Family chaos

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I walked in and headed straight to my bedroom. I wasn't in the mood for talking.

"Tyler Roberts Joseph!"

It was my mum. My mum is nice to my three siblings, Zac,Jay and Madison, but not to me. I'm too much of a failure to be part of this family. My mum says it is because I had sinned in the past so God is making me suffer. I think my mum just doesn't like the fact I don't fit in. These are reasons why I should get hit by a bus.

"Tyler, get down here now."

I slumped out of my room and down the wooden stairs. My two brothers were in the kitchen with my mum and my sister was watching the television. I do have a father but he works until 10pm. I have to wait until after he comes back if i want to escape to Josh's.

I went into the kitchen, pulled out a chair and sat on it. I tried not to look sad. I really was in need of a Josh hug right now. He had the best hugs.

"Tyler, you spend no time with your family. You are always with Josh." My mum said.

I could tell she was trying to keep her cool but she looked like she was going to explode.

"Explain." She added.

I glanced at the floor. A sense of panic and anxiety ran through my body. I really want to grab a knife and run away. Away from this house.

"Josh is my best friend." I mumbled.

I had this long list ready in my head why I spend more time with Josh but I just couldn't get the words out. It felt like a had swallowed the words instead of letting them out.

My mother's tone raised, "That's no excuse Tyler," she slammed her fist on the table,"when you are home you're always sulking in your room."

My brothers seemed concerned and so did Madison, who had joined us in the kitchen.

"Tyler does get bullied, it must be hard for him." Zac said.

Zac is my favourite sibling. He has always been so caring and loyal towards me.

"Stop interrupting and leave," my mum signalled everyone else to go,"you only get bullied because you sinned." My mum hissed.

At this point my dad walked in. My mum's face dropped. He was infact he was an hour or so early. Dad doesn't like it when there are arguments involving my mum. Even if it is about me. My mum signalled me to go upstairs. I did what I was told and hurried up the stairs. I slammed the door and sunk onto my bed. I buried my face into my and cried.

I must have cried myself to sleep because I woke up and everyone was asleep. I looked over at my clock. It was slightly slow but it read 2:28am.

I missed Josh a lot. I decided it was the perfect time to run to his. I opened my window and jumped onto an overgrown tree. There's this tree in our garden most likely planted by someone who lived here before. It's branches were long and twisty. One branch lead straight to my window. I was firm enough to jump onto.

I carefully walked across the branch and climbed down the tree. I ran to the fence and jumped over it. It was fairly small and manageable to do. I ran to Josh's garden and climbed the streetlamp beside it. I reached over and knocked on his window lightly. There was no answer. So I knocked again. He may have fallen asleep. We usually plan when we do this and I forgot to ask if we could do this due to being to depressed. I sighed and went to turn back when I heard a window open. I turned around and it was Josh!

"Man, I thought you was asleep!" I said hopping onto the roof and into Josh's room.

"I was!" Josh replied.

I sat on the side of his bed. I started to get a migraine.

"You alright Ty?" Josh wrapped his arm around me. 

It felt the same way as he did at school. It was very comforting.

"Family chaos.." I mumbled.

Tears started rolling down my face. I couldn't control them. I was too depressed. I glanced up at Josh who had obviously noticed that I was crying. He wiped my salty tears with his sleeve. I actually love him. I stared at him and he stared back. His dark brown eyes glazed back at mine. Tears were swelling in my eyes still. A couple trickled down my face. Josh wiped them with his thumb. His hands were very soft. They also smelt good.

He held his arms out after a moment of silence and I lent in for one of his bro hugs. It felt different to the other times. It felt as if there was a special connection. His breath was against mine. It was warm. Josh sure knows how to make me feel better.

"You better go now," Josh said unraveling from our hug,"My mum has a meeting really early."

I nodded slowly. I stood up and went to the window.

"I love you Josh." I whispered.

"Sorry what did you say?" Josh said.

"Oh- nothing," I said sadly,"see you at school soon."

I went through the window and jumped down the street lamp and walked home. Alone.  

Don't forget about me. // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now