8- Missing

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Yeah. I know the titles for these at two have not really been the best but I don't do well with naming titles, so I apologize.

You were still growing weak, to where walking upright was beginning to be a challenge. The Bounty hunter would yank you forward when you would drag too far behind, 'all this for some stupid reward? His life's in danger here. He pissed off Shanks and he's dumb enough to carry on? Stupid Bastard.'.

"We've still got a long way to go and it's getting dark. What should I do with you?" he looked up gazing at the setting sun gleaming in the horizon. "Let me go?" you asked mockingly, he gave you a joking laugh, "I'm not stupid, ya know." he said. "I don't know... Wasn't it you who just pissed off an Emperor?" you said, earning him to yank you down to the ground.

Bam. Your head knocked against a tree, "Shit." you rubbed your head. "that hurt, you bastard." you yelled, "well then shut your damn mouth. You get annoying after a while, I don't know why the celestial Dragons want you back. Right now all I want to do is get rid of you." he snapped. Then he took the chain and tied you to a tree branch, by the way it looked it was pretty sturdy. You'd have to find away out if this mess once he falls asleep, it's the only chance you'd have.

Finally, he laid down, resting his head on a stump. Waiting until you thought he was deep enough into his sleep, you started pulling on your chain, trying to pull it free. You pulled again and again every time still growing weaker, until you yanked the last time and fell back. You tumbled to the cold, hard, dirt and so did the tree branch. You were now trembling in pain, laying on the ground you pieced yourself together and got up, picking up the tree branch to take it with you.

You scurried off towards the opposite direction of where you were going, thinking if you walked far enough maybe you could find Shanks and the others.

The large branch in your hands was putting too much weight on your weakening structure. When you were far enough from where you had escaped, you set it down and began to untie the chain knot. By how simple he made it look, it must have been a lot harder to untie than it was to tie, but after a while of fidgeting with it, it soon came undone.

Leaving the branch at the entrance of the forest you got to where you could see the docks and a couple ships. You walked towards the docks the full moon lighting your way, the ship in which had become your home slowly came into view. Yassop and Roo sitting on the railing, you broke into a slow run but it was the fastest you could go. You stopped at the dock and made your way, "Yassop! Roo!" you called your voice was hoarse and filled with pain.

It was loud enough to get their attention, "(y/n)!" they hopped down off the railing and climbed off the ship. "Are you okay?" Yassop asked looking at your torn clothes and freshly bruised skin. You nodded, "I am now, I got away from him while he slept." you smiled, but the smile faded when a question popped into your mind.

"Where's Shanks and Benn?"

The two men exchanged a worried look, then laid their eyes back on you. "Shanks and Benn went to look for you. We don't know where they went." Yassop said. Worried because of this news, your gaze went to the woods which you had recently emerged. "Did Shanks take a Den Den?" you asked, they shook their heads 'no', "thinking back it would've been better if we told him to." Yassop shook his head.

"Alright." you sighed, "Do we wait or try and go find him?" you asked looking at the two. "Well, first we need to get you outta the sea prism stone." he took a knife and shoved it into the lock on it, he jiggled the knife around until it made a click and fell to the ground. "there ya go." he smiled, it felt good to have it off but you were still weak. "let's wait and see if Shanks comes back, you need to rest. Sea stone prism takes a toll on devil fruit users." he said patting you on the back.

You gave them a concerned glance, "Go. It'll be fine. We'll wait up for him and if Mr. Bounty hunter comes back, I'll blow his brains out." he gave a mockingly innocent smile. You laughed and walked into the barrack, laying down however anxiety flooded your mind. Turning over, you did the best you could to force yourself to sleep.

Failing, your thoughts went to where Shanks and Benn were and what were they doing?

What if something happens to them?

Were you over reacting? Shanks was a Emperor. You knew he was strong, it must didn't sit right with you. As you convinced yourself the two would be alright you drifted asleep, they'll be fine, right?

Meanwhile, shanks and Benn were having a rough time finding you, it was dark and they were both tired. "Shanks, maybe we should call it a night and try and find her in the morning when we've actually have a chance." Benn spoke, "Really? What if something happens to her? I promised I wouldn't let her be put back in this position." Shanks claimed walking along the dirt path.

"I know but it's dark, we're exhausted and what if we're to tired to fight when we find them? We wouldn't be saving (y/n) then, now would we?" Benn raised a brow. Shanks let out a sigh, "No. I guess not." though he was worried for your well-being and about keeping his word to not let you fall back into the Celestials hands, he knew his limits and that he had almost reached his.

Benn and Shanks turned back to make their way back to the ship, but Something caught Shanks' eye. A man. A familiar man, the bounty hunter. "Hey!" Shanks called and ran after him, Benn face palmed, "Speak of the damn devil!" he said as he followed his Captain.

Shanks had him pushed against a tree, when Benn had caught. "What?" Shanks yelled venom in his voice, "I... I told you... When I woke up she was gone. " he struggled to talk because of shanks' hand on his throat. "Do you think she escaped?" Benn walked over to them, shanks glanced at him, "Or did something else get her?" Shanks asked as if finishing the his question, "Those guys from before?" Benn asked to which Shanks let out a laugh. "Did your own allies betray you?" he asked the man he had in his grip.

"We weren't working together. The Dragons hired us separately." he claimed Shanks let him go, he gasped taking in as much air as he could. "You wanna go check back at the Ship?" Benn asked. "Your dead set on going back aren't you?" shanks laughed, "Yeah. You go check back I'll check a couple places around and see if anyone's seen her in case she got lost or something." he said.

They parted ways, leaving a rather confused bounty hunter sitting gasping for air by the tree.

When Benn had gotten to the ship, his heart dropped seeing Yassop and Roo still out on the railing. "She's not Back?" he asked worriedly, Yassop nodded, "she's back. We told her to get some rest." Benn breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay. Shanks'll be back soon." he said walking to his barrack.

While Shanks was walking around, he stopped at a bar and got some more sakè. Currently carrying it back, his mind was filled with worry and doubt about whether or not you were actually back on the ship. He didn't know what had come over him, neither did the crew he was usually such a laid back guy. You made him different, would fight for you, no-one quite understood why but you did.

As he approached the ship, he saw the men talking on the deck, just like Benn before him he paled at this sight, imagining the worst. However he was greeted with cheerful smiles and waves, the dark aura had lifted telling him his instincts were wrong.

"Is she here?" he asked looking at the men, only to have his comrades nod and smile. "Yeah, she's resting. She got all that way even after being pulled around and chained up by sea prism stone." Yassop said impressed. Shanks knocked lightly on your door, when he wasn't greeted with a response he did something he never would have done before, he slowly opened your door, cracking it just barley enough to peek in.

When he saw your sleeping form, he approached you and ran a hand through your hair, moving it out of your face.

He was glad to have you back, he was glad you were safe.

1539 words

Sorry I kinda jumped from place to place on this one, but I got where I wanted to.

~Black Rabbit~

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