Chapter 2: Nick Wingfield

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At the station, Tamie noticed whom she was looking for.

"Nick!" she jumped with joy, dashed at him and clutched him in a hug.

Nick, her brother, widened his eyes as she squeezed him. He grinned and hugged her back.

"Tamie, I missed you so much!" he said.

"My big crabby!" Tamie grinned and rubbed his black hair. Nick laughed. 

Tamie watched his expressive dark brown eyes and floated into her thoughts. He had changed in these three years. Of course, he was always a genius, even back in Mandragore when they were young, but now, he seemed independent and grown. Maybe because of living alone for so long, or because he worked to earn his living himself? Or maybe both... and the change of air as he came to live in another country, and of course, the fact that he had already become a Celestial Lord in only three years!

 and the change of air as he came to live in another country, and of course, the fact that he had already become a Celestial Lord in only three years!

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She looked at his silver-chained necklace of the Moon with a blue gem inside it, just like Erik's Sun necklace, whose gem was red.

So dazzling! She thought. Nick, you've grown so much! Now you're a Celestial Lord, and a Sage, the highest rank of your Class. It's amazing...

Her heart jumped with pride as she gave him a broad smile.

"Well then, I guess we can go to the Order building now," Nick said, "for your Joining Ceremony".

"Really? A ceremony?!" Tamie gasped.

"Sure! Let's go!" Nick formed a sign with his two fingers and shouted: "Cancer Style, Keeper Art, Sage Mode - Demon Crab Summoning!"

A giant blue crab appeared out of thin air.

"You can summon crabs?!" Tamie's jaw dropped

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"You can summon crabs?!" Tamie's jaw dropped.

"That's the least of it. Well, climb on!" Nick grabbed her hand and jumped up, landing on the giant crab's shell back.

"Woah!" Tamie chuckled, shaking her head. "Show-off..."

"Complaining because you're only a beginner?" Nick laughed. "But you'll achieve such heights in a short while too. After all, we're siblings!" He hit her on the shoulder in a brotherly manner.

"Haha, sure!" Tamie said.

The crab moved and took the siblings to the Order building. They talked a lot while sitting on its back. Nick asked about their parents and how life went on in Mandragore, while Tamie was interested in his legends in Rosenweld. Soon, they spotted a giant mansion with a rose-and-cross emblem up ahead.

"Wow, such a big building!" Tamie was dazzled by the brilliance of the mansion with colourful roofs and a small but beautiful flower garden.

"Well, that's the Rose Cruce for you!" Nick said.

"Amazing!" Tamie said.

The crab stopped in front of the building and the siblings jumped down. Nick snapped his fingers and the crab vanished in water droplets just as fast as it had appeared. Tamie was excited - finally, after so many years, she stood in front of an Order building, ready to join in! Nick touched the gates with his golden ring of the rose-and-cross emblem he wore on his little finger.

"Sage Nick Wingfield. Identified!" the electric voice of the doors announced. "Welcome home, Lord Nick!"

The gates creaked and opened. 

"Wow, you have a cool security system!" Tamie said.

"Edmund's idea." Nick chuckled and led her in.

"Who's Edmund?" Tamie asked.

She found herself in a large hall with a wooden floor, stone walls, and wooden tables, where a lot of people sat. There was a counter with a fair white-haired lady cleaning it and a reception table where a weird goatee-bearded man with sunglasses was writing some papers. The people at the tables were either drinking or chatting and laughing. As the doors closed with a bang, the people hushed and looked at the entered siblings. Tamie felt uneasy in such a large crowd. 

A tall guy dressed in a black suit, with bushy orange hair and glasses on his blue eyes, approached them and eyed Tamie.

A tall guy dressed in a black suit, with bushy orange hair and glasses on his blue eyes, approached them and eyed Tamie

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"Welcome to Rose Cruce Order, Miss Tamie Wingfield!" He smiled. "I am Edmund Jaeger, the Magister of this order".

Tamie widened her eyes - so this was Edmund whom Nick talked about? He referred so casually to the Magister?!

Unbelievable! She thought. Nick, you've achieved such heights... When will I ever catch up to you?

She realised she had much to learn.

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