New friends?

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Josh was waiting in our normal place but he wasn't alone; Gerard, Frank and Brendon were there as well. I could hear Pete yelling down the street. I'm pretty sure the whole state could hear him. No one was going to change his attitude though.

"Hey Tyler!" Josh said brightly.

I waved awkwardly. I knew my social anxiety was going to kick in badly tonight.


The four of us walked back to Josh's. Josh, Gerard, Frank and Brendon were deep in a conversation as I trailed slowly behind them. I was stare at the ground glumly. I scuffed my feet on the floor. That was until I felt a nudge.

"Hey man, sorry for today." Brendon said.

I shrugged.

We walked into Josh's house and went into the kitchen. We didn't play any board games. We didn't be our usual nerdy selves. It wasn't the same. Josh was starting to replace me.

I felt like crying. I really did. I didn't want to because they would go and tell Pete and then gang up upon me. My anxiety was building up and I really needed to let it out.

We were all sat around the kitchen table eating chocolate brownies that Gerard and Frank had made together. At this point my anxiety as over the breaking point. I felt tears streaming down my face. I covered my face quickly and ran into Josh's room.

I sat in the edge of Josh's bed bawling my eyes out. Then I felt a hand go on my shoulder. It didn't feel like Josh's. There was a hand on my other shoulder and I saw a shadow underneath me.

"You alright man?" Gerard spoke.

I nodded.

"You can call me Tyler." I coughed out.

"Sorry." Gerard said apologetically.

I looked up to see Gerard and Brendon sitting beside me and Frank on the floor. Josh was no where in sight.

"Josh has just gone to the toilet." Brendon said as if he had read my mind.

"He will be back in a second."Frank added.

Josh seemed to of taken a long time. Although, I had my first conversation with Frank, Gerard and Brendon.

"So I heard you was on a basket ball team. You good at playing then?" Brendon asked.

I nodded.

"Roughly 12 years now. I like to say I'm good but I'm not sure." I replied.

"Josh says you're good." Frank said.

Josh talks about me? Does he do so in a good way or bad way?

"Josh talks about you a lot." Brendon says once again reading my mind.

"Dude you read my mind for the second time!" I exclaim forgetting about my anxiety.

Brendon high fived me.

"He talks about you in a good way." Gerard added.

Josh walked into the bedroom to find us three in a deep conversation. It wasn't noticeable but I could tell he has been crying. He skin didn't look at smooth and had shiny splotches.

"You alright guys? You alright Tyler?" Josh asked sitting beside Frank on the floor.

All three of them cheered. Josh gave me the look of concern.

'Anxiety' I mouthed.

'You ok now?' He mouthed back.

I nodded. I felt more welcomed and liked now.

"Josh, I think I'm some sort of mind reader!" Brendon blurted out.

Josh looked confused, "why?"

"He keeps reading my mind!" I exclaimed.

"Ahh" Josh nodded.

Brendon pulled out a blunt and lit it. Smoke filled the whole room. It didn't smell too pleasant but the smoke was very satisfying to watch as it danced and twirled in Josh's room.

"Anyone want a puff?" Brendon asked.

Frank and Gerard both had a puff. This must be a usual thing they do. Josh denied it. I really wanted a puff but I was too scared if being high.

"Tyler?" Brendon pulled the blunt towards me.

Josh gave me the warning look. I knew he would hate me afterwards but the temptation was too high not to.

I grabbed the blunt out of brendon's hands and inhaled slowly. I coughed and spluttered. It was actually pretty nice though. Brendon allowed me to take another puff and this time I had inhaled and exhaled correctly.

"Tyler you can have your own one if you want." Brendon pulled out a half empty box out.

"Tyler wouldn't ta-" Josh stopped mid sentence.

I had already taken the blunt and Brendon lit it up for me. Gerard and Frank both had one each. Josh just stared at me at disbelief.

It didn't take me long to get a little bit high. I started finding everything funny.

"Josh you sure you don't want one? It is so good." I said.

I took another blunt out of Brendon' s bag and waved it in Josh's face.

"I'm-" Josh said.

"Come on Joshie. Jish do it for me!" I cooed as if i was talking to a baby.

"Actually go on then." He took the blunt and lot it up.

He inhaled it in and his whole face lit up.


Many hours past. I had only just gotten home. I showed Brendon, Frank and Gerard where I lived and then entered my house.

"Someone's happy." My mum said.

I ignored her and went into my room.

"What have you been doing? You can't hide that smile off your face!" My mum said.

"I was just having fun with my friends!" I said running up the stairs.

"What friends?" My mum snorted.

I ignored her and went into my room. I was seriously high that night and got no sleep whatsoever.

Don't forget about me. // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now