Chapter 103: Three against the Enemy

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The girls were running through corridors. Soon they reached the battleground of Erisa and Fiorette.

"Erisa?" Tiger and Tamie cried out.

"Fiorette?!" Riza sneered.

"Aww, who do I see?" Fiorette chuckled from inside her Light Gray Mouse spirit's core. She was running around, evading Erisa's Dancer Mimic attacks. "I've got no time for you now! I must get my Silver Mercury gem back".

"You'll never get it back when you're not focused on your opponent!" 

The Bunny spirit's foot kicked Fiorette's Mouse right in the face. Fiorette screamed and fell. Erisa cried to the friends:

"Go ahead, girls! I can handle this battle".

"Will do! Good luck, Erisa! Do your best!"

The girls rushed forward. Soon they reached the hall of the Zodiac Council leader, Guy Hernandes, who battled Kokuyo and his Black Desert Cobra.


Tiger got worried - her boyfriend fought against such a strong Green Nature Pegasus! The Virgo Horse was the only Horse spirit of the Earth element which could evolve into the Pegasus at Ring Twelve, thus, could obtain wings. This Pegasus indeed had the leaf-wings, which meant it was a Twelfth-ring spirit.

"Ah, Riza Wagner? What a pleasant surprise!" 

A deep, vile voice sounded from the Green Pegasus spirit's core. Riza glared at the Pegasus spirit, for she had recognized the voice - it was Guy Hernandes, Fiorette's very husband. 

"Virgo Style, Builder Art, Demigod Mode - Wooden Soldiers!" 

Out of the cracked floor, some trees grew and turned into wooden soldiers, which swung their swords at the girls. These latter ones cried in fright and wanted to activate their powers when they heard Kokuyo's ferocious shout:

"Serpent Tail Whip!" 

The giant Black Cobra tail hit the wooden soldiers and broke them to pieces. 

"Girls, go ahead and help Byakuya! I can handle this fight".

"Got it!" 

The girls rushed out of the hall, for they knew Kokuyo was powerful enough to defeat Guy alone. They ran through a large, long and dark corridor, and arrived at a big metal door. Tamie frowned:

"I guess this is it?"

"That should be it," Riza nodded. 

Getsuryuu kicked the door open. When they stepped into the hall, they froze - Byakuya and Debbie, all exhausted and bleeding, lay before Marvin Wagner's feet! This latter let out a laugh:

"You are late, I have already won! The Sun Dragon's powers are mine!"

Getsuryuu grew horrified, for he could notice how Marvin's aura was full of his brother's energy, while the knocked-out young man lying at his feet, presumably Byakuya (judging by the girls' reactions), had only a feeble amount of the Sun energy left within him. Byakuya's muse, Debbie, heavily bled from all the energy she had used up. There were only minutes left until she'd fade back into the knocked-out young man's mind.

"You... You..." 

Riza couldn't even bring herself to talk, so enraged she was by such a sight. But the greatest was still Tamie's shock:

"Byakuya... Byakuya!!!"

The downed young man didn't budge. Tears filled Tamie's eyes - oh no, they truly were late! Once this dreadful thought flickered through her mind, she trembled and fell to her knees. She let out an agonized shrill.


Tiger and Riza shook her in fright - she should get a hold of herself!


"Y... Yes?"

"Let's finish this".

"Are you alright?" Riza was concerned.

"If we defeat that man, Ketsuryuu's powers will return to their primal source, right?"

"Yes," Getsuryuu nodded, "It is true".

"Well then, let's defeat that dragon massacrer, and get the Sun Dragon back... get our comrade Byakuya back!"

"Huh? You really wish to take me on, you three brats? You're goners!" Marvin laughed, "There is no one who can match the Sun Dragon!"

"You're wrong. We have a person who is on an equal level with the Sun Dragon in terms of powers". 

Tiger pointed on Getsuryuu, whose demonic grin sent shivers down Marvin's spine even though he believed he was already confident enough. 

"To let you know - Getsuryuu's on my side!" Tiger wove signs: "Virgo Style, Tamer Art, Beast Mode - Fusion; Ox Spirit, Ring Twelve - Green Nature Ox!" 

All of her pets glowed in their respective Zen colours and fused with her Ox spirit. When Getsuryuu too, gathered his Blue energy and merged with Tiger, the same Green Dragon Ox spirit emerged, placing Tiger in its core. It roared like an infernal moon beast. Marvin widened eyes in horror - a fused spirit? Was it even possible?

"I won't lose to brats like you! Ketsuryuu's Sun Energy, Complete Takeover!" 

Marvin yelled in pain since he was overpowered by the large energy reserve he had consumed. He turned into a giant red dragon - the well-known Blood Dragon.

"He has taken my brother's form!" 

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"He has taken my brother's form!" 

Tiger and the girls received Getsuryuu's telepathic message.

"Well then," Riza clenched her fist in rage, "Let's show him what the powers of the Muse Fusion can bring!"

"And the powers of bonds and friendship!" Tiger shouted.

"Sagittarius Style, Singer Art, Siren Mode; Mouse Spirit, Ring Twelve - Orange Fire Demon Mouse! Muse Fusion - Blazing Siren Tiger Mouse!" 

Riza's incantation summoned the yellow-to-orange blaze around her Mouse spirit and made it transform into the Tiger Mouse of before. Tamie made her Blue Fire-infused White Tiger spirit reappear:

"Libra Style, Writer Art, Demigoddess Mode; Tiger Spirit, Ring Twelve - White Gale Tiger!"

The Blood Dragon roared (it seemed that it didn't even have Marvin's conscience left) and flew towards them at a high speed.

"Rose Cruce sisters, attack! For our brethren!" Riza cried.


The three girls' spirits growled and charged on.

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