Chapter 8

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Seokjin brought Taehyung home and laid him gently on the bed with the butler's help.

After doing so he removed his husband's shoes and socks, laying a blanket on top of him.
He sat besides his husband on the bed and started caressing the older's cheek. A tear drop down his beautiful porcelain cheek.

For me you're the dream, the air that I breath, you confuse me just with the talks.

You listen to many lies by some, while for me even the truth is a crime.
You are the sunlight as well as shade, you have many facets.
Nobody understands what I feel, even my best friend, but whatever it is, is very good.
Sometimes I feel I talk to dreams at night about you, him assuring me I can conquer them during day.

Sometimes I feel that I never meet you in my dreams, while the reality is, we hold a certain relationship, even it been love and hate.
Sometimes I want to touch you in my thoughts, while sometimes I steal the kisses, which I shouldn't.
And I'm not sorry for that.

I love you,
You are near me, still far away.
I love you,
The light does not leave me, giving me hope, that there's still light at the end.

I am alright even with the little stealings I do, as long as you are with me, maintaining this love and hate relationship.
I love you my Taehyung-ssi, have always and will, forever.

Were the words he wanted to tell his husband. About his love, his cravings, his feels, everything.
Drizzling of tears fell on the unconscious Taehyung, waking him from his state. Slowly his flutter open, beautiful doe eyes filled with tears and worry came to his view.
A pang of pain came to hurt like a gunshot.
Even in his unstable state he wanted to kiss his husband, even just for this moment he wanted to forget everything and kiss the pain away of his husband.

Seokjin's eyes widen in shock when he saw his husband awake, with an indescribable emotion, nonetheless he thought that the older might be angry so he quickly apologised.

"Taehyung-ssi, I am sorr-
Before he could finish his apology the older silenced him by placing his lips on the other.

Seokjin stood shook, unaware to what to do. But he did one thing which he always did, even if it was called stealing.
He kissed his husband, as if he is doing it for the first time.

Taehyung locked his arms around Seokjin waist, which led the younger to fall on top of his husband.
Tightly locking them.
They kissed each other slowly yet passionately.
All the unsaid words were poured into the kiss.
Taehyung flipped them around hovering the younger, hands slowly crept inside the younger silk white shirt, which he had stolen from Taehyung's cupboard unnoticed by other.
Taehyung squeeze Seokjin's waist, which cause the younger to yelp, hurting his already bruised waist, but Taehyung took advantage of this and slipped his tongue inside Seokjin's mouth, making him let out high pitched moan.
Things which he always imagined where happening to him leaving him in a state of ecstasy.
Hands roaming around his nipples, kneading them. Every touch sending him to the core of pleasure. Seokjin could not control the moans leaving his mouth.
He was moaning mess under his husband's touch.
While on the other hand Taehyung wanted to savour every moment of this feeling even if he knew he won't remember any of this the next morning.

"Taehyung-ssi, ahh"
The younger moaned in his husband's mouth.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to taste these sinful lips of yours, Seokjin." Where the words which the older slurred out.

Taehyung left open mouth kisses on Seokjin's neck and trailing down to his chest. Which would lead beautiful marks till the dawn.
The marks of dominance.
The owning marks.

Seokjin's bubble of excitement was busted when, he found his husband fast asleep on top of him.
Without feeling remorse about the situation, he thanked the lords for having this beautiful moment with his husband,  even if knew the older won't remember a single ounce of it.
With this happy thought and laying peacefully in his husband's arms, Seokjin fell into a heavy slumber.

"Jimin-ssi, I need your help, again."

"Why do you need me this time?" The person, even though he would be doing anything the other said, asked.

"This time I want you to wreck them completely, and so badly,  and create so much of misunderstanding between the two that Taehyung would hurt and hate him intensely." The other said venomously and continued.

"So that my Seokjin would have no option than to come running back to me." The other said thinking about the moment when he could hold his Seokjin and finally call him his. A sly smirk playing on his lips.

"Anything for you baby."
The person spited out, even if it hurted him like a thousand knives piercing through his heart.

What can I do to make you fall in love me baby, he thought.

"Don't worry Jimin-aah you would be rewarded for this."

"Anything for my baby."
The person happily crippled, excited for reward which was, one endless night with his love.


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