Chapter 6

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"We're what! Oh my Merlin, this is horrible! How could this have happened?! I'm going to die!" Draco muttered.

"Bonded?" Asked Harry? "What does that mean?"

"You idiot! It means we're bound together. Our magic is bound together. That's why we've been getting so sick! When two people are bound, they have to be near each other constantly. If they don't, itching, nausea, headache, fainting spells, everything that's been happening to us, occurs to both participants!"

Harry had paled considerable. "What? Then unbind us!"

Dumbledore spoke. "Unfortunately, Harry, it's not that simple. In order to undo a bond, you need the original caster of the spell. We don't know who did this to you so we have no one to undo the spell. And even if we did, the undoing of a bond is a severe, rigorous, and painful process, often times ending in death."

Harry's throat has run dry and it was difficult for him to talk. "But wh-why do peo-people even do the spell, t-then?"

"You see, Harry, many married couples allow themselves to be bound on their wedding day or sometime after. A binding spell brings two people as close together as possible and many married couple love the intimacy. And they think, that if they can't last in a marriage being bound, they might as well die trying to undo it. However, this type of spell is a very dangerous one. It's among some of the darkest magic that exists because of how few of the victims of this curse survive. They either die from trying to undo the bond or from being away from their other half for too long. Only the darkest of wizards could even cast a spell like this."

Neither Harry nor Draco spoke. They both were considerably pale and were shaking with nerves. After a long stretch of silence, Harry asked, "well, what does t-this mean, sir?"

"It means that you and Draco will have to be together at all times. We cannot allow you to go back to your separate dorms, you will be too far apart."

"I'm not staying in the Gryffindor dorm. I'd rather die," Draco snapped.

"Hey! I'm not staying in the Slytherin dorm either!"

"Boys, boys," Dumbledore said. "That will be unnecessary. We've established a little room in the east hallway, between both of your common rooms. This is where the two of you will be staying together. As we've already seen with the last night, you two cannot be apart for very long. And as this curse develops, the amount of time you can spend apart will decrease. Currently, in its earlier stages, you can sit on different beds and not be touching, the close vicinity is enough to keep the spell satisfied. However, as time goes on, even being this close won't be enough. Hopefully, we can find whoever's done this before it comes to that."

"But, sir, even if we find who did this, how can we undo the spell? You said there's almost a definite chance we'll die."

"We will deal with that when we come to it, Harry. For now, I would like to accompany you to your new dwellings. On the way, we will stop at each of your common rooms to obtain your things. Let us go."

Draco and Harry followed Dumbledore in silence. They reached the Slytherin common room first, in the dungeons.

"Go ahead, Draco, retrieve your things. Harry and I will wait out here."

Draco entered his common room. He sped up to his dorm and packed up all his things. He looked around his room one last time. He'd spent so much of his life here and even though he'd never admit it, he was actually going to miss it.

He walked back out and met Harry and Dumbledore in the hallway. They again walked in silence before arriving at the Gryffindor common room. Dumbledore nodded at Harry and he disappeared into the room. He walked up to his dorm. He somberly packed up all his things. When he'd finished, he sat down on his bed. This place was the only place that had ever felt like home to him. And the people that he shared this dorm with were the closest thing he had to family. And now he was leaving it. Possibly, for good. He walked back down to the common room. He took one last look around at all the red and gold that had been his home for the past 5 years before he walked back out to meet Draco and Dumbledore.

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