Chapter 10

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"So then I just continue adding the numbers until they get to a single digit?"


"Alright, it adds up to 9."

"Ok, let's see. 'Nines represent completion and achievement to the fullest degree (as it is the complete number three, expressed three times). Nines dedicate themselves to service, often as teachers, scientists, and humanitarians. Strongly determined, they work tirelessly and are an inspiration to others. However, they can also be stubborn, suspicious, overly practically, as well as short-tempered and prone to angry outbursts.'" Draco read from Numerology & Grammatica. "Hmm, well at least they got that last part right," he said, half sneering, half teasing.

"Shut up, Malfoy."

Draco was currently helping Harry with his Arithmancy homework. He had to write an essay about what his name meant according to Arithmancy and how he thought each aspect fit with his personality. In Arithmancy, each letter of the alphabet corresponded to a number 1-9. He had to add up all the numbers corresponding with the letters in his name and continue adding the digits of whatever number he got, until he got down to a single digit. Then, that single digit would tell him about himself. Really, Arithmancy was like Divination. Just with numbers instead of tea leaves and magic balls.

"Let me see the book," Harry said, snatching it from Malfoy's hands. Harry chewed lightly on the end of his quill as he read the personality traits for the number nine and thought about which ones seemed to fit his personality and which ones didn't, and why. He began to write on the parchment, analyzing himself.

After about half an hour, Harry reread his paper one last time before putting it away.

"Finished, Potter?"

"Yes, I am."

"May I read it?"

"What?" Harry asked, startled.

"I want to read it."


"Because, I helped you understand the subject, I just want to see what you wrote."

"Um, sure I guess," Harry said, handing over his essay. As Malfoy's eyes scanned the paper, Harry felt increasingly self-conscious and uncomfortably rubbed his neck.

"Wow," Malfoy said, handing Harry the essay after he finished reading it. "That's actually really well written."

Harry was astonished. That was not at all what he was expecting Malfoy to say. He was expecting Malfoy to make fun of his essay, or tell him how daft he was. He was certainly not expecting any compliments. "What?"

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "I said, it's well written, you prat. You did a fair job analyzing yourself. That's always hard to do."

"Well, uh, thanks," Harry said, growing embarrassed. He wasn't used to Draco treating him like this, and to be honest, it was making him uncomfortable. "Well, what's your number?" He said, changing the subject.

"Huh?" Malfoy asked, distracted by whatever homework he was currently working on.

"You know, your Arithmancy number."

"Oh," Draco said, looking up. "Mine's one."

"One..." Harry said as he flipped back to the page with the number one on it and began to read. "'This is the number of this individual, the solitary unit. Ones are independent, focused, and determined. They set a goal and stick to it. They are leaders and inventors. Ones find it difficult to work with others and don't like to take orders. But one also introduces the idea of conflict, opposing forces, and the contrasting sides of things: night and day, good and evil, etc. Ones can be withdrawn and moody, as well as self-centered and egotistical.'"

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