Chapter 27

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Jin fell on his knees, hearing the bitter truth by Jungkook.

"He fucking raped you Jin."

The words kept ringing in Jin's head, causing a swirl of emotions, at the same time making him feel dizzy.
Jin grabbed the armrest of the sofa to support himself from falling, tears freely flowed down his face, past his neck, staining his shirt.
Not even one percent of remorse was seen on Jungkook's face, seeing the man he loves in pain, in fact he was happy, he succeeded in breaking Jin, succeeded in finally breaking them apart, he won.

"I did fell in love with you, the first time I saw you baby."

"I love you Jin, have always and will forever."

"Nae sa-rang."

Could those words mean nothing to Taehyung, or was it just another lie to ruin my life, Seokjin thought reminiscing every word Taehyung said to him, the I love yous exchanged between them, was it all fake, a mendacious act.

Jungkook sat besides Seokjin, pulling the younger in his arms, letting him cry.
When Seokjin's sobs turned into hiccups, he pulled away, wiping his face and stood up.

"Where are you going now Jin?"
Jungkook asked, taking hold of Jin's elbow, stopping him.

"To know the truth from his mouth."

"What if he tries to deceive you?"
Seokjin faked a laugh, and spoke.

"I'm not already."
"Even if Taehyung-ssi never loved me, I have loved him enough to know that he won't lie to my face."

"That means you still love him?"

"I may hate him, but my heart won't every stop loving him."
With that said Jin, drove back to his and Taehyung's house.
Jimin hide himself when Jin left Jungkook's place.
Upon entering he saw Jungkook, pouring some liquor for himself, a satisfactory smirk on his face, which enraged Jimin.

"You bastard."
He growled and threw a punch at his former love.

"Calm your tits down, Jimin."
The injured man replied as he wipe off his blood from the bottom lip.

"You broke them."

"Wasn't that what you too wanted Jimin?"
Jungkook asked, circling around the shorter man.

"Unfortunately yes"
"You lured me in with your sweet smile, preyed on me like a snake.
You tainted my pure soul, and made me a sinful man Jungkook. Put me in this hell, from where I cannot be released, can't be free from the pain.
The ones who loved me are far away, the friend who comfort me, won't show his faith again, the one I loved, doesn't even won't me, guess I'm been punished."
Jimin was broken beyond repair, the tears streaming, where the proof of his love for the other man, and also how guilty he felt for breaking apart two souls who were meant for each other.
For a spilt second Jungkook felt Jimin's pain, but shrugged it off, and took hold of his shoulder, both the male staring at each other.
Jimin's lips trembled as he spoke the next, like Jin said, 'We may hate the ones we loved before, but our hearts won't."

"Kiss me, for the last time."
Taehyung was waiting for his husband in the living room, every tickling second, felt like an hour passed, he was being restless, negative thoughts cloulding his mind.
He saw Jin, entering and quickly sat up to embrace his love, only to be pushed by the other.

"What's wrong baby?"
Taehyung asked, again failing at the attempt to hold his husband.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands, Taehyung-ssi."
Jin spatted, disgustedly and continued-

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