Chapter 62: Meeting the Fire Celestial Lords

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The Stadium was deserted. There was no one - the seats were empty. However, on the ring, there were two people waiting - a blonde, long-haired woman with purple eyes, wearing a military costume and a golden-chained necklace with a red-to-orange Jupiter gem, and a black-clothed redhead man wearing a golden necklace with a deep red Mars gem, lying near his red dragon. Soon they both spotted whom they were waiting for - Sun Celestial Lord Byakuya whom they were well acquainted with, and his friends he had promised to bring along - Riza, Tamie, Tiger and her three pets, and Kokuyo.

 Soon they both spotted whom they were waiting for - Sun Celestial Lord Byakuya whom they were well acquainted with, and his friends he had promised to bring along - Riza, Tamie, Tiger and her three pets, and Kokuyo

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"Woah, who do we see here? Blood Dragon, hello there!" the redhead man, the owner of the red gruesome dragon, grinned playfully and waved a hand.

"Woah, who do we see here? Blood Dragon, hello there!" the redhead man, the owner of the red gruesome dragon, grinned playfully and waved a hand

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"Hmm..." Tiger screwed her eyes once saw him, "Doesn't he resemble the one Rianna and Olivia were talking about?"

"Totally!" Tamie agreed, "There's the dragon too. It has to be him!"

"Yo, Scott," Byakuya grinned and waved a hand back. He then glanced at the blonde woman: "So, I assume you're ready, Julia?" 

"Huh, always! So, who's the one who wants to try her luck?" she eyed the three girls, "You told me it was a girl, right?"

"Yes, it's Riza," Byakuya pointed at his friend. "These two are her friends - Tamie and Tiger, and this here is my younger brother, Kokuyo".

"It's a pleasure to meet more Rose Cruce members," the redhead man chuckled, "I watched the blasting performance of Danielle Schatzen back then, it was truly amazing. On my way back, I met two other girls from your order, and they too were quite nice. You seem a very powerful order. After all, the Sun Celestial Lord too is in your rows".

"Oh, so it was truly you back with Rianna and Olivia?" Tamie brightened, "They told us that a Dragon Tamer helped them complete their mission. We were quite surprised, as Dragon Tamers are really rare, even legendary!"

"Hehe, yeah, I guess so," Scott, the redhead man, chuckled and scratched his head. "This here is Fireball - a fearsome companion and a great friend," he pointed on the red dragon lying behind him. 

Hearing his name, Fireball, the red dragon, looked at the new guests and growled a little, apparently saying 'hello'.

"Hey there, Fireball!" Tiger happily waved a hand at him. However, there was someone else quite energetic about this new meeting - Blizzard barked furiously and rushed up to Fireball, jumping in front of him and wagging his tail. "Huh? Blizzard, come back, it's dangerous! He's a fire-breathing dragon, after all. Don't pester him!"

However, Fireball instead calmly looked down at the excited white dog and a giant smile formed on his dragon face

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However, Fireball instead calmly looked down at the excited white dog and a giant smile formed on his dragon face. He even wagged his own tail a little. Tiger gasped in shock, while Scott laughed:  

"Oh, looks like someone found a new friend! He is not quite friendly towards other animals, to be honest. I'm surprised he's got a liking into your dog," he smiled at Tiger, "What sign is he?"

"He's an Aries - the only Aries in our team. We others are the Virgo - Christo, Astra, and I," Tiger pointed on her two cats.

"Oh, that's quite a coincidence! Both Fireball and I are Aries. Well, I am here since I am the Golden Mars Celestial Lord, thus the strongest Aries by far".

"Woah, that's amazing! So, as a Dragon Tamer, I assume you're a Tamer Class too?"

"Yes, the only Celestial Lord of the Tamer Class of all the twelve Lords!" Scott remarked with clear pride.


Meanwhile, Julia eyed Riza carefully and a little arrogantly:

"So you are the strongest Sagittarius in Rose Cruce Order, huh? What is your spirit?"

"I am Mouse spirit, Singer Class, Siren rank".

"Oh, I don't know... A Singer, you mean? Artists aren't that strong against us Sneakers..." Julia rubbed her blond hair coquettishly, "But alright, as Byakuya is my old colleague, I shall take his request into account. Let's spar. I am Sneaker Class, Ninja rank, but Byakuya might've already told you. Oh, and I am a Dog spirit, but I am a Sneaker because my spirit is quite sneaky and not honest as many dogs are. I warn you - I won't be holding back".

"Hmph, sounds fine by me," Riza chuckled too, a little in indignation - how she dared look down on her, just because she was some Celestial Lady?! I will teach her a lesson... she clenched her fists and took a battle pose.

The two Fire Celestial Lords - Byakuya and Scott - sat there on the ring, but a little aside, to give space to the battlers. The other friends - Tamie, Tiger with her three pets, Kokuyo, and Scott's dragon Fireball - took seats near them. Kokuyo watched the upcoming duel together with everyone. However, he kept an eye on Scott too.

So that is Scott Blutendorf... he looked at the yellow-gemmed ring Kassandra had given him before. I should ask him later...

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