More than one person doesnt like me having new friends.

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I waited for Josh like I do everyday. When Josh arrived, he didn't seem to happy.

"Ok I need to speak with you." Josh said sternly.

"Woah chill dude. What do you want to say?" I replied.

"Alright, you throw an anxiety attack and then suddenly become best friends with my friends. Plus I got told off for having the blunt. My whole room stunk. You can't suddenly replace Me."

I was shocked of what just came out of Josh's mouth.

You can't suddenly replace Me.

"Well Josh, I didn't mean to have the anxiety attack. I held it from school and you know I have to let it out at one point. I reached breaking point. I haven't became best friends with them. They came to ask what was up and we got talking. They did a lot of the talking and I tried my best. I thought you wanted me to have more friends? I haven't replaced you, I was scared you replaced me!"

Josh opened his mouth and closed it again. I hung my head low. I was glad I let it out but Josh seemed really sad. Josh went to say something when suddenly we heard three people shouting our names.

"Hey Tyler, Josh."

We turned around to see Brendon,Frank and Gerard walking behind us. Frank and Gerard were holding hands and Brendon seemed to be third wheeling.

I waved to them.

"Don't you guys usually walk  with Pete?" Josh questioned.

"Yeah usually but he is being a d*ck. We went to knock for Tyler but your mum said you had already left so we knocked for Josh and no one answered." Frank explained.

Josh nodded.

Josh doesn't really seem himself at all. Taken for example: he cried when I ran off and took a blunt even though he clearly didn't want it. That was mainly my fault but I was high.


At break, all five of us hung around together. We still sat by the basket ball courts, Josh told them it was our favourite spot presumably. I sat beside Josh - of course - with my head laying against his shoulder. Brendon sat beside me and Gerard and Frank sat the other side. They had their hands wrapped round each other.

"What is so fascinating sitting here?" Brendon asked obviously not use to sitting in this atmosphere.

"Well, it is away from the people who picked on Tyler. Plus he likes to judge the people who aren't very good at basketball." Josh said.

I nudged my elbow into his side.

"Shut up you!" I said jokingly.

Frank glanced at me, taking in every word Josh said pretty seriously.

"Ouch sorry. I feel bad for what we have done. I never wanted to hurt you but I - Well we - wanted to fit in." Frank said apologetically.

"Same." Gerard and Brendon agreed.

Gerard had rarely hurt me. He just stood around the crowd. Actually, I once heard him yell at Frank for what he did.

"How can we make it up to you?" Brendon asked.

I thought hard. I really fancied taco bell. Josh as I haven't had one in a while.

"Well maybe a taco bell. All five of us!" I said.

"Tyler!" Josh slapped my wrist lightly.

I looked up and mouthed 'what?'. It was all in the sake of the joke.

"Aww,"Gerard said, "You guys make a great-"

He was caught up by the sound if Pete's voice.

"Oi motherf*ckers. What you doing with that slag?" He yelled.

"We will have a word with him, saying that we rather hang out with you guys. And if he doesn't like it well f*ck him." Brendon said.

All three of them stood up on sync and left Josh and I alone.

Josh sighed.

"A few moments to how it was." He said relieved.

Does Josh not want me to have friends? What is up with his mind?

"Why, don't you like the fact we aren't  classed as loniers now?" I asked seriously.

"They're nice but you have changed. You are differnet when you only have me." Josh said.

I sat up. Anger started fuming in my body.

"Why don't you want me to have friends?" I raised my voice a little.

"No - I mean - Tyler I didn't mean to - Oh you know what forget it!" Josh said.

I stood up.

"Well bye then Josh. Learn to have a little bit of respect for your friends and maybe you won't lose them!" I said and then walked off to go and find the others.

Don't forget about me. // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now