Chapter 5

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He awoke about ten minutes later, lying on the same Hospital Wing bed that he'd spent the last week on. He sat up wearily and rubbed his head. Madame Pomfret and Dumbledore were talking quietly at the foot of his bed but as soon as they saw he was up they stopped.

"Potter!" Pomfrey cried. "How're you feeling?"

"My head hurts."

"That is to be expected from hitting it on the ground."

No shit. Harry internally rolled his eyes. "Perhaps you could tell us the reason you passed out?" Dumbledore asked.

"Well, sir, I've been feeling really dizzy and faint all day today and yesterday and because of it I haven't really eaten anything and I've barely slept. I don't really know why I'm faint but it's probably why I passed out."

Dumbledore looked thoughtful for a minute. "Very well. Try to get some rest. It looks like you need it," he said to me before turning to Poppy. "Make sure you watch him. It'd probably be best for him to stay here. If my suspicions are correct, he won't be alone for long. I shall return later this afternoon."

I watched in confusion as Dumbledore walked away. What did he mean I wouldn't be here alone for long? Who else was coming?

Madame Pomfrey gave me a bunch of medicines and called a house elf to bring me food. Whatever she gave me worked because for a little while I was feeling much better and I was finally able to eat a whole meal. I scarfed down what the house elf had brought me before asking for more. When I finally felt full, I could feel my eyes growing heavier. I hadn't been able to sleep the night before because I wasn't feeling well but now that I was, I could tell just how tired I was.

I didn't know how long I slept but I was woken up by a commotion to my left. I sleepily opened my eyes and glanced over. Snape was lowering Malfoy onto the bed next to mine. He looked unconscious. I sat up quickly.


"Go back to bed, Potter," Snape snapped. "None of your business."


"Unless you want me to have to give you detention while you are bedridden, I'd shut up if I were you."

Harry mumbled something incoherent but probably not very nice under his breath. As soon as Snape left, Pomfrey rushed over and began administering tests.

"Madame?" Harry asked. "Is he alright?" He couldn't explain it, and to be honest he hated it, but he couldn't help but feel worried for the boy passed out next to him.

"He'll be fine, dear. He's looking awfully peckish and pale but as soon as he wakes, I'll be sure to have a house elf bring him a large meal."

"What happened to him?"

"Professor Snape tells me he was in Defense Against the Dark Arts when all of a sudden, he just collapses. He said the boy had looked awfully distracted and faint all morning but he wasn't expecting him to lose consciousness." Harry nodded. "Well, I have other patients to attend to. Please let me know right away when he wakes up."

Harry looked at the boy in the bed next to his. Pomfrey was right, he really did look pale. Of course, Harry was still worried for him but most of all, he was deathly curious. It sounded like the same thing that had happened to him had happened to Draco. Harry saw him yesterday. He had barely eaten lunch and he didn't even see him show up to dinner. Malfoy looked awfully tired too with the bags under his eyes, so Harry assumed he hadn't slept much either. And then to top it all off, he'd gone and passed out as well. Literally the exact thing had happened to him. He wasn't sure what exactly had occurred, but now he was starting to get really scared about what had happened to the two of them in the potions classroom that day. And why.

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