Chapter 102: Riza's Might

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"We should soon reach our friends... How do you think?" Tamie looked at Tiger while running through corridors.

"Yeah, I think so... Getsu, what about you?"

"I can smell they're near".

Just when Getsuryuu spoke, they heard ferocious yells of Goldmund and a woman. The Zen clashes sounded from up ahead. Tiger brightened:

"It is Goldie!"

"Judging by the shouts, it seems like he's having a fierce battle," Tamie frowned.

"Let's check it out!"

The friends reached thebattleground of Goldmund and Scarlett Rose. The Black Baphomet and the Red Boar banged their hooves at each other. The one swung horns while the other used its fiery fangs.


"Go on ahead! I can handle this," Goldmund shouted from inside the Black Baphomet spirit.

"Got it!"

Tamie and Tiger ran forward without looking back. They knew their friend could handle his fight. They, as the Rose Cruce brethren, always believed in one another's might. 

In corridors and halls of the Zodiac Palace, other bloody battles continued.

"Red Zen Claw!" 

Kitt's Cat spirit sprang forward and marked a cut on Riza's Orange Mouse. Riza barely evaded the hit and received a scratch. Blood poured off her arm. She sneered at Kitt, who returned a triumphant smirk:

"Still thinking a mouse can beat a cat?"

"If I cannot beat you with my Mouse, I'll call upon someone bigger!"


"Sagittarius Style, Singer Art, Siren Mode, Orange Zen; Muse Summoning - Siren Lord, Edmond Meerjung!"

The Mouse spirit burst into orange flames. A large blazing ray rushed out and dashed at Kitt.

"Ah! What's that?" 

Kitt was confused, for he couldn't understand what kind of an incantation Riza had just used (he had no idea of this particular attack of the Artist Class users). He raised a defensive fire shield around his Cat, but so great was his surprise when the blazing ray penetrated through it! A pink-bushy-haired, blue-to-green-eyed weird guy emerged from it and kicked him. If not for Kitt's fast and elastic cat-like reflexes which let him dodge with his leg, he'd be knocked out in a single kick. However, Edmond's (who happened to be that exact weird guy) attack still had a large impact - it dropped Kitt to the ground and made his Cat spirit vanish. 

Kitt coughed, stood back up, and wiped the blood off his mouth. He rebuilt his Cat spirit and glared at Riza:

 He rebuilt his Cat spirit and glared at Riza:

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"You wench... I shall pulverize you along with your Mouse and your boyfriend!"

"Huh? You demote me to a boyfriend level?! No forgiveness, no mercy!" 

Edmond wove special signs. He disappeared and fused with Riza, whose Mouse spirit flashed. Kitt watched the flash in confusion: 

I'd better attack before anything else happens.

He charged forward and swung the Cat's clawed paws, but felt a strong arm oppose his attack. Much to his stupor, it was not a mere Mouse's arm like before. There stood a unique but terrible, tiger-like mouse beast before him, snarling with its blazing teeth! He gasped: 

 There stood a unique but terrible, tiger-like mouse beast before him, snarling with its blazing teeth! He gasped: 

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"What is that?"

The Tiger Mouse growled, swung its clawed paw, and sent Kitt's Cat spirit flying.

"My muse is a Tiger spirit," Riza smiled from inside the giant Tiger Mouse spirit's core, "A tiger is a mightier creature than a mouse. When the Muse Fusion occurs, the mightier spirit takes over the weaker one. In my case, the Tiger has merged with my Mouse. I've evolved into the supreme form of a Tiger Mouse, which only I can have!" 

The blazing flames of Edmond gathered around the Orange Tiger Mouse spirit and blasted frightened Kitt, who screamed at full force. He got hit and burnt. His Cat spirit vanished from such an impact. He, wounded and bloodied, fell to the ground, no more able to stand up or even lift a finger.


Hrod, Kitt's brother, cried out in distress from inside his Rat spirit's core. Just then, he heard ferocious shouts of Edmund and Nick:

"Where are you looking?" 

The White Peacock and the Blue Ox attacked him at the same time. As Hrod was having difficulties with them and Kitt had lost against Riza and her mighty muse, the two friends - Tiger and Tamie - rushed into the hall.

"Riza! You guys are alright!"

"Haha, it was no big deal," Riza made her spirit disappear and let Edmond return into her dream world. "You guys have finished your battles too?"

"Yes! See here?" Tamie showed her the Silver Venus necklace.

"Woah! Awesome job! The gem is the same as my mom's! Hurrah, fellow Venus Lady!" Riza gave Tamie a high-five.

"Hehe, right! The chain is silver, though, unlike your mom's one".

"That's because the necklace is the Silver Venus, duh!" Tiger laughed.

"Girls, go ahead and meet the others. We'll handle it here!" Edmund cried.

"Will do!" the friends rushed forward.

"Good luck, Nick!" Tamie waved a hand at her brother while running out.

"Thanks. Take care! We'll join you when we beat this guy up!"

"Kick that dragon massacrer hard for me, Riza!" Edmund shouted.

"Will gladly do!"

The girls disappeared behind the door, headed towards their ultimate goal...

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