Chapter 4

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Thankfully, Harry's next two classes, Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, were not with the Slytherins. However, as the classes bore on, Harry began to feel more and more sick. He was becoming nauseous and faint.

After what seemed like days, lunch finally arrived. Harry thought eating might help his state. However, Harry could barely swallow any food, he was feeling so sick.

He'd been staring at the table, trying to get the spots in his vision to go away, when he could somehow sense Malfoy walking into the room.

He looked up at Malfoy who happened to already be staring at him. It was hard to make out through his blurry vision, but Harry could just see that Malfoy looked about as bad as he though he probably did.

Malfoy took a few uneasy steps towards the Slytherin table before plopping himself down between his two friends. He didn't eat much either.

After lunch, Hermione and Ron helped Harry to the rest of his classes. Harry greatly desired to just go and sleep but Hermione wouldn't have it. She was already upset that Harry had missed a week of classes and she wouldn't allow him to miss anymore.

Harry's only class after lunch was double transfigurations with the Slytherins. He, Ron and Hermione took a table in the back. Harry was slowly getting his parchment and quill out of his bag to prepare for notes, when suddenly his head felt a little less light.

He looked up and saw Malfoy and Pansy taking a seat at the desks in front of him. They mostly ignored him but he saw Malfoy glance at him for a second before quickly sitting down.

Transfigurations wasn't as bad as Harry had thought it would be. His head had cleared up slightly and he was feeling less nauseous. The only downfall was that now he was actually starting to feel very hungry.

After two long hours of class, Harry was finally able to return to his Common Room. He flopped down on the sofa in front of the fire with a big sigh.

"I'm so glad to be back here," he said.

"I'm glad you're back, mate," Ron said, sitting down next to him. "It's been quite boring here without you. 'Mione wouldn't let me play chess or anything. She was all 'studying is important blah blah blah'"

Harry laughed as Hermione playfully slapped Ron. He'd really missed his friends.

Hermione and Ron lasted about five minutes before pestering Harry about what had happened to him.

"Honestly, guys, I'm not really sure," Harry started. "I stayed in potions that day because Snape made me clean. Malfoy and I bickered and cleaned and when we finished cleaning, we left. Honestly I don't remember much past that. Apparently when I left the classroom, I was thrown against the wall on the other side of the corridor. Same with Malfoy."

Hermione gasped. "Are you alright?!"

"Yeah, that's the thing. I'm totally fine. I didn't have any broken bones, no concussion, nothing. Neither does Malfoy. We both passed out, though. I was unconscious for three days. He was unconscious for six. No one's really sure what's going on. The only thing I know is that ever since I've woken up, I've been getting really dizzy and nauseous pretty easily. It will hit me pretty hard, then suddenly dissipate. I don't understand it."

Hermione looked sympathetically at me while Ron looked angry. "I bet it was that nasty ferret who did this to you, Harry."

"Don't be an idiot, Ronald," scolded Hermione. "If Malfoy did this why would he hurt himself in the process? I don't know if you've noticed, but he also looks pretty sickly most of the time too. He may hate Harry but I don't think he hates him enough to injure himself."

Ron scoffed but didn't argue. When he and Hermione looked back at Harry, they saw he was getting a little pale. "Harry? Are you alright? You're looking faint."

"I'm fine, 'Mione. I think it's probably because I haven't eaten all day."

"Let's go to dinner then. Maybe it will make you feel better."

The Golden Trio then walked to the Great Hall for dinner. Harry ate more than he had for lunch but it still wasn't much.

"Harry," Hermione said as he was picking at his food. "If you're feeling ill you really should tell Dumbledore. I know you said he doesn't know what's going on yet, but he should still know that you're feeling like this. He might be able to help."

"I'll be fine. No need to tell anyone. I just need a good nights sleep, that's all. I've been sleeping in the Hospital Wing for a week. I'm probably just tired."

Hermione was still doubtful but she knew better than to argue. Harry was stubborn. So she dropped it for now, although she didn't stop worrying about him.

After a few more small bites of food, Harry returned to the Common Room. He was again feeling more faint. It was only 7:30 but he decided to go to bed anyways. He dragged himself up the stairs and to his shared room. He undid his robe, changed into his pajama pants and crawled into bed. He hadn't the energy to take a shower, he barely had the energy to take off his shoes.

He laid in bed for three hours, until he heard his dorm mates come into the room. He could tell they were trying to be quiet for his sake, but he was still so wide awake that it didn't matter.

His roommates finally got settled and within an hour, he could hear the soft snores of them all. He, himself, however, could not manage to fall asleep. He tossed and turned all night. His head was buzzing too badly to fall asleep. He finally dozed off around three in the morning before being woken up only three hours later to go to classes.

"Harry, mate. Wake up," Ron's voice told him, shaking him awake.

Harry slowly sat up, still dizzy. Harry sat a moment, trying to get the spinning in his head to stop before speaking. "I'm- I think I'm gonna head to the Hospital Wing. You go on ahead."

"Are you alright?" Ron asked.

"Still just really dizzy and faint. Maybe Pomfrey can give me something to help with that. I might make classes later."

"Alright. Feel better, mate."

Harry nodded before lying back down. It took him twenty minutes before he got the strength to get out of bed. He dressed himself and slowly made his way towards the Hospital Wing.

It was a slow journey. His vision was spotty and it made it hard to walk, let alone even see where he was walking. However, he did finally make it.

He pushed open the large doors of the Hospital Wing, before collapsing on the ground.

I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated for like four months. I'm a terrible person I know! But enjoy this update anyways.

Also, I reread the last few chapters I did upload and I gotta say, that writing is kinda crap so if you've made it this far, thank you for suffering through my awful writing.

Anyways love you, thx for reading

Published: February 11, 2019

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