My best fren

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"Would you ever forget me?" I asked my best friend, Josh. Actually, he's my only friend.

"No why would I? You're my best friend!" Josh replied. 

He was fairly average for his age. 5'10 to be exact. Some say he is 5'5 but I don't see how. His hair is blue and messy. I like his hair a lot. It smells good too. It is fluffy. I, on the other hand, was 5'9 and a literal  mess. Most of the time, it looked like I had just gotten hit by a bus. I wish I did to be honest. It would get me away from all the pricks in this collage.

Josh has been by my side since kindergarten. He was my first friend, and my only friend. No one else seemed to want to be my friend. It was like I was the monster and if you came close to me, I would eat you for supper. Which isn't true, I wouldn't hurt a fly. Josh was the only one to realize and possibly a couple of teachers. I'm a academic year younger though. When he left me in kindergarten, I felt hopeless and lost. And same for all the others years he moved up a school.

"You're my best fren Jish" I cooed. 

We were sat on a bench by the basket ball courts. I'm on a basket ball team outside of school. No one is my friend there either but they acknowledge my exists in a friendly way. It's way better than the collage of hell I go to.

"Gay!" We heard someone yell. Then a chorus of snickers of chuckles. It was Pete. He and his group of friends bully me day in; day out. He's been bullying me for years now. Josh stands up for me though. Pete and Josh used to be best friends but when I came up to first grade, Josh started to hang out with me and Pete didn't like that. I think he is just jealous.

"You can say much," Josh replied. He stood up from where he was sat. "I remember when you kissed Brendon at that party last year!" Everyone gasped. I covered my face so no one knew I was laughing. This is one reason why I love Josh. Even though he has anxiety, he has many times saved me from Pete. My anxiety is constantly above the roof, especially when Josh isn't around.

"Great save Dun, great save." Pete and his gang walked away. 

"Weak." Josh rolled his eyes and sat back down beside me. He wrapped his long arm around me.

"Alright buddy?" Josh asked.

"I'm alright." 

"Of course you are." Josh said with a hint of sarcasm.

I chuckled and buried my head into his shoulder. He massaged my back softly. I like it when he does something unnecessary like giving me a massage. It makes me feel slightly better.

The bell rang for last period. Josh and I stood up in sync. 

"Wait for me after school." I said.

"I always do." Josh replied.

 He gave a small bro hug. I wanted to hang onto him forever but Josh was already hurried down the hallway before I even felt the friend-like connection. Josh obviously had other friends within his year. He usually chooses me over them but I'm scared that one day I am going to be background picture to him. Especially, when he will start to do projects with other people.

I walked to my last period - chemistry. I took the quietest route possible; avoiding as many people as possible. I didn't need to go to my locker as I had already put my books inside of my bag which I carried around with me at all times.

My chemistry teacher welcomed us all with a welcoming smile. I don't get how he could possibly be always cheery. It's like he was stuck on happy mode.

I sat center left of the class room. It was a separate bench to the others. It had its own equipment too. There is space for another person but no one currently sits beside me. That's alright though. I prefer it that way. I can listen to my music without any interruptions.

I half listened to what he had to say about the atomic structure which I already knew about anyways and then placed my ear phones in and played some My Chemical Romance. I always play them in chemistry because it's a "chemical romance". A very dreadful pun by me. Josh thinks it's great though. Therefore, I shall keep the joke running (even if the band isn't).

I get on my work even though no one else does. Everyone from the back writes notes and throw them at myself and some of the nerds. The nerdy people are pretty cool but I just don't seem to fit in with them. 

These notes consist on dirty messages and diagrams. Many are quite rude and full of hatred. The ones that stand out to me the most are the ones that tell me to die. It proves my point of my existence being useless. They don't even upset me. Never had done, never will do. It encourages me more to just get hit by a bus.

Chemistry ended after - what felt like - a month later. I waited for everyone from the back to leave first. Luckily, Pete is in Josh's academic year but a lot of his friends or "supporters" are in my year.

I left the building of hell to find Josh waiting for me in our usual spot by the bike shed.

"You take your time don't you," Josh said in a cheeky tone.

"Well, I'm sorry," I replied sarcastically, "at least you don't get bullied."

"That got a bit..dark."

"Sorry." I hung my head low. Josh doesn't like it when I talk about how I get bullied because it makes him feel guilty.

We walked back to his house. We take the same route everyday. Down an alley. turn right then go down two blocks, turn left and the forth house along on the left. That way, we avoid nearly everyone from our collage. 

Josh is always the first one home from his family, his parents work till six and his siblings don't get back until an hour later. That means Josh and I can talk about whatever we want and do whatever for at least an hour. I don't go home until eight most nights. I don't like my family much. They see me as a failure. My family are religious and take it in a very serious way. Since Josh is my only friend, they think I have failed one of God's rules. They ramble a lot about how my siblings are better than me.

Don't forget about me. // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now