Meeting The Jock

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Today was the day my life changed I went to school with the biggest Jock ever. Him and my brother, Harrison, were friends they would do a one night stand every weekend at my house. My parents were on a 1 year vacation so they never knew what was going on. I woke up and I brushed my teeth I wore a white shirt and blue ripped jeans. I put my brown hair down onto my shoulders. My house was right next to the school so I grab my backpack and my binder and walk off to school. I see my friend right as I walk in. Oh and an important fact I sorta had a crush on Tom my whole life
Y/b/n: Look who's next to you
She makes me look next to me it was Jazz my enemy, most popular girl, leader of a three person group, and school bully. She mostly bullied me and Tom probably crushed on her. Tom mostly slept with loners because no one would believe them so did Haz. Anyway I roll my eyes
Y/b/n: Let's head to class
The day passes by fast y/b/n and I get out at the normal time 3:04 always a bit late than everyone else. I see Jazz and I immediately walk around her until she stops me.
Jazz: Hey Ellie come here
I don't go where she was pointing to a lot of people were around which I really didn't want to start anything. She pours cold water on my shirt
Ellie: You are a little bitch
Jazz: Oh sorry I didn't see you
She says with a sarcastic tone and laughs. Before I knew it I had punched her Tom and Haz pull us away once she kicks me. Tom was pulling me away
Tom: Good job on fighting her, Ellie
He says aloud making both of us even angrier
Haz: Tom stop
Tom: it was a joke
Then Tom secretly whispers in my ear.
Tom: Need a shirt
I nod he took me to the gym and he goes into the men's locker room. He comes out letting me borrow a shirt.
Tom:Here you go
Ellie:Thanks Tom
Tom:You might wanna go into the girls locker room Ellie
Ellie: Oh yeah sorry
I was so close to taking my shirt off in front of him I go into the locker room and change. I was surprised he warned me.
*Toms POV* I hadn't realized how cute Haz's sister was I had to warn her about her shirt. She comes out in my baby blue shirt it of course was big on her but it was nice on her it complemented her blue eyes.
Tom: Need a ride home
Ellie: I'm good I live right next door
Tom: Well wanna hang out
Ellie: As long as we don't end up in bed Sure
Tom: Wow that really hurt
She starts chuckling her laugh and smile were the best. We head out of the gym and go outside
Tom: I know a restaurant nearby. Wanna go?
Ellie: Sure
We go to my car and I open the door for Ellie. I go to the place I was talking about it was my favorite restaurant we both order food
Ellie: So..
she says pointing at the door. I get up and sit next to Ellie. I made sure Jazz was seeing and she started waving at me while I leaned in closer to Ellie we started to kiss it lasted a while I gave Ellie my most passionate kiss. She stopped the kiss
Ellie: Tom I have to go...
I hold her arm
Tom: I had a nice time with you Ellie
I let her go and she immediately starts running off and heading towards her house I see Jazz come near me.
Jazz:Looks like someone ran away how bout you and me Tom
She starts kissing me I push her back as soon as her lips touch mine. I leave heading to Haz's house I knock on the door Haz answered the door. I could hear Ellie yelling
Ellie: y/b/n I don't want to be his play toy. I have to go someone is here.
Haz looks at me
Tom: Harrison hide me let's go up stairs, but hurry
He runs up stairs and we go into his room and talk.
Harrison: What happened
Tom: So I kissed your sister cause she is like perfect and so then came Ja-
Haz:Wait hold up you kissed my sister
Tom: Hold up I'm not done then she left and Jazz came in and kissed me and I don't know what to do cause I love your sister, but after what happened
I get interrupted by a door opening it was Ellie
Ellie: Haz did you buy more cereal
She sees me and then slowly closes the door while speaking
Ellie: Actually never mind I just won't eat cereal today
She said it while awkwardly laughing I continue speaking to Haz
Tom: So I don't know what to do
Haz: ok so you kissed my sister she left then jazz kissed you, but you like my sister
I nod
Tom: I'll just leave it's late
I leave Haz's room seeing Ellie sitting right outside
Ellie: I didn't hear an-anything pfft why would I hear hahaha
She was acting odd around me which I didn't like at all I stop her from going to her room I hold her from the waist and pull her closer.
Ellie's POV
He pulled me closer to him I didn't know what was about to happen, but he pulled me into a kiss we both get backed up by Haz.
Haz: I'm not going to let Ellie be your little play toy Tom so why don't you just head out
It was surprising to see that Harrison actually cared. Tom walked down the stairs
Tom: Fine I'll see you later mate
Tom left and it was just Harrison and I in the house
Haz: Don't let him get to you Ellie ok
I nod I go back to my room thinking if he would be loyal or fake.
*Next day at school*
Y/b/n: So how was it with lover boy
I don't answer her question and I head to my locker. I get everything I need and I close my locker turning around seeing Tom. I ignore him I listen to my music on my phone.
Tom: Really
I turn to Tom
Ellie: Harrison would be mad if he saw me hanging out with you
I hear someone yelling in my ear it was Jazz
Jazz: Guess what Ellie that man standing in front of you kissed me
I look at Tom raising an eyebrow and I head back to doing what. Jazz kept annoying me so I ignored her. It was lunch time. I was going to my normal seat I put down my lunch and I get pull by the hips I see it was Tom he was standing in the middle of the cafeteria. He leans in and kisses me immediately with an angry face Harrison once again breaks the kiss and starts beating Tom up.
Harrison: I told you not to play with her fucking emotions she is just too young
Tom starts getting serious and gets the upper hand. I had to split them up
Ellie: Tom, Harrison stop
They surprisingly listen I see the principle walk in. I turn around to face our principle.
P:All 3 of you my office now
We follow the principle to his office. When we get there Tom and Harrison are separated and the principle asks me questions
P: So What happened Ellie you know I trust you and your my best student
Ellie: Well you see here is the backstory Tom kissed me last night Harrison got mad and separated us then today the same thing happened, but this time Harrison wanted to fight Tom
P: Well alright they will be put in detention, but tell them to leave this type of stuff out of school now go on enjoy lunch
Ellie: Thank you
I leave his office and go back to the cafeteria. I sit down and enjoy my lunch till I see Jazz walk up to me
Jazz: That was a fake kiss by the way
I ignore her like I always do I head to class forgetting about what happened. The day went by fast but I had a massive headache I walk home and lay down on my bed it was at 5:00 when I got up and made dinner while I was making dinner. Haz got home
Harrison: Why the fuck do you let him do that Ellie
Ellie: Cause I like him
He stays shocked and looks at me confused then he walks upstairs. I finish cooking when I offer Harrison some food
Ellie: Hey Haz want some
He shakes his head I could see him unfollowing all of Tom's social media. I put the food I made down and take Haz's phone
Ellie: Don't be like this Haz just let us be
I say while making sure I followed all of Tom's social media.
Ellie: Cmon let's go eat dinner
I exit his room and sit down at the dining table. It took him super long to come down that I had even started eating. When he did come down he just left his food there
Ellie: Just eat your food Harrison
Haz: Fine
He comes down and eats we both finish and I wash the dishes. I go to my room and I get a call from y/b/n
I answer
Y/b/n: You ignored me the whole day why. Tom kissed you and him and Haz got into a fight. Why Ellie
Ellie: Haz got mad cause we kissed yesterday and so he didn't want me to be Tom's play toy and since he kissed me today he got mad
Y/b/n: Omg are you ok?
Ellie: Yes, but I just really love Tom. I'm in the middle what if I do become his toy.
Y/b/n: Its alright how about we talk about this together in private tomorrow
Ellie: Sure
We both hang up and I go to sleep super early.
*Next day at school* I confront Harrison
Ellie: Hey Haz
Haz: What do you want Ellie
Ellie: I just wanted to let you know please don't start anything today I love Tom
Haz: I won't promise, but you know your gonna become a toy
Ellie: Ugh please Harrison don't start especially in school
Haz slams his locker shut
Haz: He slept with a girl right after I told him about you Ellie just let em go
I walk away from Harrison. By myself I walk to my class I surprisingly get the class without any trouble. I see Tom walk towards me in the hallway, but I pass by him as if I didn't see him. He grabs my arm
Tom: What did I do
Ellie: I just don't want to be your toy Tom just leave me alone
Tom: So now your playing fake I love you Ellie you aren't my toy. Why would the most beautiful being in the world be my toy.
I can feel myself starting to blush. I see Haz walk near us
Ellie: Tom let's head to class quickly please
He starts speed walking still holding my hand. I look back and see Harrison close, luckily Tom and I make it to class...

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