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Flashing lights. That's all he could see. Hundreds of flashing lights zipped by his head. Reds and greens and blues. Really, he would have thought it was rather beautiful if he weren't running for his life.

He ran and he ran and he ran, until his legs couldn't carry him any further. He was deep in the forbidden forest, surrounded by who knows what. There were probably werewolves and vampires and spiders larger than man, watching him this very moment. But he didn't care. Nothing in the forest could have scared him more than what he was running from. Nothing.

He'd been running from this man his whole life. Ever since he was a child, this man had been trying to control his life and he'd tried to take away everything important from him. He'd taken his friends, his family, and now he was trying to take away his own life. This man wanted him to give up, he wanted him to give himself up willingly.

But he wouldn't do that. No, he wouldn't give up that easily. He wouldn't let this man take everything. He wouldn't let him take him.

With shaking legs, the boy drew himself up from the ground and ran. But this time he ran toward the fight, not away. He was going to end this man, even if it meant the end of him.

And he wasn't going to give up. He would fight until he drew his last breath. If he was going to go down, he was going to go down fighting.

Published: July 25, 2018

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