Chapter 1

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Stupid bloody potions. Stupid bloody Snape. Stupid bloody Malfoy, Harry thought. Stupid bloody salamander blood.

Harry and Malfoy were assigned as partners in potions class that day. What a surprise, like Snape didn't partner them up every  time. Unfortunately, their normal potions master, Slughorn, was away on business and Snape was filling in.

The class was assigned the Pepper-Up Potion for the day. Just like normal, Malfoy mostly made Harry sit there while he did the entire potion because "you'd most certainly screw it up if you helped, Potter!" However, whenever Snape walked by, Harry would have to pretend to be working.

It just so happened that Snape walked by when it was time to add the drops of salamander blood. Harry took it upon himself to add the drops so it seemed like he was doing something. Unfortunately, Harry hadn't read the directions carefully and he added one too many drops and the potion exploded.

Snape was covered from head to toe. Harry would've had the nerve to laugh if Snape weren't giving him a glare that he was sure was bound to make him explode. "Potter! Trying to sabotage Malfoy's potion right as I walk by? 100 points from Gryffindor!" Snape yelled as he flicked his wand, cleaning himself. "And you two better stay behind after class to clean this mess up!" Snape said, gesturing to the potion's remains all over their desk and on the floor.

"But sir," said Malfoy "why should I have to help clean up Potter's mess?"

"Because, Malfoy," Snape drawled. "If Potter were to do it himself, it'd take his incapable self hours and I'd rather not have him in my company that long. Class dismissed."

Harry looked to Ron and Hermione who were eyeing him with pity. He nodded his head and mouthed "it's alright. I'll catch up."

Hermione gave him another sympathetic look and reluctantly walked out of the classroom, Ron in tow.

"I expect this room to be cleaned spotless. No magic. You may leave when you feel you are finished but if I even find a SPECK of dust, you will have detention for the next week. Am I clear?" Without waiting for a response, Snape turned on his heel, robes billowing behind him.

Harry and Malfoy set to work, Malfoy muttering insults under his breath the entire time. They worked for about an hour until the floor looked fairly clean. Potions happened to be their last class of the day so they didn't miss any more classes but they were missing out on time that could be used for hanging out with friends and playing wizards chess and Harry was still mad at Snape and at Malfoy, but just because he was Malfoy.

Finally when they were done, the boys stood up and examined their work. The floors looked better than before they came in. "Wow, Malfoy, I didn't even think those unworked hands knew how to clean," Harry said.

"Sod off, Potter. Just because you had to do all the household work because dear old mommy and daddy weren't there to do it-"

Harry didn't let him finish. He turned and stormed out of the classroom. Normally, he would've said something just as malicious back but he was not in a good mood and he just wanted to be resting in his common room. However, that was something he wasn't going to get to experience for a long time.

Just as Harry crossed the threshold of the potion's classroom, he got thrown by a mysterious force against the far wall. He flew across the entire hallway and slammed hard into the wall, knocking him unconscious. Had he stayed awake for a minute more he would have heard Malfoy yelling his name, in what seemed as a slightly concerned manner.

Malfoy ran out the door to see what happened to Potter but right as he crossed the threshold, the same thing happened to him. He was hurled against the wall and collapsed in a heap right next to Harry.

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