The Real Him

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After class
Tom: Hey, Ellie I was wondering if you wanna go to the beach after school I need to talk to you about something
Ellie: Sure
At Home
I head to my dresser and look for the cutest one piece swimsuit I had I quickly put on the swimsuit and a dress above I leave as soon as I could I get on my bike and head to the beach. I get there a bit to early I wait for Tom to arrive. It was about 4:00 pm when he got there
Tom: Oh shit Ellie how long have you been waiting
Ellie: Not that long
He sits next to me and gives me food from McDonalds. We both start eating and once we finished Tom started to talk
Tom: I told you to come here cause I needed to tell you something
Ellie: Yup so what is it
Tom: It May look like I am a Jock sleeping with everyone, but it's only a distraction that isn't healthy for me. I've noticed that ever since I actually met you
I could feel myself starting to blush he touches my cheek
Tom: It was a bad hobbit of me taking my mind off of my previous relationship, but now that I found you I'm worried that What happened will happen again
I look at Tom
Tom: I love you, but I'm just worried to start a relationship
Ellie: Tom if you don't want to start a relationship you won't have to, but just don't sleep with anyone like you said it's a bad hobby
Tom: I am just super confused because I do love you
I get closer to Tom and put my arm around him he leans in and kisses me we pull away after a while.
Tom: if I do start a relationship with you I would want to take care of you
Ellie: I would care for you too Tom now let's go for a swim
I put my hand in the water
Ellie: Fuck that's cold
Tom puts his arms around me and warms me up then puts me in the water and whispers
Tom: Is that better
I turn to face him and start kissing him. We stop after a while we look at each other smiling.
Tom: I love you
I pull him into another kiss. He carries me to his level. We both fall over, but it we stop. We both could've drowned then I see Jazz
Jazz: Whoopsies did I ruin your little kiss
She then puts her arms around Tom's neck and pulls him into a kiss. I can see him trying to break out, successfully he pushes her away. I get close to him.
Ellie: Let's go
He grabs my hand and we leave I looked a bit serious.
Tom: Are you alright darling?
Ellie: Well I just didn't want our date to go like that
Tom: it's okay it's not like it meant something
We arrive at my house. I wave at him he waves back I go and take a shower. I hear a knock on my bathroom door. I get out the shower
Ellie: Hold up don't come in yet
Haz: okay tell me when you're out
Ellie: Alright
I quickly get dressed into my pajamas, brush my teeth and my hair. I get out the bathroom Harrison was waiting in my bedroom
Ellie: What do you need Haz
Haz: So Tom told you the truth
Ellie: Yup
Haz: Give him time to think about starting a relationship
Ellie: Ok I don't expect it to be right away he just told me everything I doubt I'm even better than his ex
Haz: You're a lot better that's why you make him happy she never really cared about him. She used drugs, cheat on him, and sometimes verbally abuse him. That's why he likes you. Caring, sweet, and smart. I wouldn't care if you dated him by this point Ellie. Anyway I'm gonna go to sleep good night
Ellie: Goodnight
I kept thinking than why would he stay with her. Harrison leaves and I do my homework. Once I finished I went to bed.
Next day
I went to school and everyone acted strange. Like they noticed me it was football practice when everything changed. I was just watching Tom practice my best friend right beside me.I get blindfolded by my best friend. I can hear her squealing finally she takes the blindfold off all I can see is "Will you be my girlfriend" I see Haz taking part of this I run down to where Tom was. I hug him so tightly
Ellie: Of course, What a silly question
Tom: I love you
Ellie: I love you too
We start kissing we get interrupted by everyone celebrating us. We both smile at each other. I see someone walk into the gym it was Jazz
Ellie: Fuck
Tom looks at me then I point at Jazz
Jazz: Party? I wasn't invited! Rude!
Everyone moves and only we didn't move. Harrison steps up for us
Haz: hey Jazz let's go get some drinks
Jazz: Sure
She seemed so happy and excited.
After school
I invited Tom to come over. All we did was talk and watch a movie. I laid my head on his chest. He brought his dog Tessa she was such a nice little doggie. After the movie we did our homework he wore glasses. It was dark out when Jazz and Harrison got home. Tom and I just stared at them they went up stairs all I could hear were noises I go up and close their door.
Tom: At least she won't be bothering us any more
I go back down and Tom and I go into my room and cuddle. I fall asleep on his chest.
The next day
I wake up still on Tom's chest
Tom: You're awake
I nod rubbing my eyes
Ellie: I'm going to change
Tom: Oh do you need me to get out
Ellie: no it's fine
I slowly get up and look through my closet i couldn't find what to wear I come up with an idea
Ellie: Tom do you want to choose what I wear
Tom: Sure
He walks over to the closet and chooses. He chose a dark red sweater and black jeans
Ellie: really Tom
Tom: I don't want you showing too much skin I want everyone to know your mine
He grabs me by the waist and kisses me. There was something I never told anyone I was adopted. We hear the door open so we stop. Tom and i stare at each other. We look at the door it was Jazz
Jazz: Hey guys your brother just asked me out
Tom and I: What did you say
Jazz: I said yes duh
I look at Tom
Jazz: To be honest I really only like Harrison I thought bullying you and making Tom notice me would make Haz notice me.
I sit next to Jazz
Ellie: So did you mean anything when you bullied me
Jazz: i didn't mean any of it anyway I'll let you guys get ready
Ellie: Ok I'll see you later
She leaves the room
Tom: Hey Ellie What am I supposed to wear
Ellie: we can go up to Harrison's room and use his clothes
Tom: Alright
I change into what Tom chose and we go into Harrison's closet and choose some clothes for Tom. Luckily it fit we head to school all four of us Tom decided to give me a piggyback ride. When we arrive at school Tom gets me off his back I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. We then enter the school I look at Jazz making  sure she isn't using my brother so she would have a chance to bully me even worse. I see her "old" group walk up to me. What she did was rebellious.

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