An eventful day

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It was lunch time and I raced to see if Brendon, Gerard and Frank was already at our table. The table which was once mine and Josh's.

When I got there none of them was in sight. Instead the table was taken. Jon, Joe and someone called Vic were sitting there. I stood around and waiting for the others to arrive. They didn't. I was lost and confused.

"Little Tyler lost his friends already. Better go run to mommy." Vic said.

Vic had never bullied me before other than little stupid chanting. I was confused in why he would suddenly sit with a differnet group and pick on me. It felt too surreal.

I went to open my mouth when I felt someone tackle me to the ground.

I screamed and nothing came out. I was drowned and my words couldn't float.

It was Pete unsurprisingly. He was punching me and kicking me. People stood on my arms and legs to stop me from moving. Everyone else just stood around "oohing" and "ahhing".

I twisted my head as much as could against the force to see if Brendon, Gerard and Frank or anyone else like Ryan was around. I couldn't find them. The only person there that I trusted was Josh. And currently, I had fairly little trust in him.

Josh stood there hunched over by the futherest post. He had no emotion whatsoever across his face. He barely blinked. It looked very robotic.

"No one is here to help you. Your pesky little friends have been dealt with already." Pete said with a smug look across his face.

He forced my neck back around causing it to snap. Fortunately, it didn't break but it hurt badly.

"Josh!" I managed to yell.

I had very little faith he was going to do something but I had to try. I was in angony.

"Josh isn't gonna help you anymore" Pete said.

I saw his fist raise above my face. I squirmed as hard as I could to get free but it was no use. I saw his fist come closer and closer to my face when everything went black.


Strange and unfamiliar sounds filled my head. I peaked open my eyes. I was in a hospital. I sat up confused. I saw Brendon sitting on the chair beside me. His eye was swollen and bruised and his nose looked broken.

"You're awake!" Brendon jumped and gave me a hug.

"Haha yeah but what happened to you?" I said pointing at his nose.

Brendon let out a little fake laugh.

"Pete had beaten us up before we got to lunch in the boys toilets. I was almost knocked out and sent up to hospital along with you. Gerard and Frank are fine - I think." Brendon replied.

"Why did he beat you guys up?" I asked.

I had a lot of questions and I needed answers.

"He said that you needed a taste of his medicine. He said you stole his best friend for many years." Brendon replied.

Was Pete just depressed because Josh preferred me over him?

"If you haven't noticed, he only bullies you because Josh chose you over him. I think he is just depressed over that" Brendon said.

"Ok dude firstly you read my mind," I said.

Brendon let out another fake laugh.

"And secondly he could of just hung out with us still and we could be a three instead of bullying me." I continued.

Brendon went to say something when a nurse walked up to my bed.

"Hello Tyler. I'm Nurse Jackson and I'm just going to run some scans before seeing if you're ok to leave."

I nodded.


I was let out a couple of long hours later with some cream to help any swellings and some pain relief. I felt all limp and weak. Brendon stayed with me in the hospital since it was still school hours. Also I needed some company.

Brendon and I sat in the park together. Just the two of us. On the same bench we sat on the first night we all hung out without Josh. The was still a hint of vodka around the atmosphere.

Brendon and I sat in silence just looking at each other, not really knowing what to say. I was lost in his brown eyes. I forgot everything about Josh for just a moment. Brendon smirked back.

"Oh for Christ sake, kiss me already Tyler!" Brendon blurted out as he grabbed my neck.

We spent a solid thirty seconds kissing each other. It honestly felt good. We released from each other and smiled.

I looked over at the swings and saw someone with blue hair. Josh? It couldn't be. Then I remembered that I loved Josh. Why would I forget him?

I couldn't accept the fact Brendon and I just kissed. I loved it passionately but I wanted Josh. I needed Josh.

I  stood up immediately.

"Sorry Brendon." Was all I managed to say before I ran as fast as my weak legs could take me.

You will know when the time is right.

Was the time right now?

I walked up to the swing. I looked back and saw Brendon sitting at the bench still. He must have realised what has happened as he signalled a thumbs up to me. I sighed and sat beside the blue haired boy.

He didn't look up but I could tell it was Josh.

"Hey so-" I started.

"Go away.." Josh interrupted.

"I just wanted-" I said.

"Go away I said." Josh didn't look up.

"To say-"

"I said go away!" Josh raised his voice.

I didn't move from where I was sat. I saw that Brendon had moved closer to hear what was going on. I was ok with that.

"I love you Josh."

Now Josh had looked up. His face was stained from tears and he had heavy bags under his eyes.

"No you don't." Josh replied.

"I-I do..."

"Then why would you kiss Brendon?"

He saw. I regret everything.

"That was a mistake. We didn't mean to kiss. He has a boyfriend. I miss you Josh as everything is going wrong without you!"

"How can it? You have real friends. I'm pretending Pete is my best friend for Christ sake!"

"Have you forgotten me?"

"Oh Tyler."

He threw his arms around me and hugged me tight. I missed his hugs. They were special. I smiled and squeezed him back.

"I missed you too. I love you too." Josh blurted out.

"Will you join us back at the table?" I asked.

"Sure thing!" Josh said.

I looked at Brendon who was smiling.

"Before we leave, I have a question.." I said.

"Spit it out Tyler," Josh said.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Don't forget about me. // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now