole "stand off" vibe that your giving me. Your acting like you don't give a fuck but as soon as I go off with another guy your on my ass."

"I'm not on your ass about you being with another guy." He responded

"Okay then what the fuck was that then?" I questioned as my eyes narrowed at him.

"It was me enforcing the rules." He shrugged.

Since fucking when?

Anger started to pulsate through my veins as I clenched my fist at the side of my body.

"You literally dragged me out of the fucking restroom and all the way to the head mistresses office." I stated as my voice began to rise.

His shoulders shrugged as he looked down at me.

"We haven't even fucked yet and your already acting like this. See Luke and I have already had sex so I can see why he'd be upset, but with you I can't. "

Derek's face scrunched together in confusion as his eyes concentrated on me.
"You had sex with Luke? That's the 'real man' you were talking about?" He asked as he conjured up a laugh.

"Listen, you wouldn't give me what I wanted so I had to get it from somewhere. But if you keep playing games, my next encounter will be with Mr. Maloley." I smiled up at him.

"That's not funny" he growled

"Well it's the truth."

He let out a huff of air as his jaw slightly clenched. His eyes fixated on me once again as I continued to smile, knowing that I had caused him frustration.

"Are you still obsessed with the idea of sex with me?" He questioned.

"I don't think I'd use the word obsessed but you are one sexy mother fucker and I'd love to concur you, that's all." I spoke as my shoulders shrugged.

He nodded his head as he looked down at me.

"Alright let's go" he spoke as he started walking away from the school building.

Woah what the fuck.

"Wait, like we're going right now?" I asked out of shock.

He hummed in response as he began walking past the dorms and towards the gate.

"What about your classes?"

"After lunch I have a free period, you know for grading and such." He explained as he continued through the grassy fields.

How many fucking free periods do these lazy ass teachers have?

"That's great and all but I kinda have to go to my classes sooo."

He looked back at me before responding.

"Do you want to go or not"

"I mean yea but-" I started before getting interrupted.

"Then shut the fuck up and keep walking." He stated causing me to roll my eyes.

I followed him as we walked side by side one another, before he opened the gate giving us access to the parking lot.

That easy?

We weaved through the different cars before standing in front of a Range Rover convertible.

My mouth dropped as I stared at the car in awe, I've never seen one in person before and I feel like I've just accomplished something.

"Get in." He spoke as he unlocked the car.

I quickly pulled the door handle, and sat in the front seat. He put the key into ignition before driving off.

The car engine was fairly loud, making feel more risky and exciting. My eyes examined the interior of the inside before the sound of Derek's voice broke me from my concentration.

"Why are you staring at it so hard?" He laughed.

"Because I've always wanted a Range Rover, and I've never seen the convertibles in real life. And now I'm sitting inside one." I spoke as a smile crept onto my lips from my excitement.

He looked at me, and my immense amount of excitement with a slight smile playing on his lips.

"What?" I questioned as a laugh fell from my lips.


I broke eye contact with him , before looking out of the window. My eyes gazed out at the beautiful scenery as I started to become curious as to where we were going.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking over at him.

"My place." He said as he adjusted his grip on the wheel.

I know for sure that I will be in trouble when I get back. This is my second time skipping class, I'm sure I can't lie myself out of this one. So I guess I better make the best of memories and have an enjoyable time at Derek's.

He better fuck me like there's no tomorrow.

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