Chapter 96: Getsuryuu's Grace

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The friends laid a camp inside the Moon Temple for the night. Nick was tending to Scott's wounds who was unconscious and whose state was not promising.

"How is he?" 

Tiger and Fireball were deeply concerned. Nick infused more Blue Zen healing power into Scott's wounds and heaved a sigh:

"As of now, I'm not sure how he'll manage..."

"No! He can't leave us! He's strong!" 

Fireball grew worried - he knew Scott was annoying at times but he'd still been his best friend for so many years! He couldn't just leave them and die!

"Oh no, it is my fault! If only I were stronger and faster..." Tiger covered her tearful face with her hands.

"No, don't blame yourself, Tig... I was at fault too - I should've reacted faster..." Riza wiped off her own tears while trying to console her friend.

"He woke up!"

They all looked at Enya. The Moon Dragon, who had taken a form of an orange-haired young man, was tied with her strong Purple Zen chains. He had opened his eyes. He sneered at them and blew frozen air out of his nostrils:


"Shut up!" Enya slapped him across the face as if nothing. "Now quiet down and answer our questions if you don't want trouble. I am a Slayer rank Hunter, after all".

Feeling the insolent human's slap, the dragon-man growled:

"I'll eat you for breakfast, stupid human!"

"I said silence!" 

Enya activated her chains. The dragon-man shrieked in pain. Now he acquiesced to quiet down, but still shot a furious gaze at these humans he considered low-level creatures.

"Now then, we have a few questions to ask you," Goldmund said. "It concerns your twin brother Ketsuryuu's will".

"You insolent humans, it was you who killed Ketsuryuu! Don't you dare pronounce his name so casually!"

"Actually, he's not dead," Edmund adjusted his glasses, "He is locked in a human body, and that human just happens to be our friend. That is why we need your answers".

"You humans locked my brother in the likes of you?!"

"We did not," Enya slapped him again, "Don't make early conclusions".  

The dragon-man could no longer withstand such rudeness of these puny humans, so he growled in an infernal voice:

"Unchain me and I'll kill you all, you brats!"

Enya's Purple Zen chains hit him with current once more. The Moon Dragon roared in pain as blood poured off his wounds.

"He's not going to tell us anything at this rate..." Kokuyo said.

"Please, don't hurt him!"

"Tiger?" Tamie looked at her, "How's Scott?"

"Nick said he's having a hard time, so... if Lady Nina could help_"

"Ah, right away!" 

Nina rushed towards Scott's bedding where Nick was treating him now together with Erisa.

"Let's go see our friend too. We can deal with this beast later". 

Edmund walked off. Goldmund and the others followed him. Tiger stayed alone near the dragon-man, who still suffered from pain. She had pity on him, no matter his severely wounding her father. All in all, he was still a son of nature - a living being. He too might have some pain in his heart which tormented him and caused him to go wild. After all, it was hard to bear with losing one's only blood kin. 

A tiny tear fell down her cheek. She took a seat before the Moon Dragon. He snarled as he perceived her to be the same as all the other brutal humans. Tiger carefully raised a hand to his chest.

"Get off!" 

He struggled hard, but couldn't utilize his Moon Water powers because of the chains. He felt how the tiny hand touched his chest exactly on the wound. He roared in pain but then sensed how the pain eased. Tiger's hand had glowed in Green Zen. She... was healing him?!

Indeed, the entire wound closed up, but it still felt a little painful - apparently, she didn't have enough powers to heal a mighty dragon like him completely. Yet still, her eyes shone with deep compassion.

She... wants to understand my feelings? 

A human wanted to try to look into his heart? A human believed a dragon had a heart?!

"It... doesn't hurt as much anymore, does it?" he heard a soft high-pitched voice of the tiny maiden.

"Uhm, no".

"You are Moon Dragon Getsuryuu, right?"


He grew interested in this weird little maiden, who showed compassion to him instead of hostility. He had received such a reaction from humans for the first time.

"I know how you might feel. I haven't had a true family for twenty-one years, and you have long lost your twin brother..." a tiny tear fell down her cheek. "I could not hold on, it was too painful... But then, I met this one person, who told me that not only blood bonds can carry you on in life - there are other types of bonds we share. We struggle hard to maintain them and protect the people we come to love. This same person also told me that once we form a bond with a person, even if they leave before us, our bond shall survive and carry on, and those people whom we've bonded with and have left will guide us from where they are. So let us both brace ourselves and, carry on... even though you've lost a brother and I - a father". 

She began crying, not able to hold herself anymore.

"That man lying over there - is he your father?"

She started and looked up at the dragon-man, whom the question belonged to. He watched her with serene blue eyes.


"He is not gone yet. If you untie me, I can heal him for you".

Tiger gasped - was he serious or, was he tricking her?

"We dragons never lie. Please... I do not want to be the cause of your pain. I see you are worthy to receive my grace. Untie me for just once so I could heal your father. I do not want you to feel the same pain I've come to experience".

Tiger hesitated for a moment. Then she slowly raised her hands, touched the chains and loosened them. She heard Enya's and her friends' fearful cry:

"No, Tiger! Don't!"

It was late - Getsuryuu easily broke the loosened chains and stood up, with the Blue energy surging around him. He appeared at Scott's bedding in a flash.

 He appeared at Scott's bedding in a flash

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"Ah! Get off him!" 

The friends wanted to attack him but Getsuryuu released large blue current and shot them all off. He touched Scott's chest and sent the Blue energy into his wounds. They closed and healed up. Scott opened his eyes as if nothing. 

The friends got dumbfounded - Getsuryuu had healed him?!


Tiger squeezed Scott in a hug. All of the friends rejoiced. They too embraced Scott tightly. Riza, Tiger, and Fireball were at seventh heaven. Tiger gave Getsuryuu a grateful smile. 

He was kind, after all... just as she thought.

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