Don't jump to conclusions too soon

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Lunch seemed to take forever to come. The lessons weren't to bad compared to usual. I was worried more about Josh to even take one notice if everyone else.

I grabbed my food and sat by the bench. I saw the blue haired boy walk my way.

"Josh!" I screeched.

He waved glumly.


Josh sat beside Tyler and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry." Josh managed to say after a long moment of silence.

"For what?" I asked.

"Not being there for you. Those bullies. Some which are my friends..."

"They're your friends?" I said shocked and confused.

I was in complete shock of what just said. It wasn't like I didn't want him to have other friends, but those people beat the hell out of me constantly.

"I know but some really nice like Frank,Gerard and Brendon."

I have to say, Gerard is a nice person and Frank is secrectly a nice person too. Brendon is consently high. Maybe he bullies because he is constantly sober too. Pete is just an absolute idiot.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

"Anyways I wasn't with them this break. I was else where."

"Else where like what?" I raised my voice.

By this point, I was stood up and over looking at Josh. Anger was steaming up in my face. Today was not my day.

Josh looked at the floor before looking back at me.

"Anixety.." he whimpered.

My heart sunk.

"I'm so sorry Josh," I said.

Tears were building up in my eyes in realisation of the truth.

"I didn't realise."

Josh nodded. I hugged him.

"Wanna talk about it?"

I sat back down beside him. Josh sighed and began to speak.

"I was talking to Frank, Gerard and Brendon. They asked me if I could sit with them at break and lunch. I said 'only if Tyler can sit with us and not get bullied'. They all agreed but at this point Pete had came across. He said no of course but said I had to sit with them because if not I would get called a loser. I really wanted to say how nice if a person you are but the words..the words didn't seem to come out correctly. I started having an anxiety attack and I had to go sit in the nurses office. I spent all break there to avoid all human contact."

By this point Josh was fully bawling his eyes out.

"I have invited Gerard, Frank and Brendon over to my house tonight and I hope you can come too."

Josh gave me a hopefully smile.

I didn't really want to but I have always trusted Josh. There was no point not trusting him now.

"Sure." I said.


Josh and I sat and watched the people playing basket ball. There was a really long silence until I spoke my thoughts aloud:

"They are all really crap players!"

Josh gave me a glance. A warning telling me to be careful what I say.

"What?" I said.

"Well, I think with a little bit of practice they will be great. Didn't you be that bad to begin with?"

"Josh, you're talking to someone who has played basket ball for 12 years now." I snorted.

He gave me a little shove. I let out a giggle.

"I must say, your giggle is pretty cute but that doesn't mean you can judge others."

"I'm the judge oh no..." I said in a sing-song tone.
(A/N I know the lyrics are 'you're the judge'. Get over it ok)

Josh started laughing.

"You sure are!" He said.

Just as Josh said that, the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and slowly stood up.

"I will be waiting. Be quick this time!" Josh said.

I recalled the moment when I was beaten during break. It stung my brain.


I didn't want lunch to end. Josh and I were laughing and joking around. It made me comfortable and happy. I'm only happy around Josh and still then, I'm still not that happy. Usually. But then, there are moment like what had just past. Times where I forget everyone hates me. Where I forget my consent thoughts of death. Time stops in the moment and It is not fair when it starts again.

Don't forget about me. // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now