Chapter 17

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It's been a week since Seokjin demanded divorce from Taehyung.
The latter did not even tried to confront Seokjin, which made the younger angry, and again found himself at his best friend's house.

"Jin, stop pacing around and tell me what happened?"

"I asked for Divorce."
Jin said timidly, facing his laced fingers on his lap.
Jungkook on the other hand couldn't contain his happiness, he couldn't believe his ears as of what Seokjin just said, if Jin asked for divorce, then that means his plan finally worked, all of his hard work of years really paid off, and he gotta thank Jimin for that.

That naive poor thing did as Jungkook said knowing fully that Jungkook could never love him back.
A puppet he is in Jungkook's paws.

Jungkook knew he did not just wrecked one person life but three's instead, Jin's, who loves Taehyung deeply, Taehyung, who's whole life is being running rounds around a lie, who built such high walls around himself so that he could distance his heart from Jin and lastly Jimin's, who broke someone else's heart to be with Jungkook, building his own heaven of sweet lies.

But none of these heart breaks matter to him as he will be finally get all of Seokjin's to himself.
Jungkook has loved Jin, even before Taehyung did, it was love at first sight for Jungkook, everytime he would see Jin, he wanted nothing but his attention, so he did cling on to him whenever he got the chance, made sure that Jin would stay from Taehyung.
His love slowly turned into obsession to the mark where he do anything and everything to make Jin his.

Jin slightly shook Jungkook to break his trance.

"What do you want Jin?"
He asked sweetly, holding Jin's hand in his.

"Can I have some drinks?"

"Sure, do want tea or coffee?"

Jin removed his hands from Jungkook, making the other disappointed and spoke,
"I mean, can I have some rum, I want to forget about Taehyung-ssi for a while."

"I really don't know what to say Jin, it's not right thing to do given the situation-

"Please Kookie"
The younger pleaded as he looked at Jungkook with puppy eyes which the other cannot dismiss, so he went towards his bar counter setting in far end of his living room.
Jungkook took two glasses, a bottle of rum and set it in front of Jin, but before he could pour the alcohol Seokjin snatched the bottle and started taking big gulps of the liquor.

"Slow down bab-Jin"
Jungkook said as he tried to put the bottle away, but Jin did not bulge and ended up drinking whole bottle resulting in feeling dizzy.

Jin slurred as he took Jungkook's hand and placed them on his cheek.
Jin knew he had zero tolerance for alcohol, but still he drank.
He was deeply hurt when Taehyung did not said a word when he asked for divorce.
Did he hated him so much?

So he drank away all his sorrow, and thought that the person seating in front of him is his Taehyung-ssi not Jungkook, as the person's face blurred before his eyes.

"Do you really want me to leave you?"
Seokjin asked with pain filled heart, eyes moist.

Jungkook knew Seokjin was directing this question to Taehyung, and it hurts him to know that even in his drunken state the only person on Seokjin's mind was Taehyung.

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