Chapter 91: Edmund's Advice

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Goldmund was taken to his room. The friends decided to pack up to soon depart for the New Land. Edmund suggested taking Erisa and Goldmund with them:

"Goldmund knows New Land since he has been there on missions. As for Erisa, she will be useful, as the Moon Tribe Princess".

"Oh really, genius?" Riza rolled eyes, "She was only three when she was orphaned and taken by Goldmund, remember? How possibly can she recollect anything from her life in New Land?"

"You know nothing of the Keeper Class powers, Riza, I assume. Erisa and I are both Sage rank. I can look into her deep memories without any problems, and she too can awaken them if she desires, so that is not a major issue. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to sort out real problems in my order".

Edmund walked out of the room and slammed the door behind. Riza grew angry:

"Ugh, I hate his attitude sometimes!"

"Not his fault. You insulted him now, by saying he's not clever enough," Nick chuckled. "It is what his father would always tell him when he was still a child".

"Oh... Still, he should get over his past pain and move forward".

"Easier said than done".

Edmund walked along the corridors of the second floor, snarling as he thought about his little argument with Riza. He leaned against a wall, took out a small gadget and lent ear to calm, melodic tunes of a female voice dear to his heart:

"Hear my voice,

My powerful chant,

That's my lullaby...

Baby, baby, sleep on tight

Under the starry sky..."

(The song lyrics are written by the author. The song performed by Lisa Schettner can be heard on the link: )

"What am I to do, mother?" he whispered, tears appearing in his eyes, "It all got so complicated... I had it so tough when you were gone to bring father back, and it turned fatal for you".

Edmund heard faint whimpers come from one of the doors. He turned the Music-gadget off and walked towards the door, which led to Erisa's room. He knocked.

"Who's there?" a tearful voice called out.

"It's Edmund, Erisa. I... I wanted to talk".

Footsteps came close to the door and the handle moved. Big blue eyes full of tears peeped out at Edmund.

"May I come in, dear?"

Erisa sniffed and opened the door. Edmund walked in and took a seat on the bed beside her. Silence fell for some minutes, but then he broke it:

"I am sorry, for what you came to feel".

"It... It is fine, Magister..." Erisa wiped off her tears, but more of them fell from her eyes.

"I know it is painful, but I still wanted to ask you - how do you feel about Goldmund now?"

"I... I don't even know anymore how to feel!"

Erisa covered her face with her hands. Edmund felt pity for her. He pressed her to his chest. Erisa stared up at him in surprise - he was hugging her?

"I know how it feels to lose parents at a very early age... and Goldmund knows too how it feels to lose people dear to one's heart," Edmund looked down at her with a kind, paternal gaze of light blue eyes from behind his glasses. "But you must not dwell in the past. What has happened cannot be turned back. However, what is going to happen in the future depends on us now. So don't judge by what Goldmund has done in the past. Judge by what Goldmund is to you now, how he treats you now, and make a decision with your heart and mind".

"Now..? Even in the past that I remember Goldie has always been kind to me. I don't remember my life back in New Land. I only remember it from bitter nightmares I would see at nights. Goldmund has taken me in and cared for me as no one has ever done. He was always dear to my heart, and... he is dear to me even now. I... I love him, Magister! I love him from the bottom of my heart. He has nurtured me, raised me, and I know he loves me too! He is my friend".

"Then trust in your heart. You are Keeper Class, Sage rank. Do you sincerely believe your mind and intuition can deceive you?" Edmund playfully winked at her.

Erisa giggled - he was so funny and kind, just like Goldie! Well, they were cousins and brothers, after all.

"Thank you, Magister! This conversation has really eased my heart... I'm going to see Goldie right away!"

"Oh, that when he wakes up".

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"He has fainted from much pain in his heart when you left crying. You know his heart condition, don't you? He, as half-muse, cannot handle much pressure".

"Ah! No, not only that! I must see him - I can apply my Builder Mimics to bring him the medicine he needs".

Thus, they both left the room to access Goldmund's one.

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