Taco bell isn't the same without Josh.

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School ended and I didn't  see Josh after the argument. I was so furious with him that I couldn't bare to see him.

Gerard, Frank and Brendon were waiting where Josh usually waited for me. Josh wasn't there though.

"Taco bell time!" Brendon said as he jumped up and down.

"Josh not coming?" Gerard asked as we were walking down the street.

"No he probably doesn't want to." I said firmly; shaking my head.

They glanced at me worriedly. I haven't told them the full reason why Josh and I haven't spoken since break.

"Probably?" Frank questioned.

"You guys have argued haven't you?" Gerard said.

I nodded.

"Spill the beans then." Brendon said excitedly.

I didn't feel ready to say it walking down the street. I was going to wait until taco bell to say so.

"You can say so in taco bell if you want." Brendon added.

"You read my mind again!" I said shockingly.

We all started laughing. Brendon and I have some sort of connection and I like where it was going.


Once we received our order at taco bell, we sat on a table close to the window.

I sighed, knowing I was going to say what happened now.

"So about josh-" I paused and breathed in and out slowly.

Brendon rubbed my back and told me 'to stay calm and take my time'.

"Ok so when you guys were gone, Josh told me how it was finally back to the way it was for a moment. He literally said he prefers it when I have no friends. He said I have changed and ok I can see a little bit but I can't just be talking to him if there are three others around. Need to share the love. But no he doesn't like that. So I told him he needs to learn to a little respect for his friends so he doesn't loose them." I stuttered holding my breathe.

I exhaled and started to breathe again. I was a little unsteady but I felt good. Good that I have told Someone about my problems who wasn't Josh. It felt good to have more than one friend.

Brendon high fived me and all three cheered.

"Good on you Tyler!" Frank said.

"I have some champagne! We can go park and celebrate!" Brendon said.

I still had barely eaten my taco but I didn't have much an appetite anyways. It didn't feel the same with Josh.

"I don't see the point but let's go!" I said raising my hand.

The others raised their hand to touch mine and we all cheered together.


We were at the park Josh and I use to play in it when we were younger. There was a little sand pit, two swings, a climbing frame and a slide. It brought back so many memories that I missed. I missed Josh. His loving dark brown eyes and his fluffy hair. His soothing voice and his soft hands. I had more than just a simple friendship love for Josh and all of it had been washed down the drain. Gone. It was all gone.

"Tyler want some?" Brendon nudged me.

I hadn't realised that I was daydreaming about Josh and had completely zoned out.

"Ahh, yeah." I nodded.

Brendon handed me a glass if champange.

"To Tyler!" Brendon toasted.

"To Tyler!" The other cheered.

"To me!" I cheered.

We clincked our glasses and drank the champagne. We sipped our champange. I felt very special.

"Champange is nice but do you have any vodka Bren?" Frank asked.

Brendon handed Frank a bottle full of strong vodka. It smelt very strong.


I ended up drinking a whole bottle of that vodka. I was so drunk that they had to walk me home.

It was fairly late at night and everyone in my house was asleep. I stumbled into my bed and crashed.


I woke up he next day with a pounding head ache. I felt like throwing up. I ran to the bathroom and did exactly that. I was experiencing my first hang over. It was all over one full bottle of strong vodka.

I didn't wait for Josh by our usual spot, instead I stood outside waiting to see if Brendon, Gerard and Frank would stop by. They did exactly that.

"Looking ruff dude. Hang over?" Frank asked.

I groaned and nodded.

"You was well drunk last night," Brendon laughed, " You couldn't even stand on your own feet, let alone walk home."

I do remember that happening but was I really that bad?

"Yes you was that bad!" Brendon added.

Gerard and Frank nodded in agreement.

"Dude, stop reading my mind!" I said jokingly.

Brendon laughed really loud as we walked past Josh's house, " How do I keep doing that?"

I looked at Josh's house. Many memories of teaching Josh how to play board games and joking around with his siblings flooded back to my mind. I missed Josh's laugh. I missed how he used to get annoyed when I beat him. Then, I saw a figure stand in the window. It looked like Josh who was clearly judging us annoyingly. I shook my head and the figure was gone. Was it just an illusion?

"Come on Tyler!" I heard Gerard call.

I had zoned out again. All three if them were a little way ahead. I ran to catch them up.

"Sorry,sorry." I panted.

"You okay buddy?" Brendon asked.

He wrapped his arm around me.

I nodded sadly. I tried to avoid crying. Luckily, I managed to do so.

Don't forget about me. // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now