Chapter 4: Writer Class

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"Oh, Artist Class, Writer Sub-Class? That's interesting!" Erisa remarked when she noticed Tamie's written choice. "So, you like writing?"

"Yes." Tamie blushed. "So, what are the specialties of the Writer Class?" She took a seat on a chair at the counter.

"Well, Artist Class is a powerful class of Zodiac Crafts," Erisa said. "It is the only class divided into sub-branches, and it has a total of five of them that are known here in Rosenweld: the Painter, the Writer, the Singer, the Player (also known as the Actor), and the Builder. Each of these sub-classes helps their pursuers learn the respective crafts and apply them in Zodiac teachings. For example, if you choose the Painter Class, you learn how to draw pictures with your element power, and then your Zen power afterwards (as Zen is the highest manifestation of one's elemental power). You give life to your pictures and let them aid you in battles and other activities".

"Wow! That's amazing!" Tamie gasped. It was possible to give life to one's paintings?! "So... What does the Writer Class do, then?"

"Good question!" Erisa smiled. "Writers have the same power. They learn to write using their element power and later the Zen power and their writings come to life!"

"No way... Writings that come to life? For real?" Tamie's eyes brightened. If she learned these crafts, she would bring her characters to life?! That was a paradise! Maybe then... when I get enough power, I can summon Byakuya, my muse? Her cheeks flushed as she pressed her hands to her heart. 

"The highest ranks of Writers, which are called the Demigods, can summon their muses - the substances that help them write wonderful pieces," Erisa said. "Well, since you are a writer, you should know the meaning of a muse better than me!"

"Thank you so much for your help, Erisa!" Tamie said.

"Hehe, that was nothing!" Erisa winked. "Oh, and before you go, let me tell you, for you to choose the Artist Class was a risky decision. Every Artist, as I said, does crafts that aid them in battle and make pieces of art with their elemental power. Since your element is Air (you being a Libra), you will need to train double as hard because Air creates invisible items. While it is an advantage against enemies, it poses difficulty for the user. They have to be the masters of their Air powers to create pieces well without seeing them. The only good choices of sub-branches for Air Masters are the Singer and the Player. The Painter and the Builder create material items - the paintings and the statues and buildings, respectively, while the Singer and the Player rely only on their talent. For Singers, Air is an advantageous element since it amplifies the radius of where their siren voice reaches. For Writers, Air is a difficult element. On the scroll, when you write letters, you won't be able to see them. If you make a spelling mistake, your summoning won't work. So, that might be a problem at the beginning".

"Oh my, then I will need to train hard!" Tamie said. "Are there any Writers here? Maybe they could train me?"

"Unfortunately, our order has no Writers," Erisa said. "And, Writers seldom belong to the Air element, for the reason I mentioned".

"Oh, that's unfortunate..." Tamie said.

"But you can change the Class just now if you want!" Erisa said. "Before you've begun your training".

Tamie intended to accept the offer but hesitated.

If I refuse to become a Writer, I will never be able to see Byakuya for real. She thought. I wish to see him so badly now that I know it is possible! She clenched her fists. It is worth a try! After all, I've been a writer since childhood. There is no way I can't handle this!

"No, thanks," She said to Erisa with a smile, "I think I'll tackle this!"

"Well then, best of luck to you!" Erisa returned a smile. "Here's an Artist scroll, made by our Builder Class specialist for the Artist Class pursuers!" She handed her one of the cream-coloured scrolls on the counter. "And here's a writing brush!" She gave her a brush. "You should fuse your Air with it to write Zodiac style!"

"Thank you very much!" Tamie took the items and put them in a bag attached to her waist. That's that, I am officially a Zodiac Mistress now! She thought. Finally, her dream had come true! But she wouldn't stop here. After all, she had an even more ambitious dream - to become the greatest Zodiac Mistress of all time. Just you wait, Celestial Lords... She thought. Tamie Wingfield has joined the game! 

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