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"Krist, over here!"
P'Jane called him as soon as he enter the office.
" Hi, P'Jane. ...what's are those?"
"Here, those are from your fan."
"Huh? From My girlfriend?"
"No, those are presents from your FANS, silly."
"W..What? Do I have fans?"
Krist was so surprised that someone is his fan.
"Yes. You and Singto have fans, the number is still small but they are you and Singto's big supporters. Here, this is from your fans."

I'm a big fun of you❤️
I'm always rooting for you😍😍
I'm your biggest fan.I love you 😘

There were small gifts with lots of messages in a bag.

- Wow. Do I have fans?
Krist turn red with happiness. He has never experienced such a joy.
Yes! He has own fans!

" Wow! I can't believe it!"
"What can't you believe Krist?"
Singto asked from behind.
"P'Sing! We have fans! I can't believe it!"
" I know. It's amazing right?"
Singto smiled.
"I was wondering how our fans know us? We haven't promote our drama yet."
Krist was wondering while Singto is busy reading messages from his fans.
"Oh. Look, Krist,they are so sweet."
Singto showed one of the message he got from his fan.
"P' I hate to say but is this new for you,too? I don't think so. You are very popular in Uni already."
Krist pissed a bit.
"What? I've never got any gift from anyone in school."
Singto winked.
"Come on, P !"
Krist is frustrated.
"Seriously, this is different for me, too. This is for us. Those people are our fans. We have to treasure them, cherish them from now on. They are our supporters."
Singto said with smile.
" Yes, we will."
Krist smiled back.
"But...How do they find us? Even my friends don't know about my drama."
"I don't know neither."
Singto shrugged his shoulder.

"Do you want to know ? The answer is this!"
Off suddenly appeared out of nowhere with his phone, and showed it to them.

New shipped couple list
Singto Prachaya Ruangroj

Krist Perawat Sangpotirat
(Wife/ Arthit)

Krist Perawat Sangpotirat(Wife/ Arthit)

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"Naaaaaaaaa~ me....wife?!"
Krist screamed.
"Ish, shut up Krist."
Off shooed him.
"Wha,What is this?"
Krist asked again to Off.
"This person Tweets every time when new drama is coming, especially for boys love. She has so much followers so once she announced it spreads quickly. Mine was once there,too. You guys are in. Lucky you."
Off grinned.

When shooing is finished, it was already passed 9:00pm. The dram shooting is almost complete.
Singto and Krist are so exhausted. They just want to go home.
"There! Phew, you guys are still here. Good! You guys need to do fan service now. Your fans are gathering at outside."
P'Ram came in to the locker and said to them.
" Fan service... what should I do?"
Singto is confused.
"Why do we need to do?"
Krist asked.
" Well, our company budget is pretty tight, so we only could buy 3 broadcasting slot for  Sotus Teaser. We will use Line TV and other social media for advertising. And also we will release your interaction with your fans in media. Be nice to your fans and show what they want to see from you guys."
P'Ram ordered.
"....What do our fans want from us? Do you know Krist?"
Singto is clueless.
"Well...let's see, P."

"Sawasdee khrap."
"I'm Krist Perawat Sangpotirat, Arhtit Khrap."
" I'm Singto Prachaya Ruangroj,Kongpob Kharp. Nice to meet you all."
It's 9:30pm. Even outside is dark already, Singto and Krist can see over 30 people in front of the office building parking lot.
Their fans greeted back to them in enthusiastically.

"P'Singo, Me and my friend are a big fan of you and Nong Krist! We are  the same Uni!"
Someone shouted to them.
"Oh, that's nice, Thank you."
When Krist replies with dimple smile, other fans are staring question them, talking them  one after another, along with screaming their names.
Soon, It's become chaos.

"P. What should we do."
Krist becomes nervous.
When Singto looked at Krist's eyes, his inner alarm start to beeping.
- Oh, no! Krist will cry!

"Shhhhhhhhh! Everyone, we can't hear you. Please keep it down So that We can answer you one by one."
As Singto gestured to be quiet with normal tone but with super attractive smile.
Everyone paused ..... then,


" Huh? I don't know what to do now. Normally it worked to my cheer team members back then."
Singto whispered to Krist.
"Whoa! Don't so close to my ears! Mine is very sensitive. Anyways, Should we go back to the office? It's too much."
Krist whispered to him back.
"Haha, my bad. Well I don't know...Shouldn't we do Fan service?"
" I don't know , they don't shut up.
Oh, this is totally out of topics ,  P' Singto, do you want me to give you a ride home?"
"Did you come here motorcycle today?"
"Yeah, I came from school directly."
"Ok, please give me a ride."
Krist and Singto whispered to each other, back and forth with giggling and chuckled.
They are too concentrated on their conversation and totally forgot where they are.

"Ahen, Ahen!"

Krist turned his head to fans, there was pin drop silence as everyone listened with rapt attention.

" Ohhhh, they are so cute."
"P'Singto is so sweet to Nong."
"I'm melting with Krist's smile."
"They are so comfortable each other."

Fans are talking each other happily.
" P' Krist! I have a question."

" Yea? What is it?"
"Do you like P'Singto?"
"Eh? Umm, sure."
"Kongpob, did you kiss your P'Arthit?"
"Ahhhh..it's a secret."
Singto winked.
"P'Arthit, What do you think about your junior?"
"He is a brat."
They go on about 20 minuets, then P'Ram came in.
"Okey, it's time to go home now. Thank you for coming. We will do fan meeting again. I will tweet on my tweeter."

After retreat to the office for break.
"Well done! You guys are great! It was really nice Fan service! Your fans are already tweeting on Twitter, or IG. Look!"
Ram praise them.
"... when did we do so called 'Fan service?"
Singto asked Krist.
"...I don't know. Did we?"
"Oh, what are you guys taking about? You guys are whispering each other and laughing each other. That's Fan service right?"
Ram asked.
Singto and Krist are clueless.
"Anyways, one more things, you guys get ready for tomorrow."
" what is it?"
" We will shoot the second kiss scene."
Ram said cheerfully and took off.

"Well, shall we go home?"
Singto asked Krist.
"Y, yes! Hahahha."
Krist exit room hurriedly and Singto followed.

"Here, look up a bit."
Krist strapped and adjusted Singto's helmet as usual.
Singto hopped on the back and grabbed Krist's waist.
"Ready? Should I just drop you at dorm?"
"Umm, no. Can you go to xxx street please?"
"...sure. Where are you going?"
"- P'Pin's apartment."
".... got it."

Krist is cranking up engine.
- I feel so gloomy, I don't know why.

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